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Everything posted by NiVaKi

  1. can we first see the changes in action before complaining? thanks.
  2. he wants an fps config... Use adanced launcher.
  3. glad i bought it account wide while it was up played lcr on waterfront and liked it but on financial not so much
  4. Whenever i use /fps i have my cursor on screen and cant shoot...even if i disable /fps again. i will post a screenshot soon. Dont know if its a game bug or on my end ;/
  5. i mean he is silver and rank 11
  6. As i said in my thread i wanted to Test that on otw Server just like matt told us to do
  7. use a shortcut of apb exe. fixed. wait for LO to bring the 3.5 update(soon( and then let them fix matmaking and stuff. be patient
  8. NiVaKi


    miss those tracers ;(
  9. i asume that there is something people that were falsely banned will get something
  10. Dont know what you write in your E-Mails but i waited Not even 2 days and got my steam account working again...
  11. Giftet items to my other Charakter yesterday and now its gone
  12. Thank you LO support for giving me back my Hacked account. G1 didnt gave it back to me because i couldnt give enough info...well i gave them an payment proof. But LO did gave it back to me! Thank you for that.
  13. LO has already better support then g1 did in its whole owning of APB...
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