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Everything posted by MACKxBOLAN

  1. There U are agreeing that hackers exist, and agreeing that hackers then gas light anyone in district for being 'Bad' Just like you're doing to me. Eac's job is to have an emblem on the boot screen and Look like an anti cheat. I have Zero Faith it works, and I know that it doesn't work as an active anticheat like FF did, So your story bout some dude in FC is Bull. He probley just RQ when he saw U in chat about him hacking...Ya I was there that day. That was the day after we fought in disrict or around that time. So here you're the one in chat bashing hax but I'm the bad guy.. Well I got news for U and any hacks reading this. I REFUSE TO REPORT ANY HACKING Until it is Proven that my reports go somewhere and are considered without a video. Im not streaming n clippin n then going offline to send it all to support via the web site. No We as a Community have a much deeper problem, and you're right there are people making money off scripts and eac by pass scripts. This is old news, every game has them. But in our case they have a hand up. And I aim to Find that person, and indict them via Matt/Support. I will give some people the benefit of the doubt that I have reported, in that, After seeing videos on YT pulled from Steam stream, and seeing what exactly 'Smooth Aim is' seeing that there is no overlay, no funny crosshairs. n the dude just sprayed in the gen direction and as he explained in the video, the "Bot didn't pick him up" cuz he missed that dude that time but smoked em after. So the epiphany that all these people been no miss killin me all these years are hacks. may have generated a couple of false reports, but I din't false ban anyone, I simply reported what i thought was hacking. Believing that an 'Investigation of matter' would be launched. So if I made a mistake or two, I do apologize but only to the staff that had to deal with the report. If the report was read. So You kids want mack to stop calling hack in district, Fine already done. Not because I gonna be nice now, cuz my Back is against the Wall. And I've told U before when I get Pushed, I tend to Push Back. And when I get Quiet, Real Quiet. Watch Out. So you kids go on n run hax or don't, i wont say nothing to report or in district bout hacks But I will Fry the person generating the bypass, and I have a very promising pair of suspects.
  2. Well You're the one who had to come in and post rubbish about me only, n not even address the subject of the thread = You got 'Ruffled' over my post. You're the one who then has again re-replied with more insults and this amusing accusation that I'm 'HURT', == Gas Lighting == I didn't insult you, I simply stated that U don't play enough to have a valid opinion about what goes on in district. However you do seem to be offended or you wouldn't have replied a second time. Ya know what, I think you're upset over people calling hack in forum, n that if too many people cry hack here in forum, Something will be done by staff, ie Hard core anticheat installed, re-segregation ect. Now any Legit player, especially a Gold Legit who doesn't like being considered a hacker by 'Association/Gold' would be all for any steps to clean up the game of hax, and if nothing to hide why worried about people who may mistake that players skill for a hacker and report it. Lets just pretend a minute that report works, and causes an immediate response by eac analyzing the player. What harm is it if that player has nothing to hide. No I think You're Scared of Me, and beings that you're the better player n I'm the 'Bad' player, it can't be that I would whoop ya real bad in district. No its something else. Could it be jealousy of my age and the Wisdom that comes with it? No cuz you're too naive and ignorant to understand what wisdom is, to be jealous of that. So What it is, Why are You Afraid of Me?
  3. Cry, Admin the Dirty man is yelling at me again. N looket the Book he wrote just about little ol me. A person that comes in the game once in light years, but knows all. I remember a match where a certain individual got 'Ran Up On' n Glassed by OL Mack, then he stood on the corner covering all approach's n had no miss aim with a carbine at 80meters while shouting in chat about me 'Mouthing Off in Forums' You need to get out more dude. I dont even care about hackers now. I won't report them, because it either doesn't have any effect or I get extra salt I gaf if the dude teleports upside down off the ceiling in circles around me, I REFuse to Report. I gaf about your fake threat system, and I say hackers come in all threats. Only one person that I WILL report, n It wont be for hacking, its not U, nor any known golds. n when I find that person, I'm going to Matt and support, every forum gm will get a copy as well. p.s. Also I might add that I don't give a Tinkers Damn what U think or say, and I'm glad my post Bent U outta shape
