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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. ............. weird thread arguing over arguing
  2. Somebody said in the past few weeks or so that they would block you. I guess it was yood. No idea why though. you're not a jerk like some used to be on here. *shrugs* Edit : forgot to say yood probably has lag since yood lives on a icy mountain waaaaaay over there somewhere ~~~~~~>
  3. sure why not.......... no not really I don't want to know your personal info Not so sure about that some bronzes do just fine. Depends who it is really. No I'm the hunter who would make hippo burgers and leave you walking on home
  4. iSymbolic please refrain from constantly riding your battle hippopotamus through the forums .......... You're tracking in mud. About searching for previous threads....... This is a new forum since May-ish when Little Orbit bought out gamersfirst and APB in doing so. It is not hard to find any thread on this topic that explains in detail about how LTL on a crim does not do any good and instead you would lose for certain. It also explains how some of us play enforcer as well as crim - and know what we are talking about because of it. iSymbolic you also stated that you have not played in around 1 year however the way you talk has me wondering what rank you are as well as your weapon role ranks due to how you speak like you did not play much compared to others. Many veterans know full well that LTL sucks horribly. It offers no advantage other than in missions with respawns and an income advantage in missions for enforcers and that is IF we can get the arrest without the crim being team killed by another enforcer , or a crim killing the arresting enforcer. Most LTL can get you arrested IF you are close enough in range , and that's IF they get the drop on a crim. otherwise the crim team as a whole tend to kill even the veterans. There is a reason why most golds do not go LTL anymore. In the end , with how you speak of LTL , it appears you only play a criminal. Each account has two slots so I would recommenced making an enforcer , buying LTL and experiencing it first hand how arresting sucks.
  5. heal the patient by killing the doctor? um Rebelliousness ??? what ???
  6. I am not sure about now but in the past many surveys short changed us as well and some did not function properly either. And as others stated , many surveys want a lot of personal information which they sell off and then you can either be harassed by telemarketers , or just have your identity stolen. It made the news a few months ago how surveys were used to steal identity's. Sure it does not mean it will happen to you , BUT IS IT WORK THE RISK? I had forgotten until now it made the news again or I would of posted this sooner.
  7. I was polite you are projecting
  8. To help clarify yet be a comic relief for this thread (in case people get too serious like yesterday) As Jazeker was saying : Cat = BattleEye and Little Orbit Mouse = cheater/hacker Rabbit = frikken hacker program that humps cat like that rabbit gif. The rabbit is the anomaly that has to be dealt with so yes its a pain but once the rabbit is dealt with the mouse better run away or snack time for cat.
  9. It was answered in detail and what account does not have 2 slots? They play on both enf and crim. use the search next time.
  10. How special are you to this game? I'm a white rabbit enforcer..... what is crazy when crazy is normal? *shrugs*
  11. no i asked if it was this thread or a different one it was mentioned in because i have around 7 or so threads open at once and got confused on which one it was mentioned.
  12. so you're saying im a moron for tap firing an n tec rather than just holding it down to constantly fire? hmmm okay then.
  13. wasnt n tec mentioned earlier or was that the other thread? im hopping pages a lil bit so im not sure
  14. actually we tend to say tap fire instead of holding it down
  15. not sure but yood might want to tickle you to make you laugh..... found odd stuff googling it anyways a gold in bronze is not the same as someone who is normally gold in bronze since it is possible for even a bronze to go gold if carried. threat matchmaking and points all need to be reworked first. kicking could be cruel to some and well deserved to others , but in the end it could discourage all from playing just like the forced segregation did.
  16. This thread has been answered multiple times in the past. Please use the search function.
  17. Honestly rank progression to me feels fast but that's just an opinion.
  18. Ok reading this thread from beginning to now it looks like it was meant as questions on then and now but was worded a bit off so people misunderstood. Assuming this is correct then all can say at the moment is the things that truly made it pay to win in the past was over broken things to begin with and have since then been fixed. Once they were fixed to work as intended then P2W was claimed by those who for the most part were new to the game and didn't understand how the guns work on APB. We really need a better tutorial to teach the weapons and what situations to use them in.
  19. And yet they have already done the work to show this and you give no credit. It has always been public knowledge by Little Orbit briefing us on what has been going on this whole time. I agree. I have seen no valid solid proof of current cheating that is being claimed on this thread. Plenty of speculation though on this thread , but no solid proof. *shrugs* On a side note : Most accusations I have seen lately was not over hacking but the typical "daily I am silver" as well as potato computers , and even someone openly saying multiple games at once (self lagging is bad folks) so of course I am skeptical when someone claims " hacker" but I am sincerely listening but without solid proof it is not fair to condemn people to death. I do this because it is best to be fair and impartial to the best of my ability. We all know by now hopefully , that no anti cheat blocks 100 percent of cheats. And on Jericho at least we have not seen many hackers at all since BattleEye. I personally only witnessed one and they have never been back since then. I will try my best to be fair and impartial , and as such , outdated evidence from before Little Orbit can not be considered valid given the facts of everything updated and added such as BattleEye since then. If someone does suspect someone use the /report feature and try to record for a long time rather than only a minute or two. Aim for around the whole 30 minute match with them and possibly multiple matches if you can , and then it can show Little Orbit as well as the community more solid evidence.
  20. Little Orbit is already cleaning up code and reworking stuff. They are already working on exploits used before. Please give credit where it is due.
  21. How many times has yood posted this when he does it himself? I have lost count a long time ago. lots of new players lately. not sure where they came from but theres hope.
  22. that video still makes me cringe as "proof" I don't want to comment further it would come off as salty or worse
  23. I doubt any GM will ban over the description you gave due to one very important reason It may be a troll and not a hacker which would cause problems
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