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Everything posted by RespectThis

  1. No its not just regarding silvers. Its the damage in general.
  2. Talked about by some? More than "some" have mentioned the hvr's damage and should have its toned down. The gun isn't a crutch because if that was the case anyone could use it which is pretty obvious that people can't. There are ALOT of bad ntec users. I've been around a very long time and you can see the difference between those who put in the time, effort, and enjoy using the gun. Compared to those who see a gun think its op broken try to use it and get stomped. Just because people put time into using a gun doesn't make it a crutch. The fact that you're constantly falling back to it being a crutch weapon is funny. You want a crutch weapon? Look at the hvr hence the "silver sniper". 85 cannon that allows you to tap your target with almost any gun for a kill. Also why do you think im now complaining about other guns? The only gun i've ever had an issue with in this game is the HVR. So please don't go assuming that i'm just complaining about things because im upset about the ntec.
  3. I'm not saying every gun has to be on the same level as the ntec. Im saying that other guns need to be buffed because they don't bring anything to the game. The solo gun that stands out apart from the ntec would be the ATAC. Its decent at mid range and strong in CQC. Why? Because that was the design choice behind the gun. Its the reverse of the ntec if you think about really. Ntec was strong at mid range fights and decent at cqc (if used correctly). What other weapons where hard nerfed? The only gun that received an extremely hard nerf was the obeya. Which was later on reverted because of how stupid of a decision that was. I'm not saying the star has to be inferior and its by no means inferior. Have a chit chat with abduct if you wanna talk about how strong the star actually is. The idea of the star is to be a jack of all trades because it is a starter weapon. The ursus was always considered better? Im not sure where you're pulling that from but alright. The base ntec tap firing was much better along with the capability to have 3 mods on it. They thought and were clearly mistaken. The obeya's highest use was back when the game was still in open beta when it easily competed with the hvr. That nerf came quite a while after when the obeya was still in a good state. Extremely strong at mid range and ok at extreme ranges. Merged. Number one? There were alot of complaints as there are now about anything in this game. -quick switching -scout jump shots -car det -car spawners -radar tower -atac being to strong -whisper being broken -running with items -pig perc -stun guns being op -vegas & pinoneer -hvr damage in general (being the most complained about) -fbw to strong -rfp (long ago and recently) being to strong -X faction having easier missions -Fast and Incarcerated mission -Car surfer The list goes on on people making post after post about these topics. Its not just the ntec at all. Alot of people dislike the damage output of the hvr in particular. Hence why it got nerfed once before and people still commented on the gun saying it was way to strong (which it is). LO solution was laughable. All they need to do was lower the damage on it to fix the problem. Lots of posts about scout jump shots as well saying its way to strong and no risk. Definitely think you're blowing the ntec complaints out of proportion.
  4. It didn't dominate in cqc and def was not dominating at 70m. You're dying at 70m to an ntec then you're just playing poorly. I agree it was strong but def not dominating or above any and all weapons. I'm not mad or triggered at you but the general mentality of the apb community is "spleshul". So usually backhanded insults are knitted into reply's and comments
  5. It wasn't "far better". As i've said before its been proven before that the star is very strong after its buffs. Players have used it and done very well with it. Maybe buff other guns to be a bit stronger here and there instead of just absolutely killing assault rifles in general. I.e The star buff was good. The adder buff was good as well. Tweaking them a bit more would make them better. I understand they can't balance every other week but slightly buffing them would help. I also still believe that the start needs to stay where it is now more or less because its still the starting weapon. Its suppose to feel comfortable and easy to use for new players. There for the range of buffs it can truly get without disrupting that idea of a "stater weapon" is hard to do. Nerfing the ntec multiple times doesn't help anything. It has just been on a downhill slope non-stop. The only "nerf" that was every justified on the ntec was lowering the damage slightly so you couldn't run heavy barrel without a penalty. "Nerf Meta" is and always has been a terrible way to go. Just look at what happened to the obeya when they nerfed that a few years ago. The gun was dead in the water till they reverted those changes. Its better to do slight adjustments like the hb2 change. You know my crutch now? Not sure if thats suppose to be a backhanded insult but ok i guess. Wouldn't call it a crutch i just enjoyed the weapon. I can use any weapon if i wanted to its just the ntec was the most enjoyable. It also didn't outplay any gun in any situation. That idea is pretty flawed. Sure you can beat other people with it in cqc if you're playing right. That alone doesn't make it "outplaying any gun". I've killed plenty of ntec users in cqc with the oca and at range with the obir before any changes to it. Its an assault rifle its purpose is to be multi-functioning but it is by no means able to outplay ANY gun in ANY situation. By much more balanced you mean people would rather use the ursus over it than the base gun. Seems strange a jmb gun has better mechanics than the base variant.
