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Everything posted by Aeronaut

  1. look you tried your best and that's all that matters
  2. you can't join the conversation and then go back and criticize it later. what would happen if i took away your supplements
  3. is this another term for two factor authentication?
  4. would you rather poop as you do now or have a super ultra mega poop at the end of the year for like a week straight?
  5. that's fine im sick of the city funneling the tax money into their own accounts.
  6. but if it comes back as a crap comet, think of it as a very violent fertilizer
  7. tbh im more of a cup half empty sort of guy on these type of things.
  8. cool would have been a better adjective
  9. what if the reason why people who claimed to be probe are actually juicy targets to be drained of their septics because they're actually a valuable commodity in the outer space worlds
  10. how big are your hands (relevant question to stay on topic) what would you recommend the cj3 on?
  11. it's not even that. im pretty sure an overwhelming majority of people coming to the forums to complain about how they got scammed was because of an insecure, nonexisting trading system. and the advice people gave to them was: "never go first" which is funny because if both sides actually utilized that advice, it basically means: "stop trading you fucking idiots"
  12. yeah. just the thought of being in a warzone using a weapon that has a higher risk of not operating normally is terrifying...
  13. it is if you take the time it takes to send snail mail to respond. ...im not shy.
  14. its like comparing apples to oranges
  15. how else are you going to make your car go faster? bullet holes = less material = more aerodynamic
  16. then just get scammed like all the people before this system lul it still blows my mind how many people allowed themselves to get scammed. where is common sense?
  17. wikipedia? didn't professor teach you wiki ain't credible. and where's your bibliography and proper MLA format? gonna have to dock off 10 points.
  18. what does that have to do with anything nice typical modern packaging
  19. g1-esque. as minor as changes may be, they really need to be publicly documented...
  20. Aeronaut


    makes sense. its an early access game which means they're still developing it. it'd be weird for them not to be actively working on the game.
  21. someone sounds like they're getting their peepee touched! congrats!
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