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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Yeah, I wonder how long this will go on before LO actually does something about it.
  2. Yeah, that trend is continuing...
  3. Maybe they should change the scaling to make it lean towards guaranteed 3-pump kills? I havea feeling these changes arent final... or at lest I sure hope they arent.
  4. ^this 2-shotting is so consistent and ttk so low, that against all but a few guns there is less reason than ever for shotguns to rely on cover
  5. Maybe its just Jericho, but I cant remember the last cheater I saw. Plenty of players are still better than me, but sadly (for my ego at least) none of them seem to be cheating.
  6. That's what they said, but they seemed to adjust a lot more than just that, been getting 2-3 shot all day from CSGs and see people basically running financial with them lol. I wonder, does this mean the changes will be rolled back once hitreg improves? Or does it mean hitreg will never improve?
  7. just in case anyone missed the sarcasm, the Shredder is available in the joker store.
  8. Yeah i'm always amazed at people when you go stock star and just wreck everything. Like do you not know how to counter this weapon? I tried it all... and he got half a dozen kills just using the FBW. I bet I threw 40 low yields that match too!
  9. Yeah there is no doubt about that. Using the Joker weapons does require the grinding of both Fight Club and Daily activities, and even then yields a finite number of tickets. Matt seems to be aware of this drawback so maybe we will see a change in the future. Oh, and iirc the new "Riot" mode which was going to replace Fight Club will also allow for the acquiring of joker tickets. As for the N-SSW it is a wicked powerful weapon, HB2 N-SSW allows for accurate full auto spray up to 50m without adding shots to kill... and the new IR changes which slow fire rate allow for enough bloom recovery between shots at IR3 to be nearly as accurate, while still giving +9m of range. That being said, there is a 3slot version of the N-SSW available in the joker store. In fact the only good weapon not available in game currently is the RFP-9 Fang. Though its debatable if its still better than the RFP available in game due to the IR3 changes.
  10. Dont give up on the gun. The IR3 change has no effect on tap firing, and makes bursting up to 4 shots possible. The IR3 change as makes the bloom more forgiving (no massive bloom after 3rd shot) since the bloom has more time to recover, so while you have a slower ttk you are more accurate full auto. Ive played both the N-TEC 5 and N-TEC 7 extensively since the IR change, and Im getting more kills with them than ever, and I assure you I am an average player at best. I know the IR change looks messed on paper, but at least for the Ntec and its remeshes and the ntec7 variant, its more of an upgrade than a downgrade. Just get the feel for it, and I promise you wont regret it.
  11. ... sigh how many times must this discussion be had? All legendaries can be acquired though in game cash, so this includes BOTH the Volcano and the Yukon. The Kris is a Whisper which is available in the joker store. The ISSR-B is available in the joker store. The ATAC is available in the joker store. The Euryale is the Stheno and is available in the joker store. I mean really guys, can we just stop?
  12. Holy shit, imagine a group of highly trained jump snipers! Hold up writing movie script now.
  13. Hmmm, I wonder... Matt did say the problem was exacerbated by higher ping cases too.
  14. Paying any attention to the forum over the past 8 years. ahhh hearsay... gotcha
  15. Or he got carried by his ping. I wish that was the case. He was just better than me Im afraid.
  16. NFAS : Initial Damage 80 (41), Damage Total 381 (492), Range 10-20m (20-30) Not sure how that's a buff. I still main the Tas20 Stock (IR3 Tagger), its a god damn beast.
  17. Can confirm. Played a match last night on my home turf (Jericho) against a player who I think was from Citadel and on a new toon (Star and FBW only). And even though he was salty enough to put me on ignore, he pretty much controlled the match.
  18. Did you take a second glance? XD plz send new eyes... and a new soul
  19. Yeah I think the only gun you cant get in game that is any good ATM is the Fang... and with the IR rework, its not as good as it once was.
  20. Strange you would choose such a poorly informed post to make as your forum ban post. Edit: wait... is that @Kempington's face shopped in there????
  21. Friendly reminder that the Strife was actually nerfed. Both in damage and range. SG-21 'Strife' : Initial Damage 80 (45), Damage Total 858 (945) Range 7.5-15m (15-25) Still struggling to understand that one.
  22. Here is what was actually said about ARMAS pricing, so if you don't agree with the current prices, maybe just hang in there for a bit longer... Q: Will the ARMAS pricing be changed? And if so, how? A: It’s interesting, seeing as I have spent time looking at it. People are divided on the opinion of what APB is, some say it’s P2W, and some don’t. I don’t think APB is P2W, but there is a stigma. You could give the best weapon to the worst player, and the worst weapon to the best player, and the best player would win every time hands down. APB is a game of skill. The weapons don’t make that big of a difference, however the stigma does exist for a reason. I do think we need to go through the pricing and change it, as it is a little obscene. I’d like to bring it down to a price that players don’t feel gouged. It is a little bit too egregious and expensive. We have hired back one of the designers from the game, to help us with factoring more weapons in game and balancing.
  23. Are you asking why console looks worse without bloom? Or are you comparing console to PC? Sorry, Im a little confused.
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