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Everything posted by foscor77

  1. wtf...i didnt do anything
  2. As someone else said, get the guns that you cant get easily from other options. These are the ones which i bought. 2 slot atac, stheno, Showstopper, colby .45, issr and scout,
  3. apb is just getting better at better. Love you LO.
  4. i have 10k jt and i cant decide if i should get no slot atac which is 4k or the 2 slot atac which is 8k what do you think is the best choice?
  5. This is a tight slap to anybody who thinks apb is pay to win. If this is not free to win then i have no idea what is.
  6. As the title says. it needs a nerf. Discuss. Inappropriate content removed. -Mina_
  7. As we got the new trading system and everybody ditched the ghetto 'restrict item' method the scammers have also come up with somewhat more smarter tricks to scam people, one of which me and and some other people i talked to fell for. So yesterday i was playing missions in jericho silver waterfront and this player lets call 'banana' on my opposition team starts whispering to me about mundane things like gameplay and stuff and from simple game things we branched out to other topics,we talked constantly for about 20-30 minutes about a lot of cool things and it was fun. Then the topic of legend guns came around, banana said how banana wants to use this gun at least once before this game dies etc etc and i actually give banana the gun and banana disappears. Ok you might say that im freaking stupid to trust someone who i talked for only 30 minutes but banana seemed like a fun player to play with, i mean we talked a lot and one usually develops a little connection and trust with someone you talk to and find similarities with and i had never thought that someone would do so much planning in a damn game just for scamming. i wish i had voice chat and text records to show you guys how it all went...wait is it possible to retrieve chat record or voice chat record? anyway if i could describe this incident into three words then it would be - 'playing it cool'. banana was super chill,played it cool and disappeared like a fucking breeze. Tbh im not mad at this incident but actually feeling comedic, like it really happened....someone behind a screen talked with me pretending to be a good pal to play with, makes me give them my stuff and disappears lol. i dont think im the only one banana scammed or if its is the only player doing this in game so i submitted a report to LO to look into this player and made this thread for others to know that it happens. i donnu if i'l get my gun back...i hope i does. take whatever you want from this thread and beware. see ya around.
  8. what legend guns do you consider trash? i select these - Hazardous, reaper, anubis, oscp, commander, firework launcher, yukun, all EOL, all UL-3 (except jersey devil) They all freaking suck and needs some serious rebalancing. i see no use of them other than dethreating. only player you see using them are bronze or silver, these guns also have very less trading/reselling value means nobody except newbies or gun hoarders wants to buy/trade them. And after trying each one of them out one should try to get rid of them asap.
  9. game gets stuck at 'connecting to district server' while changing district.
  10. how many matches did you went afk for you to get banned lol? im guessing more than one player reported you and yes people do report other players. Though i dont cuz i dont give a fuck, at least im getting a match with opp. pfft life of a jericho player...
  11. that gun freaking sucks. needs balancing along with all the other old school guns like snub and act 44.
  12. i dont use anything else other than nfas. What other gun can i learn to use to get me a lot of easy kills with less deaths in less time.
  13. ikr.... At least let us transfer money or legendary guns or only characters to citadel man. I just joined a month ago after a 4 month break and im already thinking of taking another another break off thin game due to this low pop of NA which causes other problems for me such as difficulty in customizing my char due to less no. of symbol and clothing designers,less no. of legendary gun sellers and traders, less drama on world chat, sometimes silvers districts are dead and as a gold i cant even play....its just no fun.
  14. server - jericho Hit me via forum or in-game mail. Thank you.
  15. Your just new,give this game some time and you will realize your own how wrong are your accusations.
  16. like this - in a tshirt form. i'l pay 50-100k. i buy a lot of clothing so if your a clothe designer i'l buy your stuff in bulk! server jericho. pm me on forum if interested i'l pm you my character name.
  17. yep vocal communication changes everything. A lot of people underestimate it and dont use it except when trolling but its a game changer.
  18. This hits home, i can totally understand. There's always an atmosphere of forced fun in group gameplay like your not actually having fun but is just pretending that your having fun. You have expectations when you play in a group from others and others have from you too and when you dont do as per expectations thats what creates this uneasiness and tension and rage which i have no idea how some ignore cuz i really cant. Thats why i play solo. i can troll whenever i want, no expectations. you can do whatever the hell you want. Thats what apb is for me.
