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Everything posted by MACKxBOLAN

  1. nerf the vegas, all of the mission trollers use it, and the gm's let them mission troll for the opp. sure nerf the 45, if the last legit can kill a hacker with it, we must nerf it, right. Vegas is used by hackers and cheats to stop missions, but gm's never do anything so why nerf the 45 because gm's are lazy. That lazy gm is gonna get a boat load of reports now, tired of your favoritism I'm going to war on the Gm's friends and their vegas trolls.
  2. Let me guess, BR. Yea Lo lets them do anything they want, and they are notorious for either tk you, or jump off your car or run in front of it causing you to tk them, and then they kick you. Stealing Your xp. All of this is observed by GM's who are suppose to be in district. Ah its all part of Matts grand plan. He figures if he lets these people harass legit players, that player will quit the game. Or what ever his motive is. Br stole 15 missions worth of xp, with me getting zero xp after considerable effort. The players in question are still playing today, and in fact in district now. Br has strong hatred for anyone not Br.
  3. Yes screaming pumpkins giggling in competition with the screaming joker laugh. Mixed with players playing the Stuttering song,, Get get get out of here. Events that you lose your cloths n wear their outfit, negating reason to dress up with your own pumpkin head. I want a Pumpkin-Mobile. Big Pioneer type frame, but looks like a big pumpkin, and goes Splat like a water balloon upon impact. So you run muffler or brick n it smashes into the opp making an exploding Splat. And several small pumpkins are discharged from the blast, all rolling and giggling. Some have little arms n legs n flip you off before Pumpkin run/waddling away.

    Nerf the Vegas

    Well Matt wants to play the DMV game and charge player who have purchased cars thru armas, spawn fee's. The Staff Hate legits playing n let the Sanctioned players flip cars owned by the only legit. So if we are trying to remove legit players by charging spawn fee's. Hiring trolls to flip players cars so they cannot make it to the mission and score any xp before their friends teleport there and sauce the point. So only the legit players would have to pay, the trolls LO sends into district to make the grind even longer, should not pay for any car spawns. These people are not banned instantly when doing the deed so LO is allowing it. I mean lets be real here, Matt purposely sent thousands of known hackers in just before adding new contacts. He did this to make the grind almost impossible for legits. So it's quit obvious the trolls and hackers are under his direction. So Matts Goal being to imitate the California Government and Tax the Poor out of having cars, so they end up homeless. So if we want a Fun and Legit game we don't tax anyone for anything once purchased. But thats not what LO wants, they want bottom feeding Hag Fish Hackers to stay on Station in district to prevent actual players/Legits from playing thru. It would be financially better for LO to fired the trolls and just charge legits an exorbitant amount of game cash to spawn a car. But I'm gonna save Him the trouble and just Quit. Now all of the Hackers are out a Job. The Last Legit has Left the Building.

    Nerf the Vegas

    LO claimed all the unbanned were from eac, which I believe is hog wash, because we never saw anyone disappear except for one known legit they banned for out of bounds. All these people that they brought back in were from FF times. or possibly the Battle Eye era. So I think its all a bunch of lies. So if anyone were Flagged by the current AC they would ignore it or possibly give them a 3 day ban at best. The company has moved towards marketing toward the hacker generation. Opening up new contacts just after unleashing thousands of hacks so we had to fight those hacks to relevel. They lied and said they would keep an eye on them, they didn't. So Lo has failed to provide a legit gaming experience. For several years. No I think the best thing I can do to get revenge is to leave the game. Hackers then will have no motivation or employment to hack out legits. And have noone in chat to bash but each other, n that would be excellent to see them bash each other. but I won't be here. I'll be flying

