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Everything posted by wibsey

  1. buff? boy, I got owned by it last night, if you control the recoil it's a beast..
  2. it the chicken and the egg story... what came 1st? dethreating or the steamrolling. a silver posting a SS of other silvers tells us nothing, issue the fact that maybe these silvers are just better silvers (high silvers) than hexerin.. the threat system is a joke, it needs a massive revamp of just deleted.
  3. without a doubt, the matchmaking can be messed up, but 2 bronzes vs 1 silver makes sense, if a mid rank silver complains about other mid rank silvers in a bronze he will just get laughed at.
  4. seems you're doing the same thing Hex, you just have no friends to do it with.
  5. sure they can do that but what will it fix right now? still the same game. your argument can be valid when they have a EU4 roadmap in my opinion.
  6. british bacon is what I miss from moving away
  7. I don't slide into PM's personally.
  8. go play DC Universe online.
  9. most are spanish speaking, so Donald Tiggs thrown them out.
  10. nice fresh start from your unbanning, hope to see you out the bronze district at some point.
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