  4. Com o que você precisa de ajuda?
  5. Agreed, with everything except that U want to Omit the fact that. A. Cheaters are The Problem. B. Most Golds Cheat that are in NA, or are in groups with cheaters that are knowns. C. Reports do nothing, or LO refuses to act on them. D. EAC is being Bypassed so said cheaters can hack. E. LO spent a month watering down eac so even if they din't bypass it, it wouldn't do Diddily F. LO purposely injected golds into bronze district after said golds begged for it, 3 yrs ago, calling it 'because of pop' When we know it was cuz the golds begged to come to bronze to farm us. And Lo thinks that is Great to bully bronzes and other legits. You can't shove that 'Im better than U' rubbish down my throat, cuz no way any active gold, Active being a daily all day player. Could hold his gold or get to gold with all these hackers. More people hack now than before EAC, n i mean full on snapping, teleporting, walls ect. Ya i seen one hack with a macro but he also has a aimer cuz u cant hit people at 60meter + with a carbine on full macro and still hit your target and not miss. So its not the macro, its the aimbot. smooth aim and snap aim smooth aim they just spray in your general direction n they'll hit n not miss. The word is that The Vast group of developers is working on match making. I say they are on vacation n have been since they threw in the fake anticheat, or free version. But they wont segregate which would solve most of the hacking issues, because then the hackers have to hack each other to dethreat to get to bronze to use hacks on real players. But NO, We can't hurt the poor golds feelings and isolate them, can't call em out on they hax LO wants everyone to believe its a hackless game, when its been ran by hackers since i first started. So what if they tinker with MM thats not gonna change anything cuz the golds will still be in district blowing up chat, calling peoples mothers whores, and insulting anyone who isn't gold. You get tired of their 14 yr old antics, LO REFUSES TO BAN HACKERS. So we find a game that will ban hackers and have guns that don't take 9 shots to the face with a 12 guage to wound them slightly. New Engine has done Zero, EAC has done Zero. 5-6 years of waiting for engine just so we could have an anti cheat for Nothing
  6. I think LO has Zero interest in stopping hackers, they watered it down so badly it wont catch anything. Reports do Nothing, Zero. They put golds in bronze district cuz they asked for it. Been a Hack Fest for 3 years. LO won't do it unless Golds cry for it. I Refuse to buy anything or pay, till the golds that hack everyday all day are banned. We have absolutely No evidence of any bans for hacking. You don't see Support or Teams of GMs playing against the hacker. Cuz they won't believe our reports, and they wont use a credible anticheat. So any mission, Any gold is involved in, I refuse to participate in criminal activity, Hacking is Wire Fraud, a Federal Crime. I will sit out. Not My fault LO wants them in bronze district.
  7. Legits that won't play cuz they get constantly put against hackers, or against top skilled gold players. Getting smashed is never fun, but getting smashed by the same group all day is not fun at all. Now I'm not calling golds hackers, as you can see i said 'or'. Either way you're dead and not getting any xp, and I have hard time believing anyone was banned for hax. Game is unplayable now.
  8. None of the names on that list are the one's I saw in district. Maybe it was his clan tag being TGM, it wasn't a Red Tag like the Big GMs have
  9. Are you inferring that I cheat?. Well even though u broke the rules saying that, I'm gonna tell you. No I don't cheat. I'm the last person who will cheat, not only is it immoral, and criminal, I'm not in the habit of lying to myself. Sometimes I see people with GM in their name so I thought i would ask for a list. @Azukii thank you for the info
  10. Moderator Please List All of the Official in-game GM's and TGM's So we know who is really a GM, I need the Names please.
