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Everything posted by Tako

  1. Man, I did not say having a crosshair does not help, I do know it helps, I'm saying that it would be cool if this could be a ingame features, usable by everyone.
  2. I didn't say it doesn't help actually, and yeah, we also can give our opinion about crosshairs, they maybe do what they think is the best, but they're based on playerbase opinion too.
  3. You think so ? My bad then, I edited it.
  4. For anyone asking for a unban or anything like this, support will answer that you should wait battleye patch.
  5. Tako

    Show us your setup!

    That's a second keyboard (the primary one is hidden under the wood) I use to jump on a certain game using my feet, only pressing space nothing tricky, i'm lefthanded so as fumiku said previously, improvise adapt overcome :((((((((((((((
  6. Tako

    Show us your setup!

    Damn, can't wait for that
  7. Tako

    Show us your setup!

    as I said, don't judge maybe a new keyboard and mouse nothing else...
  8. Tako

    Show us your setup!

    Don't judge, I'm not even poor yet
  9. What I think is turn off steam notifications, it hides your radar.
  10. I understand actually, but don't you think staff has other interesting things to do than finding who was legit who wasn't so they just reset their stats ? I don't think so.
  11. As @freq said there are false bans to deal with, it is not fair.
  12. abstractttttttttttttttttt

    1. Tsumori


      It's coming back booooi! 😏

  13. Well said, starting fresh because it's all about the phresh in the end.
  14. I can't believe there are still people being mad about the massive unban. Do you guys think ? Unbanning everyone is a new start, plus it will drag more players, plus will finally unban false banned players (which are much more than what people thought) and sadly unbanning cheaters, but there's no big problems in unbanning cheaters since a true anticheat is coming, it will make 50% of them never cheat again, the rest will get caught in the first weeks, so where's the problem ?
  15. what you can find about apb and unreal engine 4 on youtube :
  16. These medals do not prove anything, having 100 of them doesn't make you a veteran player, just a fightclub farmer.
  17. Adding it with asylum and baylan wouldn't bother anyone.
  18. Matt said in a week or two if I remember well.
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