  6. Imagine thinking the ntec needed to be nerfed at all in the first place. kek Game was way better before RP (at the end of their lifespan) touched the guns and even better before LO touched them. These changes to guns make the game way worse. Why add things to guns that were never apart of them before. You wanna do some silly mechanic on an armas gun like the swarm thats fine. Don't go changing base guns to play differently. Also taking weapon use data from fightclub ONLY is a very poor way to determine which guns need to be adjusted.
  7. Not so much a matter of your own feelings of not worrying about cqc (which i find quite unbelievable). If the OCA is a hard counter to the ntec then why are so many people complaining about its cqc capabilities. Its press, hold, and body check people for most cqc kills. The Nfas is just as much a counter to the ntec as the oca is. Its a quick ttk that can catch you by surprise. Just because its limited to 7m doesn't make it any worse. The shaw makes you a sitting duck? Thats strange because last i checked the shaw is just as good as ntec in terms of kill potential. Plenty of people have proved it time and time again. Abduct for example used shaw for the longest time. It doesn't make you a sitting duck at all. Don't usually agree with you but im glad someone else feels the same way about this. Like i said in an early post, adding these mechanics on the guns is not needed. Why changed the mechanics on the guns 7 years into its life span. Especially on base weapons (Ntec and hvr).
  8. The Ntec is good at mid range yes. CQC? No not really. Within 15 or even 20m you have to worry about OCA, PMG, Aces, Manic, Nfas, CSG, etc. Good at cqc isn't holding down left click and body checking someone. What spray weapon are you suggesting you use? Hopefully you aren't going to say the ntec because its not a spray weapon. If your response is Nfas, Oca, or shaw. All of those can easily counter the ntec as well.
  9. You think that oscar is easier to out ttk than the ntec? Funny. The oscar excels is high rof, mobility, and corner popping. Its much easier to out ttk and ntec than the oscar is due to having to shoot at a specific rate to keep the ntec in control. I never said the starting weapon had to be bad. Had you read what i said i specifically stated "Should they tweak the star to see how it preforms? Probably." Then you'd know i didn't say it had to be bad. I'm actually saying the opposite and saying they should tweak it so it stands out more. Just because its not better than the ntec doesn't mean its trash. People in this community need to understand that. Its mind boggling that just because weapon A doesn't preform bettter or on the same level as weapon B that we need to gut B. Its what adds variety to the game. No i don't think you should start with an extremely strong gun (the star) because at that point why would you even branch out to other things? Its meant to be simple in mechanics so you can full auto it and get kills within 30m. You can't full auto the ntec like that at all. Why? Because its not the starting gun. You're required to tap fire it to get kills at range. Hence why it blooms at a much faster rate. Then there are other arguments like why use the ATAC over the ntec? Becasue the atac is better in cqc and it also holds its own in close to mid ranged combat. I honestly wonder at times if im playing the same game as some other people. These guns aren't as bad as people claim them to be. Nerfing the Ntec isn't going to make the game more enjoyable for you. You'll just end up getting smacked by the next gun that comes into the spotlight. As Abduct stated before the community is what hurts this game more than anything. From crying on the forums about nerf this nerf that to the cheaters that run rampant making players uninstall the game. The same principles of tap firing. So like Carbine, Ntec, Obeya, Fbw, 45, ISSR, etc. All of those but ONE do not suffer from extreme bloom when tap fired quickly. Apart from that, I don't understand why you think compared to the ntec the Obeya is useless. Its an extremely powerful gun and it does beat out the ntec with ease. Even within the ntecs effective range its strong. You can't just base everything off a "Lets stand in the middle of the street and shoot at each other" basis. Thats not apb at all. Most obeya players either use height advantage or will use corners.
