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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. I this is a troll thread anyways.
  2. You forgot to include base accuracy and bloom to your equation, not to mention the differing real world practical effects of IR on the weapons mentioned. There are reasons you always see IR3 on the NFAS, and you never see it on the OCA.
  3. What good is OOB without wheelies?
  4. I use the Oscar like the Ntec... with FLW
  5. I kinda feel like this thread is really about you getting yelled at in game.
  6. Out of curiosity, what secondary are u running with the OSCAR?
  7. Spread for both the JG and the NFAS remained at 150cm at 10m. Those stats were not changed.
  8. Just be glad most silvers think the .99ttk Ogre is better than the .58 ttk NFAS. And don't even get me started on the per ray damage scale.
  9. Ultimate NFAS defense ... Press ,"s".
  10. Matt has even given the green light to shaders until 3.5 launches. GDRP prevents me from posting the conversation here, but it seems players can go nuts til 3.5 launches.
  11. I guess the good news is you only really need the 2 slot contact unlock.
  12. This is different. Its a policy specific to previously banned players. You technically aren't allowed to reroll once banned.
  13. For the record, LO does reserve the right to ban the reroll accounts of banned players at any time.
  14. I only skimmed, but I didnt see it here. https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/eula
  15. My apologies, I really thought you were joking. Carry on!
  16. Shady to be sure, but is there actually anything in the rules that prohibits this?
  17. I thought we covered this, he sells jewelry now.
  18. I think the last thing we need is dated music.
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