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Everything posted by AlienTM

  1. Upgrading to 64 bit,visual studio 2019,directX 11/12-i mean if thats not upgrade idk what is.And yea maybe is not unreal 3.5 but is step forward.The game may start growin and who knows what can happen in future
  2. how many players this server had?like normaly in peak hour
  3. It was just ugly..u dont skip one of the little events we have in the entire year.U just dont do that..i dont care if is recycled and everything.Even "all working on 1.30 right now" cant be excuse.We have nothing about this engine upgrade/update for almost 4 years now anyway
  4. looks like valentine event is cancel for this year..i guess it is what it is
  5. No thats different.What i suggest is simple-remove the current missions and just make one faction vs faction mission where u just count whos gonna make most kills for 15 min.Like the final tdm stage of regular mission-without the option to see where the enemy is.All contacts will give u this mission and u progress.Thats how all players from ur faction can be ur teammates-not just 4 people and u dont have to go in this camping spots because the mission is on the entire map and u free to go anywhere no idea what u refer.. Merged. Anyway i was thinking about something else as well.Theres gonna be 1 mission like that for the entire district.Right now on live game theres 40 vs 40 district-lets count for example 10 teams with 4 players in each and another 10 teams with 4 players in each.In total 80 players.Roughly theres 10 missions running in each mission district simultaneously.Plus 2-3(missions)minus 2-3 because theres misions with 2vs2 players,1vs1 etc(or some players outside missions)If theres only one mission like i suggest-thats from 7 to 10 times less missions/systems running in the district than usual.This has to affect the performance for good.I dont know exactly how bad this mission systems/programs affects the game but must takes some serious resources.Correct if im wrong but eliminating the rest of missions running on the district-with all their stages,different game modes for the last stage etc-have to be beneficial performance wise for everybody
  6. Right now theres no threat districts and many players complain because of the hard oposition.Especially if you play solo like crim from my experience-is much tougher.You get almost in every mission golds and you team up with silvers or bronzes.Either is this or your teammate leaves and you have to play solo mission.I understand theres not enough players for returning the threat districts but i find out another way to make the game fun again(because is not right now)Is simple and i think is not hard to make Alternative financial and waterfront districts for 40 vs 40 where you can also get experience and progress the contacts(not only money and JT)The mission starts when you press K.Is the same from all npcs "Eliminate them all"(detailed description can be added)Faction TDM on the entire maps where you encounter enemys and kill/arrest them.Time limit-lets say 15 minutes each mission.Wins the team with the highest score after the time runs out.For example enf-130,crims-107 Thats how low threat players not gonna be locked every time to do this impossible missions and the chance to win a mission is 50/50 because there always good players from both sides.New players can also catch others from surprise like that or just stick to high threats and get their assists/kills easier.Thats my suggestion-at least try it for some time and see how the community will react to it
  7. Option to challenge to a match player/s of the same threat-can be good addition to the current situation.But idk if this kinda system gonna be easy/possible to implement right now
  8. the guest in this sort of podcast explains the current situation pretty well(from this minute till the end)
  9. good start can be taxi and medic missions(similar to gta-interactions with civilians)
  10. yea i play 1st person shooter which usin it and works fine(u can also boost ur mic even if is 20 bux headset like mine) indeed must be able to upgrade it..we need confirmation dou
  11. So basically is what we want it from the engine in 1st place if u stop and think about it for a sec. and not jumpin into emotional conclusions.The game will be upgraded visually,will be more optimized and new content will be added easier.I mean if some1 told with the engine we gonna also get some big map like financial,some finan/waterfront merge or the game /pop will surpass the /pop of gta v-i mean it wasnt objective.I also have crazy dreams about the game but we must get back to the reality.Anyway who knows-the game may start growin and u never know what the future holds...
  12. Ill suggest it again.Release the new contacts(the mma guy and the cop girl)for new content till the engine fix.Gonna buy you at least couple of months time in which the population may increase(old players returnin+new ones)and if the /pop increase enough-u can return the threat districts.U hit 2 birds with one stone.U can make another 2 contacts with some stuff on it with the engine release(u already did some for social)The cons of this is that the players will grind new content on not optimized game but we always did that so is not the end of the world..
  13. Congrats to Matt Scott for hes marriage Anyway looks like we have another year a head with broken game..at least i hope we get more tests this time
  14. Couple of years ago they sell the ip(probably)to some Hong Kong company called Unit game but kept all the rights to APB Reloaded(go figure)Interesting fact is that this happen when there was riots in Hong Kong for weeks.This a side..the company was supose to do something with the ip-idk if to bring the game to mobile or something else.Years past and no birds from dat nest either...
  15. Im sure most of the work we tested was already made by G1/RP.Since last spring LO started all over again and the result we have till now is 0
  16. Past year was the same.On jan 22 2021 was posted the roadmap and he said: after that the roadmap: I guess he can copy pasted.. https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/news/2021/1/22/apb-2021-roadmap (full post)
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