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Threat - in all honesty...

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I get both sides, I really do. I have kinda been saying this in some other threads. I am a Hi Silver Low Gold player. I play legitimately in Gold and pretty well until I get a duo that works together. Then I seem to keep getting them again and again rolled over and over. I think I really suck. I go back to bronze and I go Gold quickly. I feel like I have no home. I should be in Silver District playing against other Silvers.

I see a few people who do nothing but use Explosives weapons in Bronze and it makes me sick. 

I say something to them everytime so I am not very liked. These are also the same kind of people that TK a Trainee for doing a objective before we get op.

I have seen many many Trainees quit becuz of a handful of these guys. 

When I get matched up with them I usually Abort mission if possible, sometimes I TK them for TK'ing the Trainee.

It's not about the threat level or even the skill level really. Its a handful of really bad apples.

I have even seen a few 255 Bronzes, they are few but those always seem to use Osmaw.


I have played off and on for years not NON Stop like alot of you. And most likely when we all started there were alot more players and we didn't think too much of threat.

Just which map do I have contacts I need to lvl up.

It was probably  a year before I even knew it was possible to manually select a district. Didn't care, didn't need to.


New Players today have to worry about Osmaws, OPGL, Oscar spammers, Car detonator parked on every obj, people surfing on cars with Rockets, blow torch, etc, etc.

When we started we didn't have most of those things. Any wonder why nearly everyone new thinks the game is P2W?


I gave suggestion earlier in the thread about making the Empty Green Districts the GO TO play for Bronze and below.

It doesn't fix everything, but at least it would stop the Purposeful Dethreating BAD EGGS from using Explosives and making our new players quit before they even start.


Can we get rid of the Start up screen that shows the districts and just freaking have the list of servers? 

I bet you would hate that! Then you would stop getting those poor Bronzes and Just turned Silvers actually in the Silver district.

Who tells them they should be playing in Bronze?








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42 minutes ago, Havana said:

Can we get rid of the Start up screen that shows the districts and just freaking have the list of servers? 

I bet you would hate that! Then you would stop getting those poor Bronzes and Just turned Silvers actually in the Silver district.

Who tells them they should be playing in Bronze?



You forget there is a small minority who think playing in bronze and farming kills is a good thing.


Threat needs a major rework, and if anything the separation between districts needs a rework.


I am sure if you returned the 100 player districts, and removed the threat restriction, players would be matched up with people relative to their threat a lot more than how it is currently.


The matchmaking system has not changed since 2010. Separating the districts by threat does nothing but attempt to bandaid the fact that matchmaking will pit you against someone regardless of threat, after a certain waiting time between missions.


If you sat down and waited for a mission long enough, you will notice how you're pitted against players who shouldn't be fighting you at all because you either steam roll them, or they steam roll you.

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asked for roadmap because it talks of details of this and how it is going to be fixed

plus i just don't remember the roadmap much and cant find it

a lot going on other than APB so im scatterbrained

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3 hours ago, Havana said:

Can we get rid of the Start up screen that shows the districts and just freaking have the list of servers? 

I bet you would hate that! Then you would stop getting those poor Bronzes and Just turned Silvers actually in the Silver district.

Who tells them they should be playing in Bronze?



actually, i've been doing that for like 2 or 3 years already.



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3 hours ago, Havana said:

Who tells them they should be playing in Bronze?



I see people telling people how to choose districts all the time, lol.

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On 1/29/2019 at 6:42 AM, Shamis said:

What's the point of the current threat system if the difference in skill amongst "golds" is greater than the difference in skill of all the other threat levels combined?

the population is too low, so the majority isn't the usual average skill level. one half is the people who are able to get as good as they are, but have insufferable attitudes, and the other half being comprised of the newbies who are also new to using a computer, and the average skill players just trying to enjoy the game. the current threat would "work", but only if this game had a big and active playerbase.



