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  1. yeah i agree with that. Otherwise prepare to hear volcano guy with car surfer. peeeeew / peeeeew / boom
  2. 5. Add an actual tutorial system or dedicated district. Doesn't need to have opposed missions, just highlight mission objectives, point out what they need to do, how much time they have left, etc. i’ve seen a lot let’s play apb videos on youtube and most of them ended not knowing what to do. Open a door tutorial is an example. they can’t find activable doors. And got frustrated easily. They are shooting non mission players and saying “what a shit game i can’t even shot players” etc...
  3. didnt it work? imo not every dters will chose easy opposition against more money and standing especially if they are low rank.
  4. I don’t remember if there was a system like this or there is now honestly. But i’d like to share my ideas about reducing rewards of unmatched threat-district player. For example you will get 50% money and standing reward as silver player in bronze district. In silver district they will get what they should have. Maybe +% reward in gold district?(Might be abused) So what about gold players in bronze district? They should get 0% money and standing reward. In silver district 50% etc... One more idea from me about threats: How about weekly change threats instead of changing instantly after a mission? This system would find real threats of players who will enjoy at their districts and decrease dethreaters’ number because of time period imo. And maybe get some reward as higher as your threats weekly like fight club challenges to encourage players upthreat.
  5. but there is already a modification called "car detonater" that makes what you want.
  6. 8/10 this is nice summer vibes
  7. We can't know unless we play it with those changes. But there are lots of ammunation sources, i mean you won't be run out of ammo easily again. Plus dying means quick ammo storation in APB. But as i said we can't know unless play with it.
  8. Negative effects that you offer are not enough in my opinion. -25% Stored ammo is nothing beside 30% damage reduction.
  9. Oh i didn't realise that. Thanks for the warning. But how about a clothing agent mod?
  10. Thanks for your feedback. I added your suggestions. But i just don't understand. How is removing secondary weapon make medusa OP?
  11. works just fine what are you on about? I don't know, maybe i was expecting more from valzipram tablets.
  12. First of all hi everyone. Everybody knows that CA3 is most used green character mod of all the time. This shows an unbalanced situation among green mods. I'd like to share my ideas with you based on buffing other mods. I don't know exacty numbers and calculation about CA. So i made poll about relationship CA and other green mods. Please vote your opinion. Ok let's start: GREEN MODS Kevlar: Kevlar has a great positive effect, but negative effect is much worse than its greatness. Instead of slowing character down why we don't force player to be lighter for carrying kevlar. Kevlar I - +10% HP /OR 10% Damage Reduction(Damage Reduction is Seadee's Suggestion) - You can't carry secondary weapons /OR If you carry secondary weapon -7,5% Sprint Speed, If you carry grenades -7,5% Sprint Speed Kevlar II - +20% HP /OR 20% Damage Reduction(Damage Reduction is Seadee's Suggestion) - You can't carry secondary weapons, grenades /OR If you carry secondary weapon -10% Sprint Speed, -5% Run Speed and if you carry grenades -10% Sprint Speed -5% Run Speed Kevlar III - +30% HP /OR 30% Damage Reduction(Damage Reduction is Seadee's Suggestion) - You can't carry secondary weapons, grenades and -25% stored ammo /OR If you carry secondary weapon -10% Sprint Speed, -10% Run Speed and if you carry grenades -10% Sprint Speed -10% Run Speed Sphagettio's Kevlar III - +30% HP /OR 30% Damage Reduction - Grenades are disabled - -12.5% /OR -10% Sprint&Run Speed Fragile: Fragile is an another mod that suffers from weak positive effect. Become faster is not enough. You can't dodge at all. I have 2 concepts in my mind. First one is Stealth / Assassin like gamestyle, other one is Acrobatic/Athletic like gamestyle. Fragile (Stealth) - +14% Run Speed - +14% Sprint Speed - You won't be shown on enemy radar when you shoot /OR You won't be shown on enemy radar when you shoot with your secondary and shoot with your primary weapon when crouching - -14% HP Fragile (Athletic) - +14% Run Speed - +14% Sprint Speed - You can jump higher - Climb ladders and fences faster - -14% HP Sphagettio's Fragile - +14% Run Speed - +14% Sprint Speed - +1 /OR +2 Grenades - -14% HP Flak Jacket: Maybe there could be exactly opposite mod Grenadier to make useful flak jacket more?? Grenadier - +1 Grenade Count - +40% Increase Explosion Damage Taken Clotting Agent: As far as i don't know exactly numbers of regeneration of HP i can't say anything about it. Blue and orange mods haven't got high priority to make balanced as green mods. But i will share my thoughts with you. BLUE MODS Car Surfer: To make this mod less abusive i think there should be a timer to activate car surfing while you are on vehicle. Valzipram Tablets: It's useless just fix it. ORANGE MODS Radar Jammer: This mods main purpose is just showing your symbol to other players at the moment. It needs some love but i don't know how. Feel free to make your critics. These are just my thoughts and there will be always better ones. And I will edit my post if you have another ideas. Thanks....
  13. SML

    PVE Mode

    I would like to see gambling in social too. Especially texas holdem poker. And i always wanted a car race district in APB. Races, bettings etc...
  14. seriously when will this shotgun meta end? at least they can revert shotgun changes until they finish balance tests right? why are you doing this LO?
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