  11. I want the Hackers removed, I want Lo to not put in an inferior watered down anti cheat n call it done. Nothing matters as far as gun balance, new content, new missions. Until the mass amount of hax in district are removed, till segregation is back. So golds don't run the entire game. If you're gonna have an event, you need to make a Bronze only event, stop catering to and kissing the golds patooties. You need to Fix the joker voice, stop him from yelling at people 30 yard away, pretty much have to mute out to boot in. You need to publicize any bans for hacking, don't need names just numbers, as far as I can see Noone has been banned. You need to ban people for chat abuse, ie calling noob calling someone a behind. This is name shaming and its harassment. You need to show up for work, you need to be active in forum and district, not throw in a fake anti cheat n disappear for weeks ?' Do U really think that stapling Macks mouth shut will make all the hackers disappear after they asked to get in bronze, and U let them in. U let them steal the game 3 yrs ago, and from all appearances you cater to them. You Reap What You Sow LO. You Sowed this toxicity into the game, made us play with people we hate and can't stand the site of. This is a War between Legit players and Criminal Hackers, violating Federal Wire Fraud Law. And from My observation it appears LO has chosen to side with the Criminals. I refuse to buy or spend a dime till the situation changes.
  12. cuz after putting in a fake anti cheat they all ran for Mexico
  13. I'm not questioning the east and west of everything. Im asking about why there are two of each, ie Financial West 1, and Financial West 2, WF West 1, WF west 2. as well as having two easts for each instance. Seems to me would be a waste of money running them, server rent wise. Nobody can beat Me. I'm the Best, Why if LO handed out a Yearly Event Award, it be called 'The Golden Bolan Award' n it be a 'wind-up' so ya winds him up n he do a Insult Emote, n he wear the tin hat but it be a golden tin hat sorry matt it was supposed to quote deadliest
  14. May I ask Why we have two of everything. 2 WF east 2 WF west, 2 fin east n 2 fin west, ect


    Same Game Dif Year, might as well be closing
  16. Most cars are free to spawn at your Contact's garage only. The gas stations and other places cost a fee. I believe its 25 for none slotted, 50 for single slot, and so on. But I guess they could give it a little more mid-range acceleration
  17. Because its a Starter car. It is designed for first time starting players, who don't know how to drive. It is forgiving, easy to turn and stop. A first time beginner drives a starter car like someone driving the jeep, or vegas for the first time. Its also free to spawn, when you're very low rank a car spawn fee of 50-100 bucks can set u back. If U buff it they'll be running into walls. They gonna try to drive like us n crash n burn.
  18. FIX THE JOKER VOICE ALREADY, Why must he be so loud, n why train station announcement so loud. Ah tell ya what, never mind. Ill just play on mute n run some music off my phone. Go steal cuz thats all thats left to do in the game, then buy market guns n resell em for zillions so noone can afford them
  19. HS 2 would be nice. If a crooked aiming old man can comment here: Fang has a stubby barrel, and formerly a shit wide site. U want a long barrel for range. Lets remember its a Pistol, if they are that far away, U need a bigger gun, or your just harassing them.
  20. Cough, cough, so we get the Asylum back, or did they throw that under the bus too?
  21. So it does work? why don't you prove it and go down load hax and let us know.
  22. yea but that random had to run his mouth, as if he would know the results of eac, and he's some Dr. cuz he has diagnosed me with delusions. I never said He had to think my way, yet he comes along randomly insulting into someones convo without reading it all. Hows he know it is working or isn't? This is why Drinking and Fire-Arms and Keyboards should not be permitted to anyone under 25.
  23. So you decide to call names, very intelligent. EAC doesn't ban people, it is not a auto ban like FF was. So no it doesn't work. Its not instant. As in hacker boots into game and is instantly banned for having hax programs running. and or is banned instantly when using teleports and aimbots. After yesterday most of my thoughts are confirmed regarding LO and hackers. Naw U kids go on n do your fake poser game. with your fake poser aim. I do however find it amusing that u became so livid as to insult me. Typical APB. Don't let Mack make any waves or say anything against the 'Collective'
  24. I suppose that would be a can of worms, I didn't consider that side of the coin.
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