  10. Obviously carbine users will go carbine? Again the issue with your argument is "they'll go to another weapon they deem easy". So then what happens when everyone starts crying on the forums about it? We nerfing that to? Sure, everyone may not go carbine but its good in both mid range and close range which is what people will look for. There are also other guns like the oscar which is way more annoying than the ntec will ever be. How is being able to kill someone spraying at 7m an issue? They player model is the size of your crosshair at max bloom... Yes they buffed the star and made it better. Does it surpass the ntec? No. Did it make it stronger? Yes. Should they tweak the star more to see how it preforms? Probably. Thats what i mean about not nerfing the ntec. You don't have to nerf it (TWICE now) to bring other guns into the spotlight. Slight tweaks here and there to the star could easily make it preform better. You have to keep in mind though that the star is suppose to be the starting gun. Its suppose to be easy but not extremely destructive. "Obeya is rarely used in financial." Thats a good chuckle. Plenty of people use obeya in Financial. Maybe not so much now since the hitreg is awful and servers have been up and down. Also the population being 1/20th of what it use to be. The obeya is much easier to use than the ntec to be honest. Its just tap firing. You can't really shoot out of control and its bloom recover is very quick. Ntec can get out of control, its terrible full auto unless you're body checking someone, and has a specific tap fire to control it. Also if the Star was as good as the Ntec cash cows would just rent the 3 slot one from contacts.
  11. Nerfing the ntec won't bring more balance into APB. As i stated before it will just lower the weapon variety. More people will start using the carbine because it can kill pretty efficiently at 50m and is extremely strong in cqc. If your response to that is "they'll look into that then" that is exactly what i mean by nerf meta. Also the PMG wasn't a joke before? Every other weapon in its role? So the star? Its an assault rifle so the only other gun that it can be compared to realistically is the star. Why? Because armas weapons shouldn't be compared to the ntec and the star mainly for the fact that they aren't the foundation of the game. Armas guns should be balanced around the base game weapons and can have silly gimmicks around them that make "fun". For example how the swarm weapons would pull left or right before slowly gaining accuracy like lmgs in Division. Also just because people don't use the obeya or obir doesn't make them inferior. I used the obeya all the time along with the ntec. You really can't act like the obeya is inferior at range. Its extremely accurate, hits hard, and can be very lock people down. The reason most people don't use the obir is because of its slower gameplay nature. Its not a very fast shooting gun and unlike the ntec and obeya you can't tap fire it. The obir does however excel in corner popping. I didn't say apb was dead because of weapon nerfs. I said that nerfing multiple things in games causes them to die. People don't like seeing list after list of nerfs. I honestly don't think people quit that much due to lack of content. APB is played for the customization and the gameplay. No one is waiting for the dlc love story of devil dog and violet prentiess. The horrible game design of gold lock district was for a single event. Despite that terrible decision the event was great.