  19. It's opposite for me. I've played around 2500 hours and almost every single moment of this gameplay was solo and if im able to stick around this game until now by playing solo then i guess this method works. Playing in groups never got me good results. I always got this feeling of burden and let down whenever i tried to play in groups with anybody. On the other hand i felt free when i played solo and everytime my teammates were different players. I love this feeling of playing alone, talking to people whom you pass by just not never met again, like an adventurer... Lone wolf lol.
  20. Gaming sometimes can make people angry or i should say losing in a game can make people angry. Thats where sportsmanship comes into place but not everybody develops it and it takes time to develop. And sometimes even after having sportsmanship people do get mad when they lose due to not their or their teammates but due to the game's own shortcomings like server side lag or bugs which makes everybody mad and its alright to get mad at this. And these problems are very common in apb. As a newbie and till reached i 1500 hours i was kind of a player who used to get mad and pissed of a lot and rage quit but somehow after crossing 1500 hours i developed this godly trait of not giving a fuck. Now this game is my favorite no matter how shitty the game or the community is and ive even learned various ways to reduce or never get mad all together so i thought of sharing these tips. Here you go! Eat while you play - i munch on dry fruits, vegetable salads or any kind of light and healthy food while i play. Though it kinda sometimes distracts me from gameplay but i become more playful and happy when im playing while eating stuff. Talk with people - get a good microphone or just use the chatting system and talk with people while playing. i dont think the population is that low that you will fail to find people who can speak or write English. Apb does not have bots so every player on this game is a human behind a screen with his/her own life different then yours. So much to know! just talk! Customize your character/cars /// make symbols/themes - A huge reason why im still playing apb is cus of this. Customization in apb is unparalleled. Theres so much you can do. i especially love dressing up my character the most. there is so much cool clothing on citadel. Though i play on jericho but im still able to find cool outfits by talking with people or whispering designers from marketplace. changing how my character's looks makes me feel refreshed and anew. First thing i do after logging in apb is checkout social for new clothes. Dont play more than 3 hours straight - take a break. do something else like watch porn and masturbate,read a manga/novel,watch anime,browse apb forums or myanimelist do your your homework, talk with your parents/friends, hang outside, do house chores, grocery shopping, take a stroll outside or just go to work. whatever the fq. Theres also one more point that i would like to share but have mixed feeling about it. shit talk - when i was a newbie i used to shit talk on distract chat and insult everybody who used to rekt me by whispering them insults/hackusating them and then ignoring them. i just wanted to let it all out cuz it helped me lift off my rage Though i swear that i didnt mean anything i said to them and a lot of times i even apologized to them. Do you guys think that letting it all out by shit talking is a good way to reduce rage? i personally dont feel its a good way even though it helped me. Dont play in Groups - Only play in groups if your someone who have faith in his/her skills /// someone with a microphone who can use voice chat /// someone who have just started playing /// someone who dont give a fuck about anything. The most rage quits ive seen is from my own group mates who quit after getting rekt repeatedly while playing with me. If even one of you suck then theres a high chance that your going to get rekt repeatedly. why repeatedly? cuz your stuck with a not so good teammate and dont have the advantage that random matchmaking gives which is randomly matching you up with someone who plays good. If you wanna group up anyway then tell your partner(s) in advance that you suck. These are all the points that i can think of at this moment. do you peeps have more to add? Do you agree or disagree with any of these? Do you think one should play a game even if it makes you angry? Why do people play games if that makes them angry? lemme know whatever you think! peace~
  21. oh i know about the various modded variations of snipers but i decided to ignore them as then this discussion would become pointlessly long. Though i agree the mods does makes a difference. Merged. anybody have any idea why sitting duck lost its value? i mean trash like ogre are selling for 3-4 mil but duck only for 2 mil and less? how?
  22. scout = duck/reaper (can get through in game money via mp) psr = hvr
  23. Anubis should not even be considered a gun its so freaking bad. i see so many poor newbies buying/trading this gun thinking its a legendary so its be good then they are stuck with it forever until someother newbie comes and buys their gun lol such a vicious cycle. As for sbsr and dog ear. they are armas gun and i dont cash shop. i could buy these guns for joker tickets but im saving my jt for the crown.
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