MageLO 200 Posted August 20, 2024 Hello everyone, Our standard weekly maintenance will be held this Wednesday (08/21) starting at 9 AM UTC. The game should be back up and running in 10 to 12 hours. Thank you for your patience during this period. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ninjarrrr 261 Posted August 20, 2024 12 hours Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DumSAS 5 Posted August 21, 2024 Wow thats a lot Any reason for regualr maintanence to take that long? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LikeDennis 4 Posted August 21, 2024 12 fking hours???? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zdfzdfzd 0 Posted August 21, 2024 dayumnn, thats half the time on my gun i rented Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SirVilla 18 Posted August 21, 2024 12h xd How do you feel the holidays! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Qualeta 18 Posted August 21, 2024 12 hours? are you adding more contacts? new levels? new guns? :'DDDDD Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Berkshire 39 Posted August 21, 2024 10-12 hours is a joke. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
watsoNN 27 Posted August 21, 2024 Why so long? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SirVilla 18 Posted August 21, 2024 13 minutes ago, Qualeta said: 12 hours? are you adding more contacts? new levels? new guns? :'DDDDD More than one of us here would like that, but I think we will have to wait another 15 years or until the game closes hahaha Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spher3 40 Posted August 21, 2024 10-12 hours... are we buying new hamsters and hamsterwheels? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Berkshire 39 Posted August 21, 2024 I got myself a day off and LO had to go shut the servers off for the whole day... I bet you'll see no difference in the game once the maintenance is finished. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hultimate 3 Posted August 21, 2024 36 minutes ago, Berkshire said: 10-12 hours is a joke. I had the same thought but then tried to keep my idea for myself. Apparently I was right. 10-12 hours of maintenance is so unprofessional. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zdfzdfzd 0 Posted August 21, 2024 i bet the graphics are goona get an underhaul, i want more clay cars! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MACKxBOLAN 452 Posted August 21, 2024 1 hour ago, Berkshire said: I bet you'll see no difference in the game No, but just knowing all of them hundreds and hundreds of toxics and hackers can't play for 12hrs is very very satisfying. Now for those that are not hackers or toxic toward legit players, We are getting a half day off without pay. which is the same as doing missions for zero xp, except there is no work. We are also getting a half day away from the toxic abuse. I'm all for a day in Fin without grinding the new levels. It has become obvious that the game in NA is no longer for North Americans. Opening more and more east servers before filling the western. The new levels are in wf which has always been a bad hang out. They will probly close fin and the western servers just to cater to the far eastern players. Levels are too big or long, specially for the work involved in remaxing. 12 hrs that toxics that only boot in to be toxic to me and a couple others, can't be toxic in chat. Now for your average gamer the 12 hrs is a bummer but, for the narcissist sociopaths running the district chat it will be devastating. These people will need medical and psychiatric help from the mental withdraws that not being toxic to legit players will cause them. I mean I think a 12 hr down everyday would seriously help the community, it would have more effect on the toxics and cheaters than any anti cheat. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
watsoNN 27 Posted August 21, 2024 Bros just yapping at this point. Yeah lets take the servers down for 12 hours everyday so EU players can't play cause servers come back online at 10pm depending on the region. Some people gotta work Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VerreckDuSau 8 Posted August 21, 2024 47 minutes ago, MACKxBOLAN said: Nein, aber allein die Tatsache, dass Hunderte und Hunderte von Toxikern und Hackern 12 Stunden lang nicht spielen können, ist sehr sehr zufriedenstellend. Für diejenigen, die keine Hacker sind oder gegenüber legitimen Spielern toxisch sind, bekommen wir ein halber unbezahlter freier Tag. Das ist dasselbe, wie Missionen ohne XP zu erledigen, nur dass es keine Arbeit gibt. Außerdem bekommen wir einen halben Tag frei von dem toxischen Missbrauch. Ich bin ganz für einen Tag in Finn, ohne die neuen Level zu grinden. Es ist offensichtlich geworden, dass das Spiel in Nordamerika nichts mehr für Nordamerikaner ist. Bevor der Westen gefüllt wird, werden immer mehr Ost-Server geöffnet. Die neuen Level sind in WF, was schon immer ein schlechter Treffpunkt war. Sie werden wahrscheinlich Fin und die westlichen Server schließen, nur um den fernöstlichen Spielern gerecht zu werden. Die Level sind zu groß oder zu lang, insbesondere für den mit dem Remaxing verbundenen Aufwand. 