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  1. They have a blog too. Nothing there either. No one is going to use the discord unless APB is their life. At least they put out another message on the forums.
  2. And they can't even use their own website to provide updates.
  3. Does LO have an office anymore? I can't imagine APB needing more than a half rack for the databases, and the districts would be better off ran on a few gaming desktops with 12th gen i5 or 5th gen Ryzen, rather than a server with lower core and memory clocks.
  4. It's exactly the same camera rotation, degrees, radians, or whatever the technical term is. Take any high recoil weapon and shoot at a wall, but don't touch your mouse between shots. The crosshair stops on the same spot.
  5. Recoil is the same. The crosshair is most likely a 3rd party overlay, like those crosshair apps on Steam. You get kicked from the district if you have modified shader files. I could get 400fps on the edge of the districts, but often it would drop below 80fps when there were multiple missions in the same area. A large part of the performance problems are the HUD. Turning it off in Social and fightclub increases my fps by about 50%.
  6. Going by every streamer and youtuber. Then again, they can be lying about their hardware in the descriptions.
  7. I wouldn't want the game to look potato in players' media content. Besides, the majority playing with these "configs" have the latest hardware, they just use it for the slight visual advantage. If it was for performance, they would disable particles but leave the rest alone.
  8. I've been around since 2011 or so. I've seen it all. I remember the email Gamerfirst sent mentioning APB Reloaded that originally got my interest, after they sold off WarRock. I've seen most versions of Flaw's config. I agree it's cheating, but I also understand why its needed. APB runs like crap by default. That's something Little Orbit kinda fixed with the 64 bit update, but it's still bad, and unacceptable for what little the game is doing. By mouse settings, do you mean the mouse fix that multiplies your mouse input by 2? It's a workaround for APB's broken mouse input. Without going into detail, APB ignores slow mouse movement. This can help mitigate that at really low fps, but for most players it's snake oil. There seems to be a high correlation with cheaters and stretched res, but playing at low resolution isn't cheating. If anything, it's giving yourself a major handicap since it removes some horizontal field of view.
  9. Idk if this is a meme. It's a bug on APB:DB. It's not accounting for the reload time, and it's only counting the first shot's trigger timer. First shot adds the Wind-up Time. Then the next 3 shots use the Fire Interval. Yes, I know multiplication is done first and doesn't need the parentheses. It's for demonstration. Fire Interval: 2 sec Reload Time: 2.25 sec Wind-up Time: 1.75 sec Stock: 1.75 + (3 * 2) = 7.75 CJ3: 1.75 + (3 * 2 * 0.93) = 7.33 But you still might be correct. If the reload time was faster than the firing interval, it might help. I don't know if reloading resets the firing interval, and I don't know if Mag Pull works on the OSMAW currently. I remember them changing MP, and APB:DB shows that the ammo count rounds up. I'm not installing a nonfunctional kernel anti-cheat to test it. Reference from the old DB: https://web.archive.org/web/20190305024734/http://apbdb.com/items/Weapon_Explosive_OSMAW_Slot3/
  10. It wouldn't surprise me. Some days I feel like my account is nerfed. I think it's related to the DDoS protection. I started having these issues when Reloaded implemented the DDoS protection. Hitreg was perfect when it was off, but then someone would DDoS the server, then when the server came back online the hitreg was bad and I would die too fast. Fast forward to Little Orbit owning APB, the same thing happened a few times. I'd notice the hitreg was perfect, and I was living a little too long. Then the server crashed, and the hitreg was bad again.
  11. I bet those cheat points are just the threat system.
  12. They got fired from Tasty Burger and now work for Micky D's out of spite.
  13. I suspect it's due to the district servers clock compared to your client's time. I noticed a while back that some US servers were on the EU timezone. I'd buy a mod in social, but I couldn't use it when joining an action district. There's no reason to go by the timezone, but this game is built on doing things the wrong way.
  14. I used these a while back to extract from the RTW version and Reloaded's. Watto's Game Extractor. Use the free version. http://www.watto.org/game_extractor.html Umodel. It might not work on the compressed/excrypted files. https://www.gildor.org/en/projects/umodel#files
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