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About Hi_Im_Paull

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    Mr. Stay Breezy

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  1. What's even more sad is that you cant really report the cheaters. Not even sure why the ingame one is there tbh, and the forums support ticket system will not let me post a report a player. It really aids to come back to the game to cheaters. These people cheat cause they know they don't have to worry about getting ban. Like I know I'm patootie at the game but I also know when someone is not legit, That shit very sad, especially because like I just started streaming the game and all you see in 40% of my matches are people saying they are "ogs" but are macroing with the carbine / .45. I'm sorry for ranting but its very tiring to deal with this everyday.
  2. Goes down the day I actually wanted to play......
  3. Think they restarted it. Its fixed for me
  4. Do yall really think that its going to help if they make it so that golds cant play in bronze? Lmfaoo I don't think it will tbh. Let say that they do go with that plan.. I can only see bronze district population be low all the time ( Means you will hardly get enemies for matches and most people will probably quit the game and complain that "there is nobody playing in bronze anymore".) and I can see yall complaining about silvers wining all the time LOL. I think they will only kill this game even more if they do any of that.
  5. Merged. Think they restarted it. Its fixed for me
  6. Same. I cant get to any of them.
  7. I'm having the same issues.. Haven't been able to join for 30 mins now.. Yes I've closed the game / steam / restart the pc.
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