12 Stunden, in denen Giftstoffe freigesetzt werden, die nur für mich und ein paar andere giftig sind, kann im Chat nicht giftig sein. Für den durchschnittlichen Spieler sind die 12 Stunden zwar ein Mist, aber für die narzisstischen Soziopathen, die den Bezirkschat betreiben, wird es verheerend sein. Diese Menschen werden medizinische und psychiatrische Hilfe aufgrund der psychischen Entzugserscheinungen benötigen. dass sie dadurch entstehen, dass man gegenüber legitimen Spielern nicht toxisch ist. Ich meine, ich denke, ein 12-stündiger Ausfall jeden Tag würde der Community wirklich helfen, es hätte mehr Wirkung auf die Toxine und Cheater als jeder Anti-Cheat. No apb no hackers Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SirVilla 18 Posted August 21, 2024 The servers are out of service, try again later! That's what it tells me after 5 hours of maintenance.... be careful, APB is coming to an end!? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
STX 1 Posted August 21, 2024 2 minutes ago, SirVilla said: The servers are out of service, try again later! That's what it tells me after 5 hours of maintenance.... be careful, APB is coming to an end!? APB is already at its end. been like that for a while buddy Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MageLO 200 Posted August 21, 2024 The servers are now back online. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SirVilla 18 Posted August 21, 2024 11 minutes ago, STX said: APB ya está llegando a su fin. Ha estado así por un tiempo amigo. How long have they been trying to fix, solve, the bugs in the game? When we are going to be able to experience an apb in conditions, (leaving aside the cheaters), how many errors in walls and textures that make you fade, your grenades under the floor or corners where the bullets go through are lost, causing you damage causing you to have to go back and losing vision of the enemy, if they could at least fix all the bugs and errors in the game, it would be much more enjoyable.I have been playing this game since 2013, and at first it was a disaster, after 11 years, what has changed? Well, although each company has brought with it changes, none has been able to update the graphics engine, none has been able to ensure its effectiveness. of an anti-cheat, in 11 years few things have changed, and the most important thing for me in these 11 years is that I continue to hit with the same ones for 11 long years just like country cheats and that I hope they do not change that at least I continue to recognize to these terrorists who made me sick so much laughter and anger Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MACKxBOLAN 452 Posted August 21, 2024 14 minutes ago, SirVilla said: terrorists Yep cyber terrorists. Spend all day trying to make legits leave the game by hacking or being toxic. These fake anti cheats are just labels that do nothing. Nobody is trying to stop them, LO seems to like the toxics, maybe they are rich toxics. So we got literally an army of hackers trying to stop legits from playing. If they aren't hacking they are trash talking in chat, and getting away with it. I guess I should ask that for the ama, @MattScott Why do you prefer toxic hackers over legit paying customers, as customers. What is my money dirty or something, cuz theirs certainly isn't clean? And I don't wanna hear 'Report them. I REFUSE to use that function. because it won't do anything, but submit me to staff retaliation. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Victoria97 17 Posted August 21, 2024 1 hour ago, MACKxBOLAN said: Yep cyber terrorists. Spend all day trying to make legits leave the game by hacking or being toxic. These fake anti cheats are just labels that do nothing. Nobody is trying to stop them, LO seems to like the toxics, maybe they are rich toxics. So we got literally an army of hackers trying to stop legits from playing. If they aren't hacking they are trash talking in chat, and getting away with it. I guess I should ask that for the ama, @MattScott Why do you prefer toxic hackers over legit paying customers, as customers. What is my money dirty or something, cuz theirs certainly isn't clean? And I don't wanna hear 'Report them. I REFUSE to use that function. because it won't do anything, but submit me to staff retaliation. dude all you do is bashing non stop. How many hackers are there really? There are many cheaters with macros but no hackers who speed hack run around fly around like epicgoat style. I would tell you to get good, but I myself am not such a pro player. I am good with ntecs and explosives pretty much. And i am almost always on top of food chain. The only real issue are threats. Someone messed up