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Everything posted by ViolaDeWynter

  1. https://forums.gamersfirst.com/topic/810-tracking-customer-support/
  2. https://forums.gamersfirst.com/topic/14716-81-browser-hotfix-announcement/
  3. Ich habe dir eine PN geschickt, das scheinst du übersehen zu haben. Schau mal bitte rechts oben nach den Sprechblasen.
  4. @Nastibe ssshh, it's a malfunction in their radar.
  5. @Meirleach That's great! I don't want to be impatient, but will there be more of your work to see soon?
  6. Looks like a fun event. those farts.. lol
  7. I've fought the corona-beast in ETS2 and ATS. #TruckAtHome
  8. Witnessing also works there. BTW, there are also gold threat enforcers on trainee or bronze accounts.
  9. Since open conflict districts have been murdered, only gold remains for ram raiding.
  10. @Snubnose Ok ok ooookay, I've the perfect solution: Dirt and dust will look like you suggested AND can be turned off/on by option. Hooray!
  11. I don't play anymore, but this gesture is just great and I want to say "Thank you very much!"
  12. Remove that ugly dirt and dust layer from vehicles. Or make it as an option.
  13. Seven years. The engine upgrade was announced in September or October 2013. https://apbreloaded.blogspot.com/2013/10/colliding-with-gta-v-train-and-getting.html
  14. I would add a potato gun. Or horses... (for QoL)
  15. I like your clips and renderings. Your work isn't perfect and that's what makes it interesting, because perfection is often boring to me. You have found your own style and you should keep it. But... BUT a B-52 doesn't make any propeller noise.
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