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What's going on with Citadel?

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1 minute ago, spher3 said:

once again.... 3rd mission i lose to disconnects... server died... soo... we get to life through this and dont get any sort of compensation for insistenly trying to play? at this moment some reward should be given to the people that actually tries to keep this game alive in this repetitive dying of the servers... its not the first, not the second, hell, not even the 5th time in 3 weeks.. countless network issues dumped over us, with no recomp whatsoever... (i know that some ppl will shit over this comment and cry that i feel entitled)... but after still going strong trying to play my favourite game, i think we should be awarded something to live through this shit... suggestion; the title: IT Disaster survivor

i won't mind getting free prem as a compensation 😛

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what is a point of making "100th" thread regarding that, there is alredy one by community manager, wait for her answer, simple. 

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1 minute ago, WaitWat said:

what is a point of making "100th" thread regarding that, there is alredy one by community manager, wait for her answer, simple. 

because citadel has been up for a good while after that post, and restarted once after it, and now crashed again. if you dont play the game, dont comment here. We arent a public testserver they can put up and down as they please, thats what OTW is for. Edited by spher3
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Literally i dont know why forum kids involve when they dont know whats going on.

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Just now, vsonyp0wer-xyz said:

Literally i dont know why forum kids involve when they dont know whats going on.

Try the search function, this has already been addressed.  

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Friday the 13th  cOiNCidEnCe i DoNt ThiNk So

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1 minute ago, CookiePuss said:

I mean, we did just get 6 free days of premium. 

to celebrate the aquisition of G1 by LO... and during this time we also had the servers constantly take a shit... whats the use of premium days when you cant a) use them when you feel like it (read: redeem code) and/or b) cant use them to its full potential due to frustrations gained by servers constantly locking up/ spiking / dropping packet.

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1 minute ago, spher3 said:
4 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

I mean, we did just get 6 free days of premium. 

to celebrate the aquisition of G1 by LO
it was for "player appreciation"

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Wow Im so fucking happy I bought 3 months of premium with 0 availability to play the fucking game

You would think industry veterans would've figured out how to avert a DDOS attack by now

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the reason behind the premium giveaway doesnt validate the fact that the server still were and is broken. a appreciation package is handed out when said problem is done with

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They merged the Threads..

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Merged topics and moved to tech issues. 

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Tip: lock the gameserver until you actually can play without hiccups, i remember G1 doing this, it is possible to have the gameserver up and deny the "normal permission" player access

Edited by spher3

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So those of us who is paying for premium and weapons? I take it we get this refunded? IF not this company is breaking the law………….

I do feel that it is enough problems with the servers at the moment.

All this is in your hands....

FIX IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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3 minutes ago, TheOldFart said:

So those of us who is paying for premium and weapons? I take it we get this refunded? IF not this company is breaking the law………….

I do feel that it is enough problems with the servers at the moment.

All this is in your hands....

FIX IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

breaking the law?

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7 minutes ago, TheOldFart said:

I take it we get this refunded?

I got premium and few weapons (30 days duration) but...i think we will not get any refund from this issue lol Its not how the companies work. Edited by Alekero

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9 minutes ago, VanessaMiezner said:
3 hours ago, Faithh said:

my acc still deleted 

nobody cares u a nonamer anyways so shut up and be quiet and get banned fag.
Poor kid. He can't enter and use his cheat. Guess you are stuck playing Sim City and DL porn…...

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1 hour ago, SKOCHO said:

Friday the 13th  cOiNCidEnCe i DoNt ThiNk So

Looks like you have a problem with your shift key or a possible intermittent caps lock.

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wtf is going on atm??? 

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1 minute ago, vsonyp0wer-xyz said:
wtf is going on atm??? 
Feeding time = no wheel running

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27 minutes ago, VanessaMiezner said:
3 hours ago, Faithh said:

my acc still deleted 

nobody cares u a nonamer anyways so shut up and be quiet and get banned fag.
my acc is not banned, its deleted you fuck, also do you have a name you fag ?

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