  12. You do realize thats still adding a gimmick effect to the weapon? You're penalized for using the ntec the way its suppose to be used since this games been released. A tap fire assault rifle. That nerf along with its upcoming nerf as well? Nerfing the ntec isn't going to make your Star come into the spotlight since i know thats something you really want (for some reason). Its really just going to lower the amount of weapons to pick from. Apb was way better before because you could actually use anything. From csg to pmg to ntec, to hvr. Everything was viable and had its place. The ntec has always been a good weapon and for many players a go to weapon. You have to consider the fact that alot of players maybe just like the playstyle of a strong mid range weapon with the possibility of combating cqc weapons if you engage correctly. Many of times i've lost to various pointmen weapons. There are countless players that try and use the ntec and aren't nearly as good as the higher up players who use it. Its not a desk drooling weapon by any means. Honestly i'd say the oca, pmg, and nfas fill that role. I think nerfing the ntec for a second time (which im sure wont be the last) will put it where the rfp or the obeya rifle was when they got nerfed. Unused until years later (few months for the obeya) when they were buffed. As I said in my copy pasta, APB is an arcade game at heart. It really doesn't need these gimmick mechanics added onto them. Especially on f2p guns you get from contacts and leveling up roles. Nerf meta doesn't solve anything. It really just kills games more than anything.
  13. Just going to post what i said in another thread just so others who may not have seen it can read it and express their opinion on it if they so choose to do so. "As an Ntec main (blast me for it i don't really care) the changes are pretty dumb imo. Honestly i think the direction this game is going in terms of balancing hurts the game more than it helps it. Gun play was so much more fun back when the nano first came out. The random "gimmick mechanics" they add to these guns takes away from the arcade feeling of the game. I hate the hvr and i feel that the change to it is pretty meh. I think a damage nerf on it would have been fine. The random burst in bloom on the ntec currently is also very silly. Why when i shoot a gun at a controlled rate should i be penalized? To me it just seems silly to keep hurting players for learning weapons and playing with them efficiently. I just feel like the ntec is just going to get less and less enjoyable. While many may say "ya take that ntec mains and what not" it really just takes away from the game. Just my feeling on it though and why i wish the game was like it was in 2012-2013."
  14. As an Ntec main (blast me for it i don't really care) the changes are pretty dumb imo. Honestly i think the direction this game is going in terms of balancing hurts the game more than it helps it. Gun play was so much more fun back when the nano first came out. The random "gimmick mechanics" they add to these guns takes away from the arcade feeling of the game. I hate the hvr and i feel that the change to it is pretty meh. I think a damage nerf on it would have been fine. The random burst in bloom on the ntec currently is also very silly. Why when i shoot a gun at a controlled rate should i be penalized? To me it just seems silly to keep hurting players for learning weapons and playing with them efficiently. I just feel like the ntec is just going to get less and less enjoyable. While many may say "ya take that ntec mains and what not" it really just takes away from the game. Just my feeling on it though and why i wish the game was like it was in 2012.
  15. You really think the only people left are the only ones who like the gameplay? Lol alright then. You couldn't be more wrong.
  16. I feel like they more likely quit due to the op they got against. Also this games learning curve is rather steep. Even if it doesn't look like it on the surface. Sorry to hear you friends don't play. If they don't like the same damage throughout the body mechanic there are plenty of other games out there that will fill that void. As i stated before APB's gunplay has been how its been for years and years. People play the game because they like it. You'll do more harm to the game changing it now. Especially since what keeps this game alive currently is the older players. Was the same thing with adding the game to console. Was a big middle finger straight to the PC community who had been supporting the game for years. Turning your back on the foundation of your game isn't a smart move by any means.
  17. Ya i agree. I've been in this community since it was released in beta. Can definitely say that the "engine update" has been soontm for so long its pretty meh to hear its will be released soon. As nice as the engine update would be i would prefer a great anti cheat, contacts, and weapons. Only problem is as Matt stated is the engine update would allow for that sort of thing to be implemented much easier and more efficiently.
  18. That situation isn't a very good one. Especially considering they're "garbage players" of course they won't have much of an idea on how to counter act that. Against any good group that strategy would fail very quickly. Also nerfing "big cars" won't change much. The vegas is extremely durable for its speed/weight.
