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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. +1 if I had time to. Getting work done has to come first especially since we are expecting the Kraken and Godzilla since its 2020 ....
  2. the clown would be someone who is just messing around. possibly someone who just gets bored and deletes the char after they are done teasing but to impersonate causing harm with things that would clearly be punishable in some way or form against you , is the same as identity theft. one is just goofing off with nothing to harm you with while the other slanders your name with things that could get you in trouble if it really was you. the second one i know Little Orbit can act on due to it being a form of identity theft for APB game play to cause harassment and or bans against you when its not you but them. i still do not know if they can do anything about the first one but it can clearly cause false reports regardless so i hope so
  3. a whiskey in the jar rift theme from mettalica would probably take 7 to 10 seconds
  4. if they are impersonating you to intend to cause harm then yes if its just a clown goofing off then i do not know
  5. people already rip out the death theme folder so they dont have to hear a screeching noise from people having a troublesome theme I am not sure if ignore blocks themes or not but the community has asked for themes to be blockable for as long as i can remember
  6. cry some more about apb needing to be fixed yet not wanting change stop talking for someone else. therye the one who said that
  7. a game dies without financing to make it better griping without doing doesnt make things better
  8. being a whining depressed sock wont fix anything but instead demoralize us all you want things to change ? spend some money to finance apb pleanty of cars and kits , pleanty of guns at the very little you could get premium for a month.
  9. what you said..... what i said..... what you said after..... how you stitched that crud together about me based off of these three post is anyone's guess because I've never once said that on the forums EVER
  10. The change to the bounty system is a good thing for the most part in my opinion . This current change makes it to where bountys do not interfere with missions , however in doing so it also means there's no bounty hunting if the bounty leaves the mission. If the bounty's could be killed out of mission and could not enter into missions until handled one way or another (death or paying bounty etc ) then i would have no problem with this change. I miss hunting bountys as do others. It was our thing.
  11. if the bountys could be killed out of mission and could not enter into missions until handled one way or another (death or paying bounty etc ) then i would have no problem with this change. i miss hunting bountys as do others. it was our thing
  12. hating anything in itself isnt justification though ?? but fair play balancing is a good thing to do
  13. i respectfully disagree i have witnessed it spammed and abused too many times against bronzes and new people to know it needs it
  14. if they ever gave you a strike over us talking then they need to remove them. I have never taken it bad from you ( i get MUCH worse behavior from others )
  15. thats not quite accurate just running into someone better than you isnt toxic.. theres a small player base and hopefully it gets larger when the engine upgrade and phasing is done so new players dont get roughed up. did you mean this about you? I like our arguments. mostly informative and respectful , but just different opinions at times
  16. Everyone's finally starting to realize LO won't take action against ToS/CoC violations By Hexerin, Yesterday at 02:23 AM in Social District (General Discussion) irony anyone? *facepalm*
  17. as long as you keep duplicating them for the price you sell at then no one in their right mind will buy from someone who overpriced them. flood the market !
  18. Tell that to the 13 year old adolescent who wants to stare at anime cat girls on APB in vr I dont know where to begin on that one good or bad
  19. If a new APB was built from the ground up for a vr game then it could be done while making APB to todays standards. No small feat of course but just stating that if plans for a foundation for this were made from the start then it most likely wouldn't be as difficult as trying to fix a ten year old game
  20. stuff from my thread should be added as well
  21. Ive seen cheaters in the past on APB have to stop using them while G1 was banning people for them. Even greens played better it was hilarious to watch back then
  22. APB and Little Orbit can only do so much. The real fight is with the anti cheat companies being able to do their part on their side somehow.
  23. so many ways to play for free added. why yes that says Little Orbit is milking our money...... uh what? does the NDA limit f you can say or not if they have plans for fundraising coming up? either way I hope so ( means new content and longer APB life )
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