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Everything posted by sweetLemonade

  1. theres no need to test them, just give us those stats back
  2. 100000000% agreed, looks soo cartoony and horrible. What kind of mad man thought that font looked good?
  3. 3 slot hvr, pmg, oca, dog ear, obeya, whisper, aces guns (keep this as last though, theyre fun to play with but theyre really niche and easily counterable) and showstopper/.45 ap/fbw sd as secondary if you want them.
  4. I'll take that as a tease, hopefully it'll be even better than the autumn assault one!
  5. OP was kinda confusing. I didn't mean weather, I've meant weapon skins that are themed in one of the 4 seasons.
  6. Following the vibe of the Autumn assault weapon skin, can we get weapon skins themed in all of the 4 seasons? I'd be lovely.
  7. Why can't they just release timeless clothing pieces (turtleneck, watch, boots, long sleeves for males, coats for both genders,new long sleeve variant for females, new sunglasses etc.) for once....these clothing items are getting ridiculous now.
  8. The laptop part is not an issue, it's basically the average PC rig users use. What I'm concerned about is this: Like, why? It's super counter intuitive to run ANY game in windowed mode, especially on that resolution. Why not fullscreen or fullscreen windowed @ low settings & different resolutions?
  9. You'd be surprised about the benefits it can provide when learned properly. Going from ~55cm/360 to ~30-25cm/360 at certain speed, have the advantages of low sens and high sens. Have a few friends which reported to me that they were at their peak performance when they played on mouse accel, through this utility a guy called povohat made. It's not only used for mouse accel, you can scale DPI up and down through it as well for some mice that don't support it. Really handy tool.
  10. Basically, it allows the game to continue working while your graphics card is working on rendering and displaying the image. It should be on by default, and will increase your frame-rate, but the input processing might feel less precise / predictable to those who are sensitive to that kind of thing. Can we get a precise number on how much input lag this option adds? Because if its anything above 15ms, it's definitely something you should mention since its detectable, especially on high refresh rate monitors. And how much of a fps increase are people supposed to see from this option? EDIT: Is Double Buffering OneFrameThreadLag basically? Cause that's always better on off.
  11. Very risky change that can break the meta guns (OBIR, OSCAR) and make them very strong. Didn't test it yet as it's broken on live.
  12. You do realize the weapon balancing is being done by a old member of the team, right? They brought back many of the old staff. Yes, questionable balancing decisions made by Beastie, but the community can influence the decisions hopefully in a positive way.
  13. So the main shotguns (JG/CSG) are quite underwhelming now, even before the balance changes. NTEC changes are just wrong, HVR changes are horrible and don't tackle the main issue. OCA changes and the added range to AR and Rifles is a nice addition that kills the use of IR3 on them. I wanna say IR changes are a nice addition, but I don't know. BIg changes take time to get accustomed to. They seem rather positive.
  14. I just realized why it's the most unpopulated area in APB, add some kiosks in the next patch there, please?
  15. My take on this testing: CSG definitely needs some range nerf, too strong. JG is gonna wreck in CQC, especially with CJ3 COBR-A is actually a viable gun now. Guns that are mostly played with IR3 vary quite a bit. For example, the NSSW with IR3 can literally be sprayed hard at range, while tapped without. OBIR barely receives a fire rate penalty. Carbine is also very slightly affected, the OSCAR is also slightly affected (and I actually mean slightly). Obeya & NTEC got hit hard (not that theyre unplayable, people will just avoid using the mod tbh) with the IR3 changes. COBR-A 'seemed' stronger as well with IR3, didnt test this one properly though. I don't know what to say about these radical changes. I'm very neutral. On one side, they make some guns perform better some worse. I do think that tackling mods right now shouldn't be necessary. What I'd like to see: -Removing the unecessary delay added on the Scout & OBIR that were added with the sprintshooting fix (Beastie confirmed they'll try tackling this) -Reverting the old Ursus and Scoped NTEC changes (to actually make them good again) -Reverting the unecessary OCA buff (its a laser right now) -Lowering HVR damage to <750 Sadly, we won't see jumpshooting again, got confirmation on this as well.
  16. 725dmg on the HVR and it should be fine. Don't know why they're trying these damage curves. Just unnecessary mechanics that are hard to grasp for new players. As for the shotguns, tackling server performance would be a better route to balance them than to morph them into that. Higher tickrate/lower latency would help this fast paced game a lot! Still hoping they'll revert OCA changes and reverting what the 2015 sprint-shoot patch did to semi-auto guns like the Scout and Obir, which did not need to be affected in the first place. (and jumpshooting scout maybe?)
  17. Resolved netcode issues? Why are they implementing that ridiculous shotgun change then to battle their own inability of fixing their servers? Unless we see a server upgrade in terms of hardware, allowing us to have better tickrate servers which this game needs, and some new DDOS protection, you can't call this issue "fixed". But yeah, 50vs50 could work, game doesnt perform that much worse with 100 people in district anyways.
  18. there lies your problem, the amount of arrows indicates the importance of the pc component. apb is really cpu dependant, likes high clock speeds and high clock speed ram, along with it being really unoptimized.
  19. link By avg. 10ms. Is it noticable? Yes. How difficult is it to notice? Pretty difficult. There's a test on this website where you can test how much input lag you can perceive, people barely get below 15ms right.
  20. Just get a i7 Kaby Lake/Coffee Lake CPU and you're fine for the next few years, since games still seem to prefer Intel+Nvidia over AMD products. Or you could play the gambling card and wait for Zen 2 (or build a 'temp' AM4 build) on 7nm (huge jump compared to the current 14/12nm architechture design, resulting in a possible huge performance increase) in 2019. For the OS, use whatever you prefer. Do you like the old-school classic theme (dwm disabled) and very minimal design of Windows 7? Go for it. Do you not mind updates getting forced down your throat and prefer a more modern UI and 'maybe better performance' of Windows 10? Go for it. As mentioned previously, this game is just broken performance wise and has been for years now. It's not worth making a "APB only" PC. People get 180fps capped in a game like Dirty Bomb which runs on the same engine, so yeah. If you plan on strictly gaming, consider strong singlethread performant CPU's (check passmark's list). RAM Speed and timings also matter for FPS in a game like APB. Oh, and as far as I know, APB literally doesn't even have a visual difference between 1024x768 (the res the UI is made on) vs 1080p. Mostly controlled by .ini edits. Could be wrong I've been rocking a CRT for quite a while now. Oh, and don't blindly read through "performance tweaks" threads for OS and drivers, mostly placebo. EDIT: One amazing thing a fellow old forum member called dreamss recommended is using G-Sync/Freesync in a game like APB, where FPS is just inconsistent. Definitely consider it!
  21. scout qs is super fun to tilt people:DDDDDDDDD
  22. Sincerely hope you're wrong, the scout is straight up gambling when not zoomed in, no matter crouch or not. Having it deal less damage would kill it. yessssss please, agreed on the smg part. idk about the other rifles, haven't played them.
  23. What I meant is implementing the changes on separate districts, like the old RTW TTK & High TTK districts.
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