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Everything posted by Aeronaut

  1. it's da rules. id go more in-depth but it's mainly for gold sellers, but it also definitely takes money from the company no matter how much you personally spend yourself. you say that you were afraid that it would happen to you so that means you were 100% fully aware of the consequences. there's no excusing it. people on PC used to only be able to trade weapons by throwing stuff up on the auction house and hoping the otherwise would be trustable. people who got scammed used to get bailed out by support but after a certain point, they established clearly that they'll no longer bail out people who practiced poor judgement. maybe mattscott will be a cool cat but there's still no obligation for him to help you out.
  2. https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/14/us/googly-eyes-savannah-nathanael-greene-monument-trnd/index.html (CNN)Someone thought the Nathanael Greene monument in Savannah, Georgia, needed a makeover. On Thursday, the 50-foot white marble obelisk was defaced with none other than googly eyes, which added a comical flare to the statue. But city officials didn't find the stunt funny. "Who did this?! Someone placed googly eyes on our historic #NathanaelGreene statue in #JohnsonSquare. It may look funny but harming our historic monuments and public property is no laughing matter, in fact, it's a crime," the Savannah city government said on its Facebook page Thursday. The city's post was shared more than 29,000 times and more than 8,000 people commented on it. Commenters posted memes of the googly-eyed Greene with captions like, "What are those pigeons doing?" They also posted pictures of inanimate objects like trees and doors with googly eyes. Someone even posted a link to a site selling T-shirts with the googly-eyed statue. Authorities were alerted to the googly eyes on Thursday morning after local media saw a photo on social media, Savannah Police Department spokeswoman Keturah Greene said. Officers sent to the scene found googly eyes on the Revolutionary War hero. "The eyes were quickly removed and did not appear to do any damage to the statue," said Greene -- the officer, not the statue. She added that the stunt "is technically trespassing." "Officers wrote a report for trespassing and will be reviewing cameras in the area to see if the incident was captured on camera," Greene said. A police report explains how a city employee contacted authorities about a possible trespassing violation, in which "someone had put some 'googly eye' on the Nathanael Greene Monument in the center of the square. "I looked at the monument and saw the 'googly eye' on it," the responding officer wrote. In a line marked "solvability" on the report, the officer wrote "low probability."
  3. are we just going to ignore the watermallet that said it's cum tastes funny?
  4. Aeronaut

    hybrid cars

    buy one of those stinky cheap reliable cars and save money for more important things to be improved so you can own a nice hybrid later in the future
  5. growing up, i was told that fried foods make your nose bleed
  6. Aeronaut

    misleading porn

    a few days ago, we've been having some trouble with this homeless lady that wanders in. i don't want to assume but i want to say she's mentally unwell as she will try to stay in the shop and mumble to herself while we try to help customers with their cookie orders. i feel bad for her but there's only so much i can do to help her while trying to perform my doodies of my job. it doesn't help that she really stinks. she's unfortunately also one of those types who seems to refuse the city's help in regards to her mental help and homelessness. the last time she came in, she walks in with a ciggy and i immediately told her that she can't smoke in her. then she went completely hostile on me, yelling at me saying that i'm a bad person and that i've blamed her for everything. the last time she's been in, she started yelling at staff because the police took too long to come and help her. i just hit retail mode and go "im sorry about that." she goes "yeah yeah." she's still in the doorway with these two customers looking on a bit confused, so i try to move the conversation to her leaving the store by saying "i hope you have a good night." whole encounter lasts only 2 minutes tops but she made me feel sad because- she responds "i hope you have a terrible night." ...that really hurt man.
  7. you've ever shaved a watermelon before?
  8. your mom said the same about your dad... oh no.
  9. your mom said the same about your dad
  10. my tap water ain't running but there's water in the toilet bowl ramenTime.png
  11. why is this watermelon allowed to just wander rampant with no reprecussions?
  12. assume a couple things if you see a weapon on the marketplace 1. people don't agree with how the seller is valuing it so they are not buying it 2. could have been recently listed. if it's dramatically lower than the next closest price, it might be a good deal. 3. there's too many types of this listed weapon and there's no more available buyers. 4. gun is mediocore and won't sell, also causes the weapon of the price to be really low.
  13. Aeronaut

    shaven porn

    it’s consensual smelling Baby I'm hot just like an oven I need some lovin' And baby, I can't hold it much longer It's getting stronger and stronger And when I get that feeling I want consensual smelling Consensual Smelling, oh baby Makes me feel so fine Helps to relieve my mind Consensual Smelling baby, is good for me Consensual Smelling is something that's good for me
  14. Aeronaut

    shaven porn

    how often do you smell peaches and how are you not bxnnxd from grocery stores
  15. upgraded from a skeleton crew to a chicken wing eaten by a person who doesn't clean off all the meat off the bone so there's still bits and pieces that are perfectly fine to eat but for some reason they decide that being wasteful is somehow morally acceptable when there's people starving every day. i don't want to be a downer, but i hope a majority of you people realize that this game is old and that no game this old will become better than what it has already shown us. LO acquiring was a glimmer of hope, but it's like waking up from a bad dream. ain't shit changed son. anything that might change is pretty neligible in the long run. sorry. the population won't be able to do anything besides spectate. do what you want.
  16. Aeronaut

    shaven porn

    there's no point for peaches to exist anymore. they're furry and not as good as nectarines. shaven and sweeter.
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