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Everything posted by TheSquigg

  1. I did like it and it's not really reality breaking but somethings that need to be made sure take effect of this is implemented in the grand scheme. 1. You need to keep the ammo that the person had when they died, 2. It can't just sit there forever afterward (i don't think they do now... but if they did it's an issue) because that would lag up the game having thousands of guns just lying around. I had a third one but honestly, it was stupid and I forgot it, I just remember 'do I want to type that?' Mechanics like that, if implemented right, can be a very interesting and life-saving one. 'I just dropped my fifth guy on this gun and I've only got about twelve rounds left? Let's grab this gun over here before they come back'. This would also provide a bit more diversity in the match should you or your opp have to switch mid-combat because you ran out of ammo or just of that clip and grabbed a second gun rather than reloading, the new gun might turn the tide for either side say the new gun was an oca and you were at about 50+ meters, might make you lose but on the other hand if you had him tagged up lightly and it was and HVR you have a chance for a quick execute. Sure it'd be a bit wonky but that's what development is for, creating, planning, and implementing ideas that make the game a much more enjoyable experience. (of course, we need to fix the game as it is now before we add in all these crazy new features!_)
  2. I actually liked / like the show, it's not really Enforcers it's more or less along the lines of 2025s cops vs today's cops. The guys in the show follow... well.. sort of follow the rules of law enforcement and they don't mow down just as many civies as a criminal does, blow up citizens cars to kill a criminal, or half hazardly race down the street pitting every criminal ever into every building possible. And the criminals in the show are realistic in nature. They don't opening commit crimes like we can in APB, such as mugging a guy right in front of the SPPD buildings, or ram a window right in front of a cop who is in a mission and is unable to witness them or the cop simply doesn't care about witnessing. The similarities end with the name and it being law enforcement based. I need to pick this show up again and see if it is actually worth finishing but I did enjoy it because it's a show about cops... but with a fun little techie twist to it.
  3. My only issue with car spawners is my issue with the spawn system, you can spawn in view of the enemy and if you aren't looking in the right direction RIGHT back into the respawn menu you go, or you spawn as they osmaw it or something. The car spawners themselves are fine and if you have an issue with them run ALIG, Osmaw, OPGL, or just do what I do and ace the whole enemy team, then camp the car from outside the 'nearby enemy range' and kill them once (yes that is the same thing I hate about them but... it's feature of the game despite how annoying it is).
  4. They see me rolling, they hating! Not so much 'physics' but something to lol about.
  5. I was just quoting the APB:Db from here: http://apbdb.com/items/Weapon_Shotgun_NFAS-Ogre_PR2_RUSJB/ so i've no clue
  6. Yea, no... the Nfas isn't that strong as others say it's just under 500 damage, I use the strife and that thing has the highest damage allowed and still takes two shots (if you can land them with its wonky cone of effect). Nfas I have often times sprayed like an idiot and used the whole clip and nothing, I've also seen the Ogre do this as well. And answering your previous question, yea it is just for the show off aspect of having a legendary, The drum clip is super useful none the less not going to argue that but the clip size just means more time to correct mistakes you make at a drop off of (checks the DB page) increased recoil, 60% more reload time, and a .65 second wind up before the first shot fires. If you check the two guns DB the stats are... just about the same. but it actually puts the ogre at a 1.25 ttk and the normal sitting at a .6, ogre also has a higher equip time, otherwise the guns are exactly the same it is literally just the higher clip capacity that makes it better. EDIT: INB4 anyone else... 'NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD' EDIT v2.0 IGNORE MY STATS... i was unaware of the new DB.... i'm an idiot but what else is new!? whatever point remains looking at the new page the guns are right about the same minus a few things.
  7. This exactly, tiers and other stats out of the way in all honestly this does get boring... same with the guns we have what... 4 types of Ntec and Mikro vs Vaquero are the same things functionally Espacio is the Pioneer, there is little diversity or reason for getting anything but what is 'meta' Personally going down this route I would love to see current vehicles tweaked and say not make the Ravan and the Varzuga basically the same vehicle, also for the new cars that could be added give us different types. The 'new types' of cars would almost need its own thread for people to discuss what they should be and how to implement certain changes to current vehicles. But as for Tiers of the current vehicles, the dump truck may not need to weave traffic, same with the pioneer and Espacio. but really the dump truck isn't a 'player' car so I'm not going to spend too much time on that, it can't stop to turn or it gets super slow again dump trucks are really only good for trolls and 'ME SMASH YOU GOOD!'. You could look at the cars on a general scale for updating I'm not saying that you can't but saying that 'this vehicle' is bad because you don't like it isn't useful for that. You are actually completely right about using a general unbiased tier list to figure out which cars need to be fixed. The tricky part, especially from a player standpoint, is the unbiased part. Players can't agree what is 'best' because we all prefer different things... honestly, I hate the 4x4 I admit it is fast and good but I don't like it I crash into a wall right in front of me too often when driving them. When I said you can't put them into one general list I meant to classify them on which vehicle we can use NOW or recommend them to others, not which ones need a buff or nerf in some aspects. If I made a list of cars I thought were good and someone else tried them and didn't drive the way I do my list would be wrong. That is the sense I mean that we can't tier them all together on one list. I would support a player debated threat dedicated to classifying cars on the lines of needing a buff or nerf (not that anything but hitboxes really needs a nerf atm). P.S. Yea don't hold me to it but I do think the Fresno has a bigger radius, It may be a personal bias I have but either way, it's a great detty vehicle. Strong, good speed, easy to get in, jump out (maybe brick it) and then detonate. My favorite car for that. I've not played around with blast radius myself it's just a minor observation I have made that it MIGHT be larger due to its length.
