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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Yeah, it is now half "bad full auto secondary", half "bad RFP". huehuehue
  2. JG does more damage but not as much more as it used to (700 vs 792 on the old JG), and it still has the 150cm at 10m spread vs the 85cm for the CSG. So the JG is still just as bad at range as it ever was, but it now does less overall damage then it used to. Both weapons however, benefit from the new damage per pellet model.
  3. Try to be more specific, on what guns do you now not like IR and why?
  4. ^this Change is scary. But in the end, I think we will be ok. Plus, nothing says these changes are set in stone. If something really isnt working, LO can always change it again.
  5. Ahh... yeah the csg especially is much better.
  6. goodluck at cqc with that cqc is a little slower, but the bloom mechanic is more forgiving with the decreased RoF, making full auto more accurate Im having no issues with cqc ir3 ntec.
  7. What specific weapons do you think are ruined by IR3? Im just curious.
  8. Just try your guns, and try not to be biased by how you are interpreting the data. Not saying no guns are bad with IR3, but certainly not all of them are.
  9. Just give support a chance. They wont want to lose a player.
  10. Have you actually tried the weapons? IR3 gives +2m more range, and the slower RoF actually improves bloom recovery when fired full auto. For tap firing, the slower RoF has no effect at all.
  11. Yes, Yukon rate of fire was fixed changing it from .045 per bullet to .078 per bullet when hipfired. This changes the hipfire ttk from .45 to .78.
  12. I agree that LO will likely succeed, and I certainly HOPE they will. But RNG based eSports? not likely Honestly I'd be impressed if we just get back to the 6,000 or so average players that G1 had at peak.
  13. Shotguns are much better now, especially the csg. Id be surprised if you even see a match without a csg once everyone gets used to the changes.
  14. Have you tried contacting support Mack? Im sure they'd be happy to figure this out with you.
  15. What? Have you even played with the changes? What exactly is destroyed?
  16. Except the shotgun buff crutches your bad aim. Since the few pellets you land now do more damage than they used to.
  17. I dunno, Im still having no trouble melting cqc with the ntec. Especially cuz the bloom mechanic is actually improved by the slower RoF.
  18. Ntecs are now better with IR3. CSG is now better with IR3. IR3 makes Fang a 49m killing machine. IR3 makes rifles worse. IR3 makes pmg worse. IR3 makes OSCAR worse. IR3 makes LMGs worse. Those are my thoughts.
  19. Ahh yeah, ms is a fuzzy bunny some time, I feel you there. Also I dont think the meta will change much at all aside from seeing a lot more CSGs and a lot fewer Yukons lol. Those who think the IR change is going to affect ntecs a lot either didnt play OTW or just misunderstand how the mod actually effects the gun.
  20. Thats not a bad idea, would match the IR change and finally make CJ viable for burst fire weapons. #makeallredmodsthesame
  21. I feel you, but I think its ok to have some compassion for those disappointed by the changes.
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