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Where are all the cheaters?

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No, seriously.


Everyone is constantly complaining about how the game is ran by cheaters but I'm yet to see any. I've returned to the game a month ago, playing on NA whenever there's a district alive. Where are the cheaters??


What I HAVE FOUND though is people calling me a cheater whenever I get lucky shots / skilled outplays / etc. Is the average APB player just too proud to admit defeat and they can only cope by creating this fake "cheater pandemic" in their head?


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3 hours ago, APB-Enjoyer said:

No, seriously.


Everyone is constantly complaining about how the game is ran by cheaters but I'm yet to see any. I've returned to the game a month ago, playing on NA whenever there's a district alive. Where are the cheaters??


What I HAVE FOUND though is people calling me a cheater whenever I get lucky shots / skilled outplays / etc. Is the average APB player just too proud to admit defeat and they can only cope by creating this fake "cheater pandemic" in their head?


nice sockpuppet 

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6 hours ago, MonkaS said:

nice sockpuppet 

doubt he is lol, because


10 hours ago, APB-Enjoyer said:

 playing on NA whenever there's a district alive. Where are the cheaters??

NA is so dead that even cheaters refused to play here xD

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this is most likely a member of SPCT defending cheaters yet again. they do it on their main accounts so not sure why the need to make fresh ones all of a sudden.

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Cause almost all of them are on EU during peak hours (EU evenings, especially during the weekend). Even the NA cheaters are on EU because there's no one to cheat against on NA anymore unless you like making a new account to play in the bronze district every time you wanna get on APB. 

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12 hours ago, Nagletz said:

doubt he is lol, because


NA is so dead that even cheaters refused to play here xD

doubt anyone's real name is 'APB-Enjoyer' stinks of troll alt

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imagine enjoying apb xD

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18 hours ago, largeAPBgamer said:

this is most likely a member of SPCT defending cheaters yet again. they do it on their main accounts so not sure why the need to make fresh ones all of a sudden.

haha, yeah.

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your playing on na ... on na there aint a lot of cheaters to tell maybe there are no cheaters on NA ... on EU u see sometimes one... or think u see sometimes one.

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eu cheaters are still  occasionally going blatant and much of them are using macro as well but honestly you cant say who is cheating and who is not.  I assure  that NA doesnt have any cheaters though.

Edited by bgpentq

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I know of 2 on NA, only because they're dumb enough to post clips of themselves aimbotting.


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On 9/2/2021 at 1:09 PM, SquirrelFace said:

I know of 2 on NA, only because they're dumb enough to post clips of themselves aimbotting.

How is it dumb? They know LO won't take any action against them, so why not just be fully blatant?

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On 8/31/2021 at 9:27 AM, largeAPBgamer said:

this is most likely a member of SPCT defending cheaters yet again. they do it on their main accounts so not sure why the need to make fresh ones all of a sudden.

I don't know where you got this idea from, it's absolute nonsense.


We're players too and do not approve of any form of cheating and most of us do report people if we see stuff out of order.

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2 hours ago, KyoukiDotExe said:

I don't know where you got this idea from, it's absolute nonsense.


We're players too and do not approve of any form of cheating and most of us do report people if we see stuff out of order.

except that one time long ago where a forum mod essentially said there's nothing wrong with triggerbots lmao

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On 8/31/2021 at 12:30 PM, Nagletz said:

imagine enjoying apb xD

honestly, i'm more shocked someone cares enough to take the time to troll a graveyard

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11 hours ago, Aeronaut said:

except that one time long ago where a forum mod essentially said there's nothing wrong with triggerbots lmao

So basically an idiot from long ago? Nice.

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15 hours ago, Aeronaut said:

except that one time long ago where a forum mod essentially said there's nothing wrong with triggerbots lmao

are you talking about the same forum mod who also used said cheats in game?

