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Everything posted by Keijinnn

  1. NO PAIN NO GAIN!! I'm just joking, you should go for this suggestion
  2. Same, if i open ARMAS my game crashes Game so broken i can't even throw away my money
  3. Of course he's cute, look at that egg head.
  4. Costumize your outfit Or just earn $$$$ and flex on others with how many legendaries you have.
  5. What happened to the "We welcome you to APB LO" or the, "We are so glad you guys are making changes!" I guess the new memo here is "YOU MESSED WITH MY DEAR IR3 AND SHOTGUNS SO NOW SHOTGUN PLAYERS CAN EZ BEAT MY TRYHARDING SKILLS WITH NTEC YOU LO SCUMM!!1" Heres what it is: It's not the devs fault if you're bad, get rekt folks! ^-^ Sad xd Keep up the good work LO! i usually do this just to annoy people xd and! for the post count aswell, forgot to add that :3 you see, i really like to annoy people
  6. I know that, that is why i like this update. EDIT: Also! i really enjoy the IR3 change. But everyone seems to be bitching about every step LO does now. OMERGOD LO U DIDN'T DO WHAT WE WANTED SO NOW WE BLAME YOU!!1!! >:C
  7. OH NUUUU MY NTEC IS BROKEN WHAT DID YOU DOOO LO!!!!1 I QENT TREYHARD ANIMOR WIT TEH NTAC ND JOMP IN CORNRS AND SPREY WILE MIDEIR!!!1 FAKEYU LO YOU BROKE DE GUN I AM ONLY GUD AT!!!1!1 -Literally everyone who is mad about this update. To be honest i like it this way ^-^ Fun fact, i play NTEC aswell :3
  8. How about this for a theory, they're gonna add new contacts or make an event with that same contact to achieve the car.
  9. Same, now i wont be able to stalk a person, because now they won't accept my friend request
  10. I wonder how fuck is censored It didnt censor!!!! Or is it just me? Cuz i still see the curse word xD
  11. Did you know if you rub the back of your ear you can hear pacman?
  12. I am really relieved from what i'm seeing, i've always wanted to do a refund for my FAR Spearhead which i bought it accidentally and turns out i don't really like it.
  13. Not actually begging for likes, it's just a meme
  14. Well obviously i have seen him do that crap, however, my point was that i have never played with or against or seen a cheater in my match
  15. In my 3 years of gameplay, i have never seen a cheater, or is it just me? I must have magic powas!
  16. They are not nerfing the shotguns, they are actually going to be more effective after the changes.
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