    Nerf the Vegas

    Well that seems to be the direction the 'Community' wants to go, a hacker kills with a 45 so we punish the gun. I own a few vegas' my self, they were all nerfed due to trolls already. They took out the wheelies. But it wasn't nerfed enough, they still use it to troll missions. Whether the troll is working directly for the opp or just being a troll the effect is the same. car spawn blocking and continuous ramming of multiple cars on the team. Not just my car. Specifically to stop the team from getting to the point before the opp teleports there. Report we know won't do a thing, so only thing left is to nerf the tools the cheaters use. Nerf the Vegas, the 45, they using veo's and micro's too. nerf em all. I really dont care, I got one more level to go for my 4th main. thats 60 levels I had to put up with trolls n hax and that despicable water front. Just be better if just leave the game after that level. It's all rigged, no anti cheat cuz they want the hackers. guess they somehow come up with money. Then once I leave the hackers wont have a job, they only here to stop the legit from leveling. I'm not buying into the scam story anymore. Lo coddles hackers and trolls that become cheaters when they troll missions or people waiting for a mission. And LO Alllows it to go down. They aren't watching these people, or maybe they are n getting their giggles watching em troll me. The game is no longer worth my time.
  7. @MageLO I think its broken, error code 8 , server crashed. been down bout half hour at least. several try's to get in, all error 8 thats NA server

