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Everything posted by SandyBitch

  1. I wouldnt mind having carspawns and carsurfer removed, also a few other trash mods which got introduced past r195. I am trying to not use any mods which are past r195, no consumables either, nor even using the spawnsystem, since the spawns are bad usually either. I still win around 50 - 60 % of my missions, while i dont tryhard at all They totally need to rework alot sooner or later, but we will see, what is going to happen
  2. I hope, the people in LO can fix those issues as soon as possible, I know, you took alooot of effort into your actual post you want to make
  3. To be fair, i am actually not waiting for any events yet, i want em to be done with their closer roadmaps /plans which they have in mind and being done with their support tickets, so i can get my ticket done aswell, and then, then if most of it is solved, i dont mind with whatever events they wanna suprise us. People really gotta start being patient. Only things i have seen yet is bagging the new staffs / devs with silly things they can think of at some time far far in the future. People also seem to forget, that the new development has done way more then g1 in the last 5 years. Just wait, ffs, til they managed to do the importent things first. Holy moly. This is sooo annoying. Kbai
  4. Thank you all who worked hard to implement Battleeye Also, sorry for asking this, but I am using the esea client and faceit client for cs:go, do you guys may know, if it could cause any trouble with those clients and viceversa? /thanks in advance Tom
  5. I wouldnt mind removing the requirements for mods in total, but i would also suggest to remove mods like remote det, carspawner and and carsurfer entirely. I am oldschool and i thing, if certain mods wouldnt even be in the game, there would be less to complain about, so it would be a win/win i believe.
  6. Hold on with anti cheat protection, while the fact, that reducing the number of people causing lags with their cheats and edited configs and all that trash with an proper anti cheat protection will actually let the servers breath again and giving them a smoother heartbeat, ye plz dont post such weird suggestions. U taking the new stuffs busy with nonsense Wow, getting a tumps down for not agreeing with Op's post?
  7. Hilarious fast guy, for a sec, i thought, it was Flash
  8. History showed that this good old Clan was, is and will be one of the Best and funniest ones in San Paro, i had my best memmories been in there back then
  9. why u think its only 1 %? out of the last monthly player count for may, that should be 17 players, i am quite sure its more, then only 17 players average
  10. I just saw this and i am missing out Yuvie, prolly a few others aswell
  11. SandyBitch


    I heard, it works too, if you dont just aim straight towards your enemy, but predict the way they may move and shoot that direction, gives you a better hit registration. It`s been awhile, since I played shotgun alot and maybe half way decent, so it might be dated. Also, I agree, dont ever use any Cooling Jacket version, they are broken on JG, maybe even on any shotgun for awhile now, you get loads of ghost shots in return.
  12. Late, but Hello too, welcome to the game and best of luck, enjoy your stay and maybe you will like it aswell, have a nice one
  13. I rather wait for UE 4.0 then having a look onto a 8 - 10 years old engine, Performance on the RTW version was most likely better as the current one obviously, but I would like to see the game joining the 21th century tbh + having a performance ingame, which also gives you smooth 100 - 120 fps average. On a side note, ye I agree, plz get rid of the ugly look we have to deal with right now in general. But before anything, make the server Performance great again
  14. I feel her too, and i feel you, that you feel her~ Also, I totally like to see, you guys (GM`S) giving your best possible, to keep everything civil and clean. I rather dont have any Player being a GM or Moderator on the Forum, things have become worse back on the old forum with the Modsquad`s. I dont want to happen this a second time.
  15. I liked the idea of the SPCM program back in the day, buuuut, i dont need to be one in order to help out a new or not so experienced player. If i see anyone in district asking for help or advices, i usually try to respond in time
  16. Just keep it clean this time and proof yourself by getting another chance, eventually. Cheers
  17. I call everyone a cheater who drives faster then me without getting apb'ed by the gamemechanics. Also If someone is cheating, closeting, shawcoptering at max speed, whatever the max is tho, u can stillout play them or just use an N-HVR, some of your teammates will eventually kill them. Me, Esther, Kitchen and Camie played some games yesterday, mostly LTL weapons, and it was hella fun, ripping some suspicious players appart in case u wanna watch the video, just check out the last one on my twitch below, *cough* dont follow me, I DONT KNOW HOW TO APB *cough*
  18. Thanks Mr. Scott for the Info, guess we all can imagine the heavy workload and tasks you guys been busy with. I hope you guys can takeout all the issues you guys have to deal with. best of luck have a nice day / night Little Orbit /regards
  19. Not sure if mentioned, but, are mom jokes allowed Ingame? Just kidding, but any chance of getting proper working servers one day? the Softlayer server, not sure if the old engine is causing the trouble or the fact, that the Servers G1 added back in the day are just terrible in general.
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