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20 hours ago, UnoriginalPerson said:

the population is too low, so the majority isn't the usual average skill level. one half is the people who are able to get as good as they are, but have insufferable attitudes, and the other half being comprised of the newbies who are also new to using a computer, and the average skill players just trying to enjoy the game. the current threat would "work", but only if this game had a big and active playerbase.




multiply the population by 10,000

still too easy to get gold

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On 2/4/2019 at 3:33 PM, Shamis said:


multiply the population by 10,000

still too easy to get gold

never said it was perfect. work was in quotation for a reason

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The way I've seen it the current threat system should be dumped. Just have a few action districts for players under rank 100. Give new players plenty of time to learn, and by the time they hit rank 100 they should be fairly competent at playing. If anything get rid of threat locked districts and hide threat as a placebo. The last few times I've played there's almost nothing for me to do being stuck at gold, other than roam vacant districts.


The last time I played was November, and even then the game client and servers were still pretty horrible. Not sure if much has changed in game since. I have read the developers updates here and there on the blog, but not the patch notes here on the forums. I don't see the game being very entertaining until there is at least 500-800+ active players on a single server during peak hours.


I've just been hovering around like a fruit fly waiting until the game is good and ripe again. I love APB to death, but it's pretty hollow compared to what it was in the past, and even then it was never huge. Once the game is in a more playable state, it would certainly help. Last time I played it was still quite laggy, and I had to reset the game every 90 minutes or so because my frames would slowly drop. I'd start at 120 FPS after logging in, and drop to around 40 after playing for about 90 minutes. A little off topic, but they have bigger fish to fry right now.


I really just want them to fix the core issues right now so we can rebuild the playerbase back up. I've been waiting for this game to take flight since I started playing in 2010, and it's still just lurking in the shadows.. Pardon my ranting, I've just been patiently waiting for a long time, and I've seen this topic like 2 dozen times over the years. They did make changes to threat in the past, and it only seemed to have made things worse..

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On 2/3/2019 at 3:21 AM, Kaori1 said:

My point was that a 255 has at least ~1,000 hours or more experience in playing the game than a fresh player. These two individuals should never be matched with each other. 

your math does not add up. I got my enforcer LiggNer to R255 in less than 500 hours of playtime, without premium. Saying a R255 must have more than 1k hours is just a joke.


On 2/3/2019 at 3:31 AM, Kaori1 said:


they are both noobs on bronze but one was only here longer is your argument?

^this. To derank into bronze would mean you were close to fall into bronze from the start, especially if you do it because "gold is too hard for me", thus making bad players fight new players. What's the problem?? Isn't it better that new players get to play vs bad players instead of having no opponents at all?


I don't see a problem with the current threat system, just the matchmaking bound with it. Having 2 golds and a silver into 3 golds, with the 3 golds having the backup advantage is a problem, not the skillgap between golds in itself. 

Edited by rune ghost

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On 2/1/2019 at 10:28 PM, Jazeker said:

Distributing players into the correct districts was and is to this day the major flaw in the system,


(ppssst That's matchmaking)

Matchmaking = placing players from a pool against each other, ideally based on their skill

Distribution = putting players into a matchmaking pool, ideally based on their skill


The former currently exists and technically works. The latter currently only exists in a rudimentary and flawed form (district threat labels). They're independent systems which ideally work in tandem.

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On 2/2/2019 at 6:23 PM, CookiePuss said:

I'll bite... what is your solution?


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On 1/29/2019 at 9:18 AM, AxeTurboAgresor said:

Trigger warning for yo weak pieces. Dont read if u r easily triggered.


If you are gold, then you are familiar with shooter games, you know how to do mission, you know the basics and probably more advanced things about APB, and therefore you are ready to play amongs normal (gold) players. Yes, there are people that are like rly good, and they will make ur arse bleed, but it is not an excuse to cry.

Sry, but being marked silver or bronze these days is like being a special kid in a special schools (bronze dist.) that are too slow to compete with normal students (players).


This is my opinion on this matter, and I think its fine as it is. Not perfect nor flawless, but its fine. But i am also ok if it will be changed in better dirrection.


I was gold for most of my APB career....then I sold my computer and built a new one out of spare parts. Much inferior.

Now my frames drop to zero at every single critical moment always.

thiugh I have to say... I recall playing this game on worse systems. Like old laptops I used to have.

Seems it’s only gotten worse hmmm


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