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Everything posted by Aeronaut

  1. top prize = top car. debate over. time to go home bois.
  2. but like hey can we get a full list of all the voice actors?
  3. i don't, that's for sure. haha nerdy math stuff that's probably inaccurate what losers
  4. for the greater good. some must suffer for others may prosper.
  5. well keep in mind that this is only testing what's the fastest time from animation start to player control of vehicle acceleration (the brake lights disengaging). in an actual scenario, you'd want to try and decide if it's safe enough to utilize the animation cancel or run around to the passenger side. it wouldn't make sense for you to save less than half a second to run around to the passenger side where the enemy can freely shoot you. you'd want to animation cancel the driver side to quickly get in the vehicle that would make you mostly safe from the potential gun fire of the passenger side. usage for entering all depends on the context of the current gunfight.
  6. true. in hindsight, I should have shown the instant-enter but technically I want to say it's classified as an exploit, especially if you're getting your car up every time to take advantage of the mechanic. and I just assumed a large majority of the population was aware of it.
  7. just informing. there's no call to action.
  8. okay. let me know when you get home safe though?
  9. (i'm going to assume i did these in seconds) The stopwatch starts on the frames that show a change into the door opening animation. The stopwatch stops on the frame after the red lights are deactivated and the car is accelerating (which would point that the vehicle is fully understand the players control) 1. could have done more trials. 2. took out 3.37s for the ACE because it was sort of an outlier and that the range from 3.37s to 3.22s made it fair enough to remove. only changed the mean 0.01s. probably should have used median but i don't do good math. 3. it'd be cool to try and find out which exact frame is when the player considered "invincible" 4. i based my animation cancel on the moment the enforcer character waves the badge in front of the civilian's face. it seemed pretty reliable. 5. there's also the fast enter method where if the vehicle door you're attempting to enter is partially blocked, the game goes fuck it and teleports you inside the vehicle. that's technically the fastest way to enter a car but that would mean you'd have to carefully prep your car every time you exit or get lucky with civilian cars around the city. 6. i just realized that I forgot to test how long it takes for an empty car entering through the passenger side door. but there's an animation sliding over so an educated guess would be it would add some time. [Control] - entering an empty car from driver side 1.5s [RE] - driver side door enter with animation 4.29s [ACE] - driver side door animation cancel 3.29s [PSE] - passenger side door 3.04s tldr: passenger side door with a civilian in it is the fastest way. instant entry via partially blocked door is technically fastest but would require you to set up the car that way everytime or you'd have to get lucky with civilian cars.
  10. make too many of those and you'll turn america into a shithole
  11. i don't think i've ever heard you say "brb gotta go poop" while we game
  12. i've got much experience with typical asian food. i know some of the best damn food i've had was from the sketchiest looking places where you think that "A" they got from food inspection was probably faked.
  13. but like...WHOSE fart is it? which g1 employee i need a name.
  14. so was the /fart .mp3 artificially produced or did they tell somebody "hey, fart in this mic real quick"
  15. would you really trust fried chicken at a gas station shop
  16. hardware id gets asked like every 3 months
  17. yeah. unless this is your first game you've ever played in your life, it's a little bit odd how you're unaware about the typical stance from companies regarding real world trading or real money trading.
  18. https://www.cnn.com/2017/09/13/health/pumpkin-spice-ingredients-science-explainer/index.html Each fall, as leaves turn golden and the crisp autumn air carries the scent of pine, Catherine Franssen waits for her husband to bring home the latest pumpkin spice-flavored concoction he has discovered at the grocery store. "My husband -- whose favorite pie is pumpkin; he'll eat it year-round -- thinks the pumpkin spice craze is funny and brings home all sorts of odd pumpkin spice items to try," said Franssen, assistant professor of psychology and director of the neurostudies minor at Longwood University in Virginia. "I think I ended up eating the entire box of pumpkin-spiced Cheerios last year after the rest of the family tasted and rejected," she said. "They were pretty good."
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