  19. Ya i have fought plenty of the players at the highest skill ceiling time and time again. Considering thats what happens when you've been gold for so long you get the same handful of players game after game. Yes, I will say its a skill issue. Gunplay isn't an issue. In fact the gunplay is fine how it is. You can't just boil it down to a 1v2 in the middle of the street with no cover. Thats not how a majority of firefights end up. You win 1v2 fights because of how well you use the gunplay (which is fine) along with the location, nades, cars, etc. Even if they changed the damage system to doing damage differently throughout the body you're still limited to damage.
  20. Illgot, it use to be that the scout would have its crosshairs close all the way while you were mid jump. It was patched a while ago now. Its still the same thing where you jump and shoot. Its just more luck based when at further ranges though. Up close it still is effective since the character model is larger than the crosshair.
  21. The gunplay in apb is fine. As it has been for the years its been out. Not having headshots is one of the best thing about this game imo. Why change the games damage system this far into its life span? Things like that aren't going to bring back old players. Also in terms of cheaters, having headshots would definitely cause some issues. Also adding body damage so you can clutch in a 1v2? If you can't 1v2 currently thats more a player skill issues tbh. For as long as i have played this game I can say I've had plenty of clutches with the current gunplay/damage system. APB as a game has always been enjoyable. It was the company's fault imo that the game has decayed overtime (not referring to little orbit). In the events there is ever an APB:R2 I think it would be best to keep the game how it is now and just add quality of life changes. Nothing regarding gunplay or how much damage you take based on where you get shot.
  22. Q1. What are some of the craziest things done by you, so that a player who experienced it for a while wont forget you no matter what. My gameplay with CJ3 ntec. Granted its been a while since i've played so people have probably forgotten about me for the most part. Would get a lot of hackusations from it. Q2. Whats your identity in the game? Let it be somethn unique. -Leader of Army In White. -That guy who has the glasses that are a copied from Ghost Recon Future Soldier. -Always wearing some sort of mask. -Always using a Flare Gun Q3. Define a player who is best with a particular gameplay style/ is crazy about somethn in game. I have always enjoyed people who take the time to create unique outfits. I'm not talking about lingerie... actual clothing. Its always fun to see what people can create with the customization apb has to offer.
  23. To be fair a lot of the stuff such as balancing, content, and events do play a role in population. In terms of your original post of removing the threat system i do think that is a gray area. One side of it you have everyone thrown into the same pool where you will get more consistent op with a mixed bag of players. The other side being because everyone is together you'll have people ranging from new players to dethreaters to veterans. I'm not going to turn this into a bashing on people thread but if you were in the position where you are constantly being beaten over and over again by these veterans and you're only at a low silver level would you continue playing? I'm not saying everyone would quit but you have to keep in mind that losing on a consistent basis wouldn't keep anyone playing in my opinion. Fixing the population at this point in the game is going to be a very big challenge for Little Orbit. Some of the choices they've made already have either angered the community or caused them to quit. Such as unbanning people who were banned prior to them buying the game or these most recent changes to weapons and mods. If they want to bring back population of the game they should be looking back at where the game was populated back in 2011-2012. I know i'm not the only one who feels that way. If population wants to rise I really think LO needs to look at the game from when it was strong in numbers and see what it is people really enjoyed about it. I've been around for years and would gladly give them my two cents. TL:DR - Population reflects on many things (events, progression, content, balancing).
  24. Honestly the only thing that killed the frenzy was them adding that 1 extra bullet to its stk. It use to be a good gun. Then they nerfed it :)
  25. Really should try looking back at 2012 and try and work on stuff from there. Adding all these tweaks to mods seems a bit extreme. A lot of the additions to them just seem unneeded. While i agree car spawner is annoying the spawn system in general is awful. Really find it concerning seeing all these people coming up with ideas for mods.
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