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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. comparing a 10 year old game to a new one isn't quite fair though , but regardless of that APB beats GTA in customization by far. ^this
  2. Cinemas? how could this work? Would it play player made fan sub videos? Plus this is not GTA so I honestly do not think cinemas is a good idea. because the server does not run off of dreams it takes money to pay the bills *shrugs* uh engine upgrade is almost done......
  3. Fortune Runner


    Matt said on a different thread somewhere that Little Orbit does permanent bans when appropriate for the situation. They do not just drop a ban hammer just because they can but review case by case. Does this help you any? if everyone holds up a liquor store then it must not be holding up a liquor store its just shopping right? Merged. While I have no opinion on the door being kicked open bug (I'll shoot at people regardless) , I do have to say that I can not agree with "other people do it so its ok" type of mentality of exploiting bugs. That sort of mentality is how cheaters began botting because someone else was and they wanted it to be fair. It's just to easy to become toxic from that again and another way should be found for the sake of APB and all of us who like how it has somewhat become less toxic around here. This is not directed at you personally to argue or any other means , just an observation. pretty much baffles a lot of us.
  4. you were already told how the map for APB would never work for this sigh no AI in this say and age is suitable for APB if you want PvE so badly go study computer programming and make a proper AI or it just cant happen. the end
  5. Engine Upgrade (EU) is nearly done to 3.5 Matchmaking and threat has been talked about being reworked. New content was mentioned a possibility and we have had some already. Different thread was mentioning advertising of some sort needed. COMPETENT game reviews would help. Too many that do not know the basics give APB a sour taste although some have valid points. Some community already have channels for this. Racing district was suggested for years because some people like that for fun. Sounds fine to me. Civilians that don't look like the walking dead would be nice. Perhaps a customization contest for ppl to design npcs better? Looks do matter after all.
  6. for the last time not possible with how APB is made too many parameters for an AI that cant be done with APB
  7. lag is so bad today that quite a few are complaining in slay bells financial its pretty bad right now Edit : last night (I'm posting this edit 17 hours later) Jericho became so laggy that people gave up and left and personally my game crashed a few times as did others. A few people also mentioned spawning with no weapons again during the lag. i am uncertain if everyone completed their dailys due to this.
  8. *facepalm* I said to enjoy egg nog and hot cocoa during the holidays not liquid crack
  9. That reminds me are they testing a new mitigation with the forums? Maybe that is somewhat involved. Just wondering no concrete idea.
  10. agreed and agreed Hoping they would have time to deal with exploiters somehow.
  11. Are there any exploitation methods that can be done with this? We need pros and cons alike to know if its worth it and manageable or not.
  12. This morning I was disconnected out of nowhere with a black screen to the login screen.
  13. If two different versions are made (old version and new) then next year there should be no problems having snowballs in the normal districts.
  14. When this bug was first reported a lot of people who found the event fun soon were turned off and have not been seen in the event since then. It is the same characters every day using the exploit and staying in there for a majority of the event so people not using the exploit simply cant play from a cheater making the event terrible. Some mentioned using the report feature however those same exploiters are still in there daily using the exploits all out for as long as they are in the event. It appears Little Orbit was not ready to combat the exploitation of the event in real time yet and some have been saying if they get to it at all. I have to agree with them that it feels like the exploiters will get away with this.
  15. Cars driving along have despawned in front of me. Most likely traffic was held up so they never drove off map the way they do. its a pain when you need them for cover or a ride and poof they're gone at that critical moment
  16. MattScott has already said he values anyone's opinions to give a better view overall. Overruled by the beard himself.
  17. Fortune Runner


    amg kills most cars fairly quickly and can be effective against an armored pioneer to some extent and you want it gone?
  18. There was some people saying they had lag after the financial slay bells district came back up
  19. Saying to hold of until proper knowledge of APB and the cars is not doing nothing. Saying to never do it would be doing nothing. Somewhere there is an old thread of this very topic and I said how I'd want to be able to shoot through windows for the realism that should of always been in APB However wanting it done right is by far important to do especially since this was attempted in the past and if failed miserably. If you actually ever read anything of my posts without being bias you'd know I want whats best for APB but in moderation , rather than rushing in like G1 did , so that it is done correctly. But lets ignore any valid points that were brought up sure...sigh
  20. Is this your way of saying that you know nothing about computers and programming? If you don't know it's ok to say so *shrugs* there's plenty of us who do know some stuff and can teach you a few things. good for the community Thankfully Little Orbit is looking into multiple ways to deal with that.
  21. There are flaws but it's a good attempt overall for new content.
  22. One problem I am seeing lately is people are playing the financial snowball district less and less lately and it is difficult to get 20 dailys done for some because of it.
  23. This has not happened to me. Hopefully you can find a fix for this soon.
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