    Nerf the Vegas

    Nerf all types of Vegas These cars are primarily used by hackers/Trolls to troll missions, or people waiting in cue. We need Vehicle Balancing. Vegas should be nerfed to half the power and weight it has. All vehicle spawn tax should be based on its Troll power. So it should be 2000. game dollars to spawn a vegas, 1500 for a pioneer, 1000 for the mini van, 800 for the veo and jeep, 500 for fresno and so on. Based on its crash damage and ability to flip other cars. Double the Armas price of Vegas type cars.
  9. I think they just got the free version for the label. Some other guy said the server side of the ac was not on. I don't think the staff are able to grasp the situation beings they are not the ones laboring away to make contact levels against said hackers. LO said they would 'keep an eye on them' I see no eyes. So to me, LO has placed all their eggs in one basket, the hackers basket. With expectations that said hackers will fund LO because they know they are pushing away the legit players. And the hackers know this so they bother legits more. And god forbid you kill a hacker, then whatever gun u used has to be nerfed. Lo will have to go a long ways to get my money now. I want Proof of Bans, Don't bring me that story about false slander. If you are worried about slander cases, you are not writing your eula the right way.
  10. They all over NA, but LO does nothing. So Why then from a Marketing view, would one want to buy it. If its 'just another video game gun' No its an Iconic gun. Why do you need to balance it. Why would you have such a gun in a game if it were not at least somewhat realistic. But thats ok, You don't want my input, and LO doesn't want my money. The gun is worthless as we speak due to hackers anyway, But ya'all go ahead n nerf it. So goddamned eager to ruin the few guns that they have that work. Thats ok, because LO wont ban hackers anymore I just won't carry a fucking gun
  11. Why everyone hating on this gun. First off LO should not be balancing guns based on what a sweaty/hacker/macro can do with it. Ok, The Standard 1911 .45 has a 5 inch barrel. Most of your non compact pistols use a 3.75 to 4 inch barrel. This extra inch gives you more muzzle vel, a better site picture and better accuracy. In real life this accuracy is not great at range, but the round will go that far and still tear a hole in ya. Anything more than 75-80 meters, and you would have to elevate, so you would 'Lob the bullet'. However if you did lob it, it would still kill ya due to its mass. They have it set for 5 stk up close, but 15 stk after like 30meter. That's is ridiculous. That means I'd have to reload twice. That said, The 1911 would not have the accuracy of something like the Hunter. Which would use a .44 or .45 Long Colt. having a 6-8 inch barrel. So increased velocity, range, accuracy. So with a 15 stk at range, the gun is useless except to harass the enemy. It should be more like 3 stk close range, 10 stk at range. Nerfing it would ruin the gun.
  12. Kevlar has Zero effect on bullets, just makes you run slow. If any effect its maybe one extra shot compared to fragile. So why run slower if they just gonna kill ya just as bad. Radar should be taken out, it is highly unrealistic. LAPD doesn't have 'Radar', neither do the criminal factions irl. Only if the cops had a helicopter. I have heard the hacks use a radar based aimbot. or that this type of hack is used in shooters. So if this is true, would it not stop or hamper cheaters from aimbotting? But my assumptions are that changing this mechanic of the game wouldn't be easy. You would have to rewrite the whole game to have the function of radar but it being attached to the writings of threat level, with people wobbling from bronze to silver n back. It'd be a developers nightmare. Bronzes aren't weak, allot of effort goes unnoticed. He may not have gotten kills, but his flanking, and or slowing the enemy down while team mates get away. One of my best tricks is to bait a sweaty n be stupid in the open while my tm sneaks up behind him. 'Oh Look there's Mack, n they think they gotta free shot coming, but Mack Playing You'
  13. Excellent. Its way less squirrelly. cornering is better, a small to moderate impact on your rear quarter side, doesn't spin the car like a hockey puck. Where You need less skill in driving the car. But in the case of accidental impact around a blind alley, the car easily recovers and or momentum continues in the direction of travel. where as before the car would spin in the opposite direction of your turn. and deflect you. I saw some others in there, n they had good things to say about the car's performance. This is good, I have never liked that the sd version has such short range. I was under the impression that the other rfp's had range like that of the lmg, based on the bar chart. This particular gun is similar to the one the character uses in the Mack Bolan Books. Which is actually a Beretta 93r with selective fire and a silencer/suppressor. So I am happy to see the sd come up to par.