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On 9/10/2021 at 7:32 PM, KyoukiDotExe said:

So basically an idiot from long ago? Nice.

or just look at SPCTs recent posts that claim there are literally zero cheaters

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1 hour ago, FakeBungo said:

or just look at SPCTs recent posts that claim there are literally zero cheaters

None of us said or believe that.

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13 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

None of us said or believe that.




People who I caught cheating with video evidence years ago, are still cheating on twitch.tv and saying to their audiences they are legit and stopped cheating or never did. Its a circus. If this forum allowed it, I could post a metric ton of data and links showing how strongly associated SPCT members are to various cheaters, and cheater clans, and if APB devs wanted they could do a way better job than I could ever do, since they can actually get ingame data and look into IP addresses or something of the sort. Its a huge toxic community that has been allowed to exist since I came back to APB in around 2016 pre-LO era and has only flourished since. The only difference now is the speedhackers have calmed down quite a bit, probably because they already killed most the population's patience already.

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1 hour ago, FakeBungo said:




People who I caught cheating with video evidence years ago, are still cheating on twitch.tv and saying to their audiences they are legit and stopped cheating or never did. Its a circus. If this forum allowed it, I could post a metric ton of data and links showing how strongly associated SPCT members are to various cheaters, and cheater clans, and if APB devs wanted they could do a way better job than I could ever do, since they can actually get ingame data and look into IP addresses or something of the sort. Its a huge toxic community that has been allowed to exist since I came back to APB in around 2016 pre-LO era and has only flourished since. The only difference now is the speedhackers have calmed down quite a bit, probably because they already killed most the population's patience already.

Lol yikes

That's your proof? That on one day at some point in the past I said that one server was "pretty much" cheat free?

Try harder. 


To clarify: Jericho has had periods of relatively low levels of cheating.  Citadel on the other hand has had a pretty consistent amount of cheating. 





Edited by CookiePuss

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This thread is a joke because of game's community, no wonder that ppl stopped playing, you can't even trust mods and gm's... not to mention players. At least i have my faith leftover in Matt, although situation still didn't get better, yet...


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what happens to spct standards


i got reprimanded for less back in the days 😂

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On 9/11/2021 at 3:26 PM, FakeBungo said:

 I could post a metric ton of data and links showing how strongly associated SPCT members are to various cheaters, and cheater clans,

I could only suggest you to forward this to the Community Manager if this truly is the case. Otherwise it just seems like a false claim to me and just words on a screen without meaning.


However, I do not think so. I know quite a few of these guys and there are some I never met prior but learned to know over the span of time.

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On 9/14/2021 at 4:32 PM, KyoukiDotExe said:

I could only suggest you to forward this to the Community Manager if this truly is the case. Otherwise it just seems like a false claim to me and just words on a screen without meaning.


However, I do not think so. I know quite a few of these guys and there are some I never met prior but learned to know over the span of time.

LO is the ones who unbanned cheaters and says they don't enjoy banning cheaters




On 9/14/2021 at 4:32 PM, KyoukiDotExe said:

I could only suggest you to forward this to the Community Manager if this truly is the case. Otherwise it just seems like a false claim to me and just words on a screen without meaning.


However, I do not think so. I know quite a few of these guys and there are some I never met prior but learned to know over the span of time.

and they don't even consider video evidence as proof of cheaters. there are literally cheaters on youtube who post APB aimbot montages where they don't even care about any consequences for it.

plus a bunch of apb streamers who are cheating on stream or are being carried by a cheater in their group. so cringey.




On 9/14/2021 at 4:32 PM, KyoukiDotExe said:

I could only suggest you to forward this to the Community Manager if this truly is the case. Otherwise it just seems like a false claim to me and just words on a screen without meaning.


However, I do not think so. I know quite a few of these guys and there are some I never met prior but learned to know over the span of time.

obviously you are going to claim its false, you're SPCT.

i wonder who put the idea in mattscott's head that its a bad idea to ban cheaters? wouldn't be surprised if its SPCT. i'm not sure how he could come up with something like that himself considering he doesn't play APB himself, as shown by his beacon stream he aims like a green threat.

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