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About Nanichi

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  1. Please direct DM me with your source so That I can verify with the team to see how valid it is.
  2. This is sadly a different subject cheating is generally handled by C.S. and Sard. However if we suspect cheating is at play we GM's do record evidence and let C.S. decide. If you see a live speed hacker let us know. As for other suspected let us know as well and we will look into them but again C.S. will make the final verdict.
  3. GM's are not C.S. we in no way are apart of the ban process. We record evicence and make reports. GM's are not technically supposed to chase cheaters since we have a anti-cheat and C.S. who handles this issue. We do record and report what we see on our own but in the end C.S. and Sard will handle the cheating issue.
  4. This is a false claim here. LO nor the GM team approve or like cheaters. Nor do we protect them. Your best options is the following: 1: File a /report <insert Player Name> 2: If you see a active speed hacker please contact not only do Step: 1 Please contact a in-game GM we are on the Official Little Orbit Discord. 3: Help us by not name and shaming folks since while we not only have to deal with you it takes our time away from important matters such as the speed hacker you are reporting. 4: is important to Step: 3 since name and shaming only gives attention to the cheaters and take it from me as not only a GM but a veteran player I know cheaters crave attention they live for it so stop giving it to them report in silence and don't give them the satisfaction. (AKA) Don't feed the Trolls. 5: See Step: 3 and Step:4 if you do the opposite you take a chance of getting yourself actioned along side the very cheater you are complaining about.
  5. Honestly I handle speed hackers when I see them as well as every other GM when we each are available to do so. I do not condone or recommend you add fuel to a already raging dumpster fire otherwise you could in fact get caught up with the very speed hacker you are raging about and incurr actions your very self. 'Don't do it!' 1: File a /report in-game. 2: contact a in-game GM we are generally on Official Little Orbit discord hit us up, Hit Mage_LO up let us know we got an active speed hacker.
  6. Still here handling things where possible. When possible. We GM's are not allowed to act on things out of personal dislike. Your friend sadly is not giving you the full story and unfortunately due to Non Disclosure Agreement we are not allowed to release the reasons why to anyone else other than the effected player which is always via a in-game mail or whisper. GM's cannot ban we are not apart of C.S. who are the one's who investigate both player and GM reports eventually deciding on an action. I cannot argue the former G1 GM's might have done some of these things, however LO's team of GM's are strictly monitored to ensure we are not breaking our own rules of ethics and guidelines sorry to burst the preverbial bubble to my knowledge noone has been abused since for any GM to do so would get them terminated not long after. -Nanichi
  7. Runs back and grabs all your ammunition... and a bandolair.
  8. Takes your gun and runs straight to the Crispy Cream store!
  9. Breasts are very much allowed by our rules, With this said Below the belt Nudity is not allowed by our rules. When I issue a warning I give a three strike policy if the player ignores me I escelate it to C.S.
  10. Hello there @MistyRayne, Please ensure you are accessing the proper support page listed below:
  11. Hello there, GM's do not have ban power just FYI. As for your manually being banned you should know bans do not occur for no reason, That and LO only views banning as an option in the most extreme cases. Have you contacted support for an appeal? it is possible you may have got banned by EAC and somehow missed the unban wave try contacting support perhaps they can help you. You can find support here: I wish you the best of luck in these trying times...
  12. Rumors are rumors until confirmed true by an Official. As far as I am aware Little Orbit has no plans to Shut APB Down any time soon.
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