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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Dead center, is where usually the least ammount of pellets land though. Atleast with the low gauge shots, with the 20 gauge CSG it is quite the opposite. For an instance, in pubg, CSGO alike, which of course are different games but pellet spread is still pellet spread which I am trying to compare here. If you want to increase your chance to get a good headshot with a lot of pellets hitting there, at longer ranges, you start aiming below the head, or right beside it. Imagine the spread a bit like a cone, the further the range you're shooting over, the futher it expands. Typically with low gauge shotguns like the JG or NL9 alike, most pellets are at the edges of the cone rather than the middle. This is why I like the JG as I have proclaimed in another thread. A JG can get you some really lucky shots, whilst firing at cover. I havent played a lot with the NL9 yet as I main Criminal, just about 20hours at most I guess. I find it very similar to the JG in terms of spread mechanics, but of course, a lot less damaging than the JG, however this is just a LTL/Lethal difference I reckon. Either way, I'd advise you when playing the NL9 or JG in the future, to not always try to aim deadcenter of someone when firing over longer ranges (That said most shotguns are simply useles beyond a range of 8m really, CSG manages to perfom decently still at that range, but up it to 15 and it damage output is put to shame by any other gun as well.). NL-9 does not fire pellets, it fires a single electric dart meaning rng wise works like any other single shot weapon. It also has a max range of 50m.
  2. ON PAPER YES IN ACTION NO CSG is just easier, not better.
  3. please stop that is cringe as fuuck you can say fuck
  4. yeah, thats how we got the dogear and yukon. working so far. Love the dog ear, yukon is garbage tho.
  5. lol u mad af when gifting comes back Ill buy you an account perm country gent
  6. Like a lot of weapons in apb the nl-9 is better but harder to use than its counterparts. Dont blame the gun, blame the player.
  7. Support is up, just overwhelmed with tickets atm.
  8. am... am I on that list? You know what... dont tell me, I cant take any more disappointment in my life rn.
  9. >thinking shotguns are weak Also, JG does more damage, CSG has slightly more effective range. Its a good balance
  10. another "I suck at apb plz fix the game" thread ... add it to the pile
  11. I dont do themes, but all my symbols are free
  12. I don't know, I think given the views of most of the community here, I've come up with an interesting implementation that would have good team tactical uses, as well as not destroy the game or be too over powered, especially considering that this only works on one shot per player, and it has reverse scaling based on whether or not they were already tagged by your secondary or someone else, it would give people a reason to carry around low TTK weapons, and diversify gameplay quite a bit. My problem with the polls is this... what good is seeing what 1% of the community thinks? Most players don't use the forums, and even of those that do, most aren't going to vote.
  13. man... if only we COULD upvote our own posts
  14. No. AL has since been greenlighted. We are all free to use it.
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