  14. Couple things I think allot of you are missing in this thread, 1. Quitting a mission because you 'think' cheating or Too strong, or Bad spot, ect. means you're just gonna have to wait for the next mission, which will be the same thing. It will be You v cheats, bad spots. It's no exaggeration that at least 90% are cheating. So the odds that you're going to get a Legit mission are almost impossible. 2. There is a big difference playing for contact xp than just playing to play. So the Effort I put in cannot exceed the small amount of xp the mission gives. Many missions are such that you cannot approach a point because its locked down. They are dug in, spread out. and You won't get any xp if you don't score a min of 500. And you know this, so running back real fast to get bot shot again, knowing you won't get anything from your efforts. In My case I demand more xp and cash just because the contacts are in the harder wf. Then I want more again because the hackers are allowed or are not removed. Plus more because the guns don't work or have zero hit reg, or do but still don't kill. You don't see Matt in district struggling his way up, day after day, hour after hour to remax. My point is that allot of people just figure that because a player is in dist, he must sweat. He must break his fingers to win. Not to mention the win is only 1500-2500 xp vs 1000 to lose. Some of us aren't physically able to sweat for 12 hrs a day, mission after mission to regain max levels. Ya get sick of it, sick of the hackers and chat bashers. Ya get sick of New names being put as leader of Your mission, who think you are their Boy, when its the other way around. You all came into My game. Now due to the wf location, always a laggy long ways, long mission, wf. and the new levels. This is Work, not Fun. Fun begins when all my maxes are maxed. Then I can play fin again n have fun being casual, telling jokes and stories
  15. You All know me, I think Everyone Hacks until proven innocent. Because of all the hackings for so long intermingled with various forms of mission trolling, I consider both the enemy and the team mates a threat and either hackers or there to prevent you from progressing or xp. So I do one of two things, beings i cannot rq or i will lose the xp. and still may not get any by staying. I will rush with opg, shotgun ect depend on the spot. Or I'll Toy with them, ill trick em into chasing me or taunt them. See as a Legit I have to remain within the scope of the rules. We got one that is notorious for going afk, and is also someone I 'Think' or suspect cheater. So when he goes afk for the better part of the mission, and you are fighting people you 'Think' are his friends. You then start thinking they are spying, screen sharing or relaying intel to the other team. So I won't go afk or go Hide, if I have to ill just walk/jog to the point and attempt to do it, i wont run or shoot, just come straight up the street n walk in. Too bad I think this way, but I'm a product of the apb environment.
  16. Well we don't know if it can. We don't know if its even on, (there were posts here about the server side not being on). Then lets say it flags some and bans come along. Well we don't know how long that ban will last, we don't know if down the road matt will say that Sard is false banning, or giving false info to the devs, who then do the manual ban. What you are saying, is sorta what Matt talked about in the AMA. Putting cheaters together. Well if you put them in a separate district it might work, but it would take years to detect them all, and once an account was flagged, the hacker would just use a dif account, maybe transfer some weapons. Or simply play as a dethreater till the flag is lifted. Matt needs to understand that the hacker isn't just a problem when he hacks, or within the mission. It promotes major toxicity thru out the entire game and population. which ruins the game. You can't get new players because the newb isn't going to play this game seeing that he would be matched against high ranks, high rank golds. MM will never work because of the vast dif in performance between a bronze and a gold, and the pool of players being mostly gold. So getting to gold is based on the pool of population, you don't just have to win and be on top score. Your score and kill have to be higher than the average gold to move up a notch. I have strayed off topic, the point being, eac didn't detect hackers, but LO says it banned a bunch We in NA only saw a couple of bans by eac, Sard now has to take time to learn, and once it does, who's to say matt wont come back saying it did false bans. And let em all back in again. Matt has a choice, he can either have a crooked game full of hackers, or a legit game. The choices he has made over time all benefit the cheater and Gold. Desegregation ruined this game. we used to have fun. Cheaters and Hi threat dont like fun, they only care about k/d, if you're not going 200-1 then they bash you in chat n say you suck. Thats Matts Game. This is the way He wants it. Then I wish him luck in finding financially viable players.
  17. Then Why Harrass Legit Player, Why tk legit player for being USA, why jump off car to make kick off team. Why GM let peoples from Sur tk legit player. Try to be nice to them as a group, n they steal xp and attack you for not buying hax and or not being South American while calling you racist for no longer trusting them, after getting zero xp 15 missions in a row, and them being allowed to tk me 9x per mission. Thats the kind of game Matts wants to run maybe he should shut down west servers. Just have a BR server make it exclusive to south america so noone outside of SA can play. Be nice if the Anticheat was a Working Active and useful but no, LO gonna let mass blatants hack and let people steal xp and tk and mission block people. Giving strange people the team leadership 99% of the time so they can kick me. asking for leadership votes right as you rush the opponette, to distract you, and they wanna argue over who can be leader so they can kick you. LO won't ever get a dime after what they've done, unbanning, not banning, putting contact in wf, so fight hackers to get goodies that are worthless. all the tk and name calling and harassment.