  8. Really while annoying the True Ogre isn't as bad as it's made out to be, I've consistently beat them out using my piddly little no slot Nfas you can get from the tutorial, it's just a matter of avoiding it... it is just a shotgun after all and doesn't like mobile targets all too well. Yea you'll get clipped but if you just stand in front of it the results are going to wind up in your untimely death. And it's not like you don't have a split second to react to that horrid wind-up noise.
  9. When is say you can't put tier on a vehicle, (my apologies for the vagueness of it) I meant as an ALL ENCOMPASSING tier they can very easily be ranked on strength like on a turning list cisco/packer/growl EVEN A CALIBRA would be on top and a 4x4 would be dead last. whereas on straight speed, the vegas would be top and in strength or durability, the Pioneer would be top alongside the Espacio. I am not the best with words but your points are actually a much better way of explaining what my thought process is. I certainly know where some vehicles shine over others but a single 'best to worst' tier like this is not the way to go in order to really get the raw data we'd have to find some of the best and worst cars and see WHAT makes them good or bad and then based on that we can make several tier lists. Like I said earlier a good example for tiers would be Strength, Speed, Turning, Carrying capacity?, and of course looks! That last tier is more of a joke because tastes differ from person to person I love the Cisco/Vaquero/Growl/Fresno others would prefer other vehicles. Speaking of Fresno I always found with remote detty that that card blew up in a bigger radius (perhaps cause of it's length) and when I put on EXP 3 I had a little rolling nuke on the field with me so another tier could be Explosive Radius.... these are how you class vehicles. I hope that is better at explaining what I want to get across. heh
  10. Or we keep them in FC have certain gold crims on Jericho nading team members in cramped hallways and blaming the ones he kills Always good for a laugh.
  11. Alig/osmaw/volcano ... when I see full teams of heavy-duty vehicles I just pull out something like this... problem solved. No cars needed to solve this issue. but car on car this still doesn't bother me I've dealt with this in my no slotted jeep and they still lack the mobility to stop me... it's a matter of driving ability (and lag not stealing your vehicle as it is prone to do on occasion driving you into a wall and forcing you to sit there for a few). It's all tactics and since I 90% of the time play by myself I would lose to this no doubt because I guarantee if you see something like that it's a premade group that is gonna stomp little solos like me. And yea it was a bit of a misspeak when i said you NEED variants in vehicles you can win with everyone having one type but really it's a playstyle adaptation. If you see 4 pioneers DO NOT RUSH THEM... it's a dumb idea.
  12. Tiers for vehicles are very tricky and this one is based on your experience and your skill in vehicles. Personally, I prefer higher turn rates on the Grown, Cisco, and Vaquero. The ability for me to dodge and weave around opposition causes them serious issues and has resulted in many wins in a vehicle to gun combat swaps. An example of this happened about two hours before my posting of this in my little packer vaquero I was 'racing' a criminal in a vegas to point they kept trying to pit maneuver me off the road and into walls but couldn't touch me because of the sharp turns and quick stopping resulting in his vehicle receiving enough damage by the time we reached the objective for me to jump out, AMG the crap out of his vehicle, kill him and move on. In that case, the Vaquero an average tier superbly outplayed one of your top tier vehicles. As with guns, there is no 'best overall' just 'best situationally'. Long straight paths to a point where there are no collisions the vegas would have beat my packer but cause he tried to deal damage while mobile on a faster/smaller target he messed up his chances. I also read the part of this not being 'an end all' and no i get that but this list is biased for you and your opinion on vehicles which is totally fine... this is just my opinion on the matter that you CAN NOT PUT TIER ON A VEHICLE. Espacio or a Pioneer. Also the 'everyone should have' part on the vegas/pioneer/dump truck bit... that's illogical you need ALL the cars in game to have a rounded team comp just like the guns. Also, one quick note certain cars that are kind of pointless and are really just there to have a rounded out pool of vehicles to pick from such as the Varzuga, Ravan, Calibra, stuff like that more for "I LOVE THAT CAR IRL I'M GONNA USE IT INGAME!" For an example, I owned a Bravada and a Blazer irl so the Charge Sentinel hits home cause I LOVED those cars and it looks like them. Have a wonderful day now!
  13. You clearly weren't around after FF was implemented or you forgot, while we know NOW ff was ... bad to say the least... it had the same hype up as BE does now and the first day it was non-stop flooding of 'fairfight banned SUCH AND SUCH' mostly cheaters testing the waters with dummy accounts trying to find backdoors and some other stuff like that.
  14. Name: LeonAnders From: A house in the middle of nowhere Server: Jericho Preferred faction: Criminal Likes: New Rifles, Old Rifles, Asylum, Derping around Hates: Da haterz Phrase: (silence) Ingame:
  15. DANG Just found this post and wanted to do this one. #feelsbadman Classic APB meme doh.
  16. We as the players don't NEED to know if a player was banned. I agree with Matt Scott when he spoke about why they turned it off, I can't find his post as it was on the old forums and I'm not even going to try and hunt it down in that mess, but basically it was 'toxic' I remember when FF came about and you would see 'fairfight banned suchandsuch' and then the whole district: 'rip'. Letting players (especially the APB community) see these bans is more of a problem than a blessing also It gives the cheaters more attention than they deserve. These dishonest players do not deserve any attention, to be honest. I do agree that FF is 'meh' as far as an anti-cheat goes but in all honesty I've never SEEN a good anti-cheat because the good ones work in the background protecting the players like a superhero of the night.
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