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  1. The destroyable shop objectives in the mission bug out and become indestructible unless rammed with a car. Also occurs in the mission named as R. O. A. R. so it'll be safe to assume this can happen to all missions that include destroyable shop objectives. Forgive me for potato graphics as APB loves to stutter lag / lock-up on regular settings.
  2. Good Morning San Paro This is the collection of best (and worst) suggestions, there are a lot of topic about them, but i prefer keep it all in one. Mission "Gold-Whale": the purpose of the mission-concept is to use the existent AI inside civilian vehicle/character ,already able to find a path around city or detecting player and aim them, ,giving them an active role inside a missione How it works: An heavy armored truck spawns and is going to reach a very far zone in the map. after a bit, an alarm signal like bounty alert appears in district or only to a random team/group/player. the truck will be equipped with an npc surfer,with a random strong OP anti-vehicle weapon ,its health will be regulated like a KV3+CA3 benefits, and aim will work like the civilian detection (they turn head if u are near, so increase the value should give an input for shot & aim too) The goal is destroy the truck, (setting its mass upper to 1000*normal truck should avoid break its path following) With damage car crash ,bomb or fireweapons. (opponents can get in missionfor save the truck ,if ,and only if, the truck get a certain amount of damage or after a certain amount of time after first blood/damage) When the vehicle is destroyed the first goal is reached. (mission ends when item is delivered to safebase,no time limit, if there are no opponents) If there are opponents ,team have to deliver an item dropped by destroyed supertruck to a safe house , before opponents get it and deliver to their enemy base. (like classic system, but without large time for item-hold ,deliver first==win) random reward could be deployables,joker tickets, or also a "Key Truck" a deployable that allow player to drive itself the truck if is in defense team during this type of mission, or ,if is attack team is possible deploy a "E-Guard" that works like an automatic turret for shoot the target crossing the path. Deployable Roller Blade: it allows for 30 seconds to give to character the same physics type of a little ,fast, light, vehicle,the ramming power is limited, brake sys is very low too. when equiped (F), player can literally skate, also on ramps. canTperform action or use any kind of weapon, shoot, climbing or complete object. should not be hard to do cause is simple an object with same propiertyes of a vehicle, the few difference are the size, and a little set of animations, just for moving. when the player "dress"the rollers is like inside a vehicle, but littlest. Homerun!! If activated as orange mod with key 5 ,it allow for 3sec to bounce back any 8 ball / Half brick back ! time for cooldown 30 sec / 1 minute Add an Animation could be cool. Reduce the cooldown to 2 sec / 5 sec could be a nice mini ball game between 2 user with this amazing mod. Miranda Law: « You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. ....... But we are in SanParo! We need Interrogatory Orange Mod! (only for enfo) How it works: Enfo stuns a Crime Near the stunned crime, Enfo press 5key for active the mod (crime is arrestable too during attivation) All the opponent's team is spotted on Radar at every distance for 5-8 seconds! Pros: Spotting enemyes better than Dogfish. Cons :requires great cooldown, Enfo with this mod is spotted on enemyes radar during activation. Tactic Broken Bottles. (only for crimes) Like the fireworks or stereo, but with parallel fuctions: Type:Grenade (3 for equip) How it works: Crime launch the bottle (obvious silent on radar when used) When the bottles impact the ground,cars or walls create 1 single fake target on radar for 10-15 seconds) if bottle impact directly an human target deals +-10% damage, +-40% stamina Pros : Fake target, amazing sound, 3 bottles combo is a stun weapon for crimes Cons: Somebody could drink them instead of launching. DOG-MOD as video explains: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxrAYI1HG2o Enfo should have the ability to interact with Citizens too! An identiki tool for find criminal hidden in map. V,IV,III,II,I How it should works: Enfo interact with Fkey to a citizen (it works also without the tool, but very slow), citizen begin to "talk" with enfo. If a crime is nearest to 100-200 unit is spotted for 5-8 seconds (icon of handcuff will be shown too, if active) if the crime is nearest to 30 unit witness mission automatic starts. time for gain the spot depends by grade of tool (I,II,II,IV,V) like other tools. Is treadable. new titles! new ranks! \^--^/ Could be cool and avoid the insane advantage of crime and balance cop's finance just a bit. Repair ToolBox (suggested before BLOWTORCH release, but still useful) when activated, all vehicles near player are under fixing for 10 sec max. (player is hold like ammo bag open) time for reload = 3 minutes Fast Check In: when activated allow to shooting with secondary while carrying medium items, or opening doors for 10 sec, deployable after 3/4 minutes Posted 18 June 2013 - 11:44 PM someone did this suggestion too? Repair toolbox.
  3. Hi, I was thinking, if we could ever see an option to invite a player to a duel or a mission (both opposite and your faction)... 'Cause many times I've encountered this problem when I wanted to do a match against my friend (mission or some kind of a duel). Sure I can invite him into a group and we can fight against each other, but we can kill a team member only 5 times before getting kicked. This also happens when I meet a player from the opposite faction in a mission district and I want to do a match against him only (or with my group only against his group). Is it possible to have an additional option in ">" (while aiming at the player): challenge to a mission or smthn. like that ? Well crime witness is not really a full mission, that changes stages. And then there are some players that don't have opposite faction characters, or if they do, they don't have all their gear there. + If you are playing against 1 group in a mission district and you just want a rematch or smthn. against that same group or player, you want to do it there and now (you don't want to be loading and changing districts, especially when all districts are full or empty) But it could be rewardless. Without getting Killstreak, Blitzkrieg medals etc. And it could (or couldn't) give money (since the money reward from missions isn't high, and Fightclub rewards are better).
  4. i don't remember the mission name , only i remember is 3 bags spawned *before* final phase(3item capture). when opposition touched it instantlly lose vandalism mission. cops broke windows , but won't progress to next stage. The window is already broken , crims can't break them(crims lose) Both in NA WaterFront. plz fix ASAP.
  5. hello, there is a stupid exploit that many people are currently using it. the mission doesn't end, because they bugged for somehow the store mission here is a youtube video that i found on youtube:
  6. Hello, It so happened that I accidentally broke the showcases in the second stage of mission "R. O. A. R." and my opponent could not fulfill the objective of the task. That is, he could not inflict damage already on the broken windows. Thanks, Livkinson.
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