  18. ah they just unplug it n plug it back in. so they can move it n the janitor can sweep underneath. it runs off a lawn mower 'Magneto' attached to an 80s tape recorder and an ever ready flash light. flash light flashes a binary 'Morse' type code into a mirror that reflects back to a wi fi tower mounted on top of the fishing boat, setting on a trailer in somebody's back yard alley way, down in the city of Garbage Grove. Some alley people were hacking said wifi so we told em they could if they watched the boat, make sure noone steals it. so they stole the wheels off the boat's trailer
  19. As long as Matt purposely puts the rare legit against Golds, Hackers, Trolls. Purposely rented or got an unviable AC EAC knowing it wouldn't stop hackers. Then the Bypass code for eac, and that eac never banned anyone for hacks cuz all the hax were still there. So the Hog-wash that it had false banned for hacking is just that, Hog wash. Then they lie again n put in sard but unleash thousands of hax from the FF days. Then after unleashing them, puts in a contact in the hack heavy water front and forces legit max ranks to remax and fight all those hackers he put in. He allows the hacking by not banning, he allows the chat trolling by not banning, he allows the mission blocking, he allows criminal gangs to steal xp in very long levels. They lowered the servers from 50 to 40 to keep the legit player out so its longer to remax. They haven't hired anyone to sit in district and watch said hackers and trolls. All the guns are worthless against hackers, he won't fix that and super buff them. Matt doesn't want rightful MM, he wants legits to fight straight hackers. Not being a 'Reporter' doesn't help, they attack you more for not buying hax or reporting said hax. No reason to report cuz matt already knows who the hackers and toxic trolls are. He lets them in to stop legits from playing or leveling back up. No reason to play a fully hackers game, 4 more levels on one max to finish then im done with Matts Lies, I'm Out..
  20. I did receive some lights a couple days ago, but the car isn't War worthy enough for WF. beings its a 'light weight'. The car is easy to flip or damage by troll. If you're gonna play apb you have to first survive the mission trolls just to get to the mission is a challenge. Without a reason to play missions, having and painting up the car is useless. they have zero player base outside of hackers to 'show the car off to' Not to mention the 100 dollar spawn fee. I been driving my old no slot pick up, cuz they wont make a real pick up a full sized truck. Only 5 levels left to fight hackers for. no reason or need for the car as I will quit as soon as that cop is maxed
  21. NO, because they hate legits. LO is extremely resentful toward legit playing paying customers. They put all of br and known hackers from ages ago come in to stop the one legit from leveling. I'll just bomb them till I'm out of ammo, wont even buy ammo from LO.
  22. @MattScott Am I that much of a threat to your Firm that you sent thousands of golds and BR to steal xp from me. So i can't remax all my max ranks I've worked so hard on for years, now i have to remax 5 maxes, vs Your troll hacking golds and Br. Fine, Your Firm will never, ever get a dime from me. You have zero bans, zero ac, and I think you like watching people suffer. Do you think that keeping me grinding longer in your smelly waterfront is going to get me to spend? Your Trolls stealing xp, zero xp 15 missions a day or so. In the end You're the Boss so You Alone are Responsible for the actions of your hackers and trolls. I find it suspicious that you would unload thousands of hackers with an unbanning on me, then add levels in the worse district you have, and send those unbanned and the thousands you never did ban to stop me from remaxing what i already earned. So all I have to do is disappear and the hackers will go home cuz they'll have no legits to troll. Correction, I WAS the last legit
  23. They did nerf the .45, so resolved, last couple few days ago.
  24. I don't as much hate the hacker as I hate his motives, and LO having little to no control over them. the hackers motives are to stop legits from score or xp any way they can. So it's more like Hackers are frustrated and have Hatred for Legit players. Very few legit players exist anymore, and I am angry Matt make former Max ranks fight all these armys and loads of hackers to get all the characters remaxed. They have health hax, thats why none of the guns work right. Which also means i have zero interest in any gun in armas or joker store, cuz they wont work either. Which is fine, guns just make u run slower in the slow waterfront while you run or drive 30 miles from one point to another.
  25. I think LO are sociopaths, putting new levels in the hacker friendly water front, putting hundreds of hackers in the game to slow legits from leveling. Feeding me 'Garbage' about your sard. Forcing former max ranks to remax by fighting hackers who come to play for the sole reason of stopping legits from leveling. I aint got nothing good to say, and I don't think I can get away with what I want to say. Your wf has always ran like pattootie, you dont ban, So beings its a known hackers game. Mack has to follow rules but nobody else has to. No More Money, Even if its something I want. I'm not buying Matts lies about sard. it was the same story with eac, 'we need time, it needs to learn its algorithm. Ya try another story. Ya wanna take my xp away or let your hackers steal my xp getting zero xp after putting significant effort into a match, so ya can waste my time n keep me in that dump waterfront for years just remaxing my max ranks. As far as I'm concerned You should be paying me IRL to feed your hackers. So now U owe Me, so they aint no way I'm paying U anything till the dept is paid.
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