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Everything posted by Theronguard

  1. Lol noted....but u can increase ur fps on ur laptop with ram config such as having it dual channel u will get 50%more fps, check task manager-performance :ram to see. Most computers will be on balanced performance or power saving u have to go in graphic and cpu settings to change it to maximum performance. Lastly u can turn on movement base dynamic resolution in graphics settings. Been trying to find turbo boost in the settings but this is the closest thing i have found.
  2. Sus...()_() i use vega 8 on medium graphics in game on 1366×768 res and only get 57.9 fps.
  3. What use to be the rewards? Seem kinda strange it would be in the marketplace unless its like a battlepass.
  4. .......your welcome......thanks for replying.
  5. Damm. U could make a fortune on gg.bwater. (assuming ur a girl) lol... Jokes aside u could use a voice changer it has apps...but i wouldn't use the mic ingame it's surround so enemies can hear u. Realized that....eventually u will get a really good group 100% especially on fridays (most players on). try to make friends with them. Having a clear role on the team helps such as the distractor(enough said ;kevlar implants if they take pride. XD) , suppressive firer ( uses tagger mod grenades fire work launcher etc), the agressor (runs into combat/ the med spray man, strategic in manuevrabilty cover to cover; Most golds. Then the normal ones close range, long range each supported by the their pistols. Made those up, YW
  6. Was it like that before u deleted it from ur inventory? Kinda sus that u didn't do the trial period...https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/news/2020/6/8/joker-store-renovations third picture on jt store. Apb money.
  7. Tf2? Tooth fairy 2 ?_? Orr nvrmind tfall2
  8. True.... I was more thinking in the meantime we're waiting for that engine we could of come up with guns....and if they are worthy....LO could just come back to this post when that time comes. the post isn't going anywhere in the next year...but if the meta changes the weapons will be obsolete....Noted. Maybe i will close this post and reopen it when the time of new contacts etc reaches. Thanks for replying.
  9. Damm. Apologies...i use act 44 pr1 hs 3, it helps, u can hit long range its just the long equip time (all act 44) of almost a sec. I dont feel comfortable with...especially if my opponent is rushing.
  10. By free u mean by apb money $? Or like actually free...?_?
  11. No...once u buy it from the joker store it then becomes apb money so if a gun was 10000jt and u buy it, it becomes $10000apb money for all purchases after. I don't understand, other than decreasing the price of 'character permanent option' from joker store weapons...does it have a 30 day option in joker store....the Christmas event from last year looks like it may become permanent i spent only 10 bucks to get an act 44 pr1 and joker cr5 jt 3 thanks to the event. Maybe if we just wait or for events in general.
  12. Pleasant good-day, in the meantime we're waiting for the final launch of the engine to get the ball to start rolling, how about we have some fun designing new guns simply by adding mods to base variants of weapons. who knows, it might get added (To joker store...xd) with the roadmap and plans for new weapons . Rules; no combining more than one of same colored mod unless absolutely necessary and be real as possible (like weapons that u could imagine that would be in APB/not overpowered and phasing out other weapon use). With limited secondary's weapons how about new variants such as S-AS PDW(https://apbdb.com/items/Weapon_Pistol_SASPDW) with a pistol silencer or CJ2 (could be as sep variant of the gun), showstopper with Improved rifling 1, R-2 harbinger with cooling Jacket 2 (wild west theme-fire rate) or hunting sight 3 maybe even a legendary version with CJ2 and Ext. mag. 1 or mob. sling or 3point sling 3 or hunting sight 3 and lastly how bout a Frog with improved rifling 2 called Frog Rango/bull's eye or something (or maybe not, it might change how the gun works). Anyways just my 2 cents, thanks for reading.
  13. XD, u should see the Harbinger.
  14. Noted, Thanks for replying
  15. ...k, thanks for reply
  16. U know u can still get it from contacts (silverado)....the Vas c2 Trouble maker or entente if u want overkill, PDW Kris( identical to whisper but only comes with smg silencer leaving two slots open, the same thing u was looking for on the OCA with the silencer but only on Armas), atac watchman and patroller is better (in range and others), check the stats apb.com. If ur can't afford any like me then the hazardous XD, (got mines as a christmas gift from a nice person)....it can go for 650k to 750k on market and if u go asking in chat in servers 500k to 650k.... now as u have premium about 5hrs farming green server should get u that amount on crim.
  17. Eventually, the game is gonna be marketed and the gold population is gonna come back and you will definitely feel the salt in air and Tobasco Sauce (Carolina reaper flavored) in the wind... (A silvers nightmare XD) a challenge then arises and awaits, to keep the Golds occupied against each other and then threat segregation will be forgotten it even existed, Just a little longer....i predict by the end of this year. Coming soon.
  18. You have to just figure out the pattern of the interval and work on that, u will get it after some hours shooting the guns eventually becoming comfortable with the gun and not panic pressing fire early, it's worth it in the end since long range is single fire. Im more of an automatic person i don't like firing more than 4shots to kill on mouse...(i prefer controller triggers but that don't exist in the game for now on pc) btw
  19. The Armasmarketplace says different-much lower stats...(interesting)...but the marketplace says their identical... apart from the modifications of course so either ingame needs updating or the database....(the reduction in range in the bar graphs could be a glitch in the silencer mod. could be reading it as ul-3 B.M silencer Mod thats why their disabled i theorize): https://www.gamersfirst.com/marketplace/ingame/product_details.php?storetype=g1c&gameID=20&catID=63&subcatID=202&productId=3355 -Fang, ..... https://www.gamersfirst.com/marketplace/ingame/product_details.php?storetype=g1c&gameID=20&catID=63&subcatID=202&productId=3359 -Talon
  20. Adding to ur idea of an optional beginner server....i thinks bots implemented in, one district created and categorized mainly for crims and an other for enforcers with disabled friendly fire...xd no trolls....should help the new players complete with npc instructors.. Human players in each district then team up against bots, the team leader of the group can set the difficulty of the bots via voting etc. Orr a just a tutorial district with npcs instructors and a firing range should do.
  21. hmmmm...acknowledged.....so is the scout and N-HVR 762 but without firerate although the Lower equip time on the scout does translate firerate. Thanks for reply
  22. They're fine, I recommend AMG (0.585s), rabid(0.6s) and Shaw(0.56) they don't need Cooling J3 as they have a well TTK hence their accuracy are not ruined and u can put other utilities in place...I haven't tested but they seem well off on paper, play with the modifications selection on APB.DB.com generally consider bandolier, 3 point sling 3, extended mag or Hunting sight 3 or even mag. pull....mods i didnt mention max rank is because counter parts can be better in consequence dep. on the gun. Honorable mentions, Nssw with CJ3 to cut ttk, and Alig/bolo with maybe CJ (().72 s base ttk is alright...still rec. CJ). The swarm also, 0.8 secs ttk kills it so CJ3 to bump it up . Do NOT use heavy barrel unless it doesn't change the kill time and has a notable diff. it generally breaks the edge over rifles. This is in theory, go prove it as thanks for my 1hr research...XD maybe 36 if i count how much time on the database. Your welcome in advance.
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