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The EU / NA server merge/consolidation

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“As an NA native, I cannot stress enough how much consolidation would mean to me, and to all NA players. I also think being able to keep playing on their NA main characters might bring more than a few Jericho players back.”  -Community Member


Yet another thing that could have been a huge factor when it comes to keeping players from leaving which was also hyped up with multiple blog posts and eventually dropped / postponed till some sort of Engine upgrade happened.


Here’s the simple question, is this still planned in the future? NA players long to play on their mains which are sadly stuck on a server that is basically unplayable for most of the day, some of them only want to design and sell their works too but can’t really do that due to the lack of players on NA and the market being basically dead. We understand that LO postponed this to try and develop a solution that makes the naming fair so people don’t lose their names as part of the merge, however, NA will likely die off completely in the coming months as the games overall population on both servers continues to dwindle and some players simply don’t feel like levelling a new character on EU or flat out don’t have the character slots to do so.

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I'm in a bit of a awkward situation where my main character was created on Colby NA as the EU server was offline at the time, all my achievements, designs, Holiday rewards and Armas purchases are tied to that character...
As someone living in the EU, either triy too forget my loses and carry on with a new character, or just endure the disadvantage I am in.

It is indeed a personal problem which may not affect anyone else, but server merging or cross play is something I am very much interested in.

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Em 12/06/2022 em 00:05, MattScott disse:

“Como nativo de NA, não posso deixar de enfatizar o quanto a consolidação significaria para mim e para todos os jogadores de NA. Eu também acho que ser capaz de continuar jogando com seus personagens principais de NA pode trazer mais do que alguns jogadores de Jericho de volta.”  - Membro da comunidade


Ainda outra coisa que poderia ter sido um grande fator quando se trata de impedir que os jogadores saíssem, o que também foi divulgado com várias postagens no blog e eventualmente descartado/adiado até que algum tipo de atualização do mecanismo acontecesse.


Aqui está a pergunta simples, isso ainda está planejado no futuro? Os jogadores de NA desejam jogar em sua rede, que infelizmente estão presos em um servidor que é basicamente impossível de jogar a maior parte do dia, alguns deles só querem projetar e vender seus trabalhos também, mas não podem realmente fazer isso devido à falta de jogadores em NA e o mercado está basicamente morto.Entendemos que LO adiou isso para tentar desenvolver uma solução que tornesse a nomenclatura justa para que as pessoas não percassem seus nomes como parte da fusão, no entanto, NA provavelmente morrerá completamente nos próximos meses, já que a população geral dos jogos em ambos os servidores continue a diminuir e alguns jogadores simplesmente não têm vontade de nivelar um novo personagem na UE ou simplesmente não têm os slots de personagem para fazê-lo.

Let me get this straight... Is Matt Scott, CEO of L.O, saying that Jericho is going to die in 3 months?

Edited by MrLek

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On 12/13/2022 at 3:37 PM, Mitne said:

This is gonna be nightmare when it comes to latency.

One logical server can be distributed across different physical locations. Heck, the naming scheme of districts even suggests hosting them in different regions, while having all players in the same database.

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17 hours ago, Revoluzzer said:

One logical server can be distributed across different physical locations. Heck, the naming scheme of districts even suggests hosting them in different regions, while having all players in the same database.

So in the end people will still join one server which is full because that's the way this game is played rn. due to low population. This merge is more in favour of NA than EU. We gonna suffer from latency problems when we gonna fight NA players. They gonna enjoy normal (kinda) population when it comes to districts.

Edited by Mitne

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Just merge them and bring back threat districts. Win-win?

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4 hours ago, Nagletz said:

Just merge them and bring back threat districts. Win-win?

Then we're back to dethreating, threat inflation, and dividing friends, with the added bonus of latency problems.

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17 hours ago, Mitne said:

So in the end people will still join one server which is full because that's the way this game is played rn. due to low population. This merge is more in favour of NA than EU. We gonna suffer from latency problems when we gonna fight NA players. They gonna enjoy normal (kinda) population when it comes to districts.

Having a higher ping affects the person with the higher ping more than others. Yeah, the people shooting them might every now and then see a little lag, but it is pretty minimal. It is usually packet loss or EXTREME ping that makes the people impossible to shoot.


Playing with high ping causes even worse hit reg, you get shot around corners/behind cover, have delay on your driving and have to predict vehicle movement, delay on a lot of input actions like kicking doors or starting objectives, etc.

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A server merge should happen in as clean of a way as possible, but make sure to keep the player informed on what district they join and what region it is. So many players don't even know that the advanced tab during district select is where you go to find a populated district as the automatic selector almost always puts the player in a low pop server. (thus making new players assume the game has 0 players instead of 40)

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On 12/16/2022 at 4:10 PM, R3ACT3M said:

So many players don't even know that the advanced tab during district select is where you go to find a populated district as the automatic selector almost always puts the player in a low pop server.

Ideally that advanced tab had never existed. It's part of the core-issues with matchmaking (i.e. picking the fullest district over the most appropriate one).

With cross-district matchmaking this would be obsolete anyway.


And if districts can be hosted across the world, ping should probably be a factor in matchmaking. Just like the game will not consider players way outside your threat-range at the beginning of the matchmaking process, it should not consider players way outside your region before some minutes have passed.

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On 12/16/2022 at 1:31 AM, Nagletz said:

Just merge them and bring back threat districts. Win-win?

exactly this. I wouldn't even care about the names, its ridiculous to have toons we spend money on being held hostage on a dead server.. and removing threat districts was probably the most silly move they ever did and very likely accelerated this games population decrease.

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11 hours ago, Revoluzzer said:

With cross-district matchmaking this would be obsolete anyway.


Yea I really hope they can pull it off


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I mean in my opinion i don't see why there are two world servers, after all, latency in social doesn't really matter, region matters mostly for districts

I would totally see everyone in the same place, with one social, and have Financial EU + Waterfront EU and Financial NA + Waterfront NA


it's not a perfect solution, as obviously the names conflict is still there and NA servers will stay empty, however it brings players together and allows people to go play with Europeans if they feels like doing so.


District phasing was pretty sick but looks like a huge thing to implement, so i'd rather have that in the meantime while waiting for district phasing.

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I think when it comes about who save their name just add the server name next to it like MidnightQ(NA), MidnightQ(EU) this way doesn't get conflict who has the most right of that name or this MidnightQ and NA will be underneath like a title name 

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On 12/19/2022 at 2:11 PM, Ketog said:

I mean in my opinion i don't see why there are two world servers, after all, latency in social doesn't really matter, region matters mostly for districts

I would totally see everyone in the same place, with one social, and have Financial EU + Waterfront EU and Financial NA + Waterfront NA


it's not a perfect solution, as obviously the names conflict is still there and NA servers will stay empty, however it brings players together and allows people to go play with Europeans if they feels like doing so.


District phasing was pretty sick but looks like a huge thing to implement, so i'd rather have that in the meantime while waiting for district phasing.

Problem is, as far as i am aware that is not an option. As it is now characters are linked or stored in a specific region (NA or EU) and i think they don`t have the means to bypass this.  It would be either merging EU to NA or NA to EU server. Even though i play from south america, i think EU should  get the preference since they have the most players by far.




On 12/13/2022 at 12:34 PM, NotZombieBiscuit said:

I just don't wanna interact with Europeans. Simple as.

Half the pop in NA is from south america so...

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