the threats, because you turn silver with a victory and good score but you had in team army of feeders. And i turned silver already couple of times only because of the team, because there is no other explanation. If threat is based on standing, my standing was bigger than entire cop side. Aside that..we do need new anti cheat but its not about Lil orbit loving or not loving cheating community, its about the fact if you ban all the cheaters player base will again fall at 200-300 people. And its nice to see 1k ppl around now, regardless they cheat or hack. At this point its irrelevant to cry about hackers, if you didnt get used to hackers so far idk what you have been doing since 2016 when you joined. Like there were always hackers in apb and there always will be hackers in apb n there is nothing nobody can do. Fairfight was good to me, but eveybody bashed it with "fake bans". Then battle eye came everybody bashed its not doing nothing, then we went to this last one prior to sard...and everybody was making forum posts about "being falsely banned". They way you constantly talk ppl would think there are 99% of hackers in apb which is simply not true since i do play missions quite often and i got average 8 wins out of 10 missions. So i win 80% of missions and i am not even that good player. So if i can do it you can do it. As for the report, you are literally source of the problem. Lets cry about hackers but lets do nothing about it, lets make irrelevant crying out posts at forums and lets spam our post numbers for stats. Out of your 1200 posts you practically didnt say nothing important. I use report function all the time, and I always write in the report itself what i am suspecting guy is using. They do read reports but its not going fast because there are 10 ppl working in entire lil orbit company. If it was company with 10 000 employees and player base of 50 000 ppl things would be different. But it is what it is. So instead bashing lil orbit non stop how about tell them thanks that they are still trying hard to keep game alive, they are still adding new stuff new content, they are still searching for good anti cheat. Fact is there is no good anti cheat in any game on the planet. Every game's anti cheat is broken in 2-3 days after its release. Hackers get it as a personal challenge to break it. So quit yapping about hackers, suck it up and go play the game and try have some fun. If you dont have any fun in apb, you know the drill... alt f4 delete uninstall and good bye. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MACKxBOLAN 452 Posted August 21, 2024 45 minutes ago, Victoria97 said: dude all you do is bashing non stop You're probly one of them, no its the other way around, all they do is bash me. And that is totally allowed. And yes i would agree about 99% are either toxic or hacking. Also, I have Thanked Lo or the particular Dev staff and Magelo for the work done regarding new items and the fix for the mirage. There was one like u in district, all mad about me not trusting and refusing to use report. Well thats because when I used report last time for someone doing the exact thing you are doing, badgering me thru a mission to report someone. So I reported the person badgering me for chat harassment. I'm talking several minutes of continuous chat bashing and did it during a mission. the person was not in the mission. and this was before sard but after the unbanning. And the result was the gm attacked me. And I'm not in there All day as you say, the chat rulers are, i can barely get in to try a mission. So at this time its not just hackers and sard, its basic rules. So as long as those toxics are there that mean noone is watching or investigating any report, therefore if they can't control the small violation they certainly aren't going to be banning aimbots. Not to mention I am not paid to be a hack policeman by LO, they have a problem not me. Due to the above, I won't report anyone for anything. No I expect a gm to be in district. or by whatever means be it a gm ect, to control these people and provide a fun environment. If they chose not to, I simply find a Firm that will. If you think that some snot nosed 14 year old ranting a Book in forum is going to change me, ' You're sadly mistaking. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SirVilla 18 Posted August 21, 2024 On 8/21/2024 at 6:23 PM, Victoria97 said: ¿Cuántos hackers hay realmente? more than those who you believe what happens who know how to hide very well Merged. On 8/21/2024 at 7:34 PM, MACKxBOLAN said: Lamentablemente estás equivocado. Maybe so we will never know the whole truth All the cheaters that you say are more than retired, and those who don't already know perfectly well who they are just because of how they play, in this game the only advantage is the time you have been playing it, one here already knows things, (old dog knows many ...) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites