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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Why would you use any version of the OCA past 20-25m anyways? Unless you just like wasting ammo.
  2. Sorry, it's just the same LTL threads pop up over and over and over again. Very well written post btw.
  3. Make it impossible to ram raid in districts without an active enforcer population. Then we good.
  4. Remove LTL. There, all problems solved.
  5. Sure they look like silvers, but it's not like they are going to be high level contacts. One dudes just a bodyguard or something isn't he?
  6. Ahh for the test it played when loading into the district, some of the dataminers dug the video out of the files. Honestly I thought it was a nice touch considering how hard the devs are working on everything.
  7. The intro to RIOT mode video?
  8. You should already know them Lynette Casey and Lucas Van Rooyen.
  9. Its just the two unused contacts... they are going to be shoehorned somewhere into the middle of the bunch.
  10. Yeah I didn't think you had any actual data. This was just me having fun at your expense.
  11. I still play so I guess yes, APB does worth it to play.
  12. Yep. But with less concursion nades.
  13. How does RIOT compare to other APB game modes? A fresh take on APB for sure. I'm still a mission purist, but I have been having a lot more fun than I expected with RIOT. Would you encourage your friends to play RIOT? I already have, and shall continue to do so. How would you explain RIOT to someone who has never seen it? Your basic team based BR with the added quirk of irregular map collapse that can be controlled by the players themselves. What ONE THING would you change about RIOT if you could? Separate districts for premade groups and solo players. (Honorable mention for removing player bought loadouts as well as the fixing the terrible respawn system) What is your favorite aspect of RIOT? Snub vs Snub battles... that shit's hilarious. What about RIOT do you like the least?  The spectate system. If Im going to be stuck watching, at least let me choose whom Im going to watch, and maybe give me some HUD info... who is killing whom, radar, etc.
  14. I think we can all agree, that a 3slot unlockable version would be nice. Whether through Role progression, or contacts, makes no difference to me.
  15. What? We are all just honestly wondering if you are a troll. Its very hard to tell.
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