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Everything posted by MACKxBOLAN

  1. They Doin Good. They added a few weapons, they stopped the dds disconnects. They have a plan. g1 had no plan. Along with a new forum site we have forum moderators. So if things in game go bad, and you say something here, it will be seen. Not only do they seem to care about the players experience, but they have come into the game an played it with us. They have put themselves in our shoes. Some of those guns u talk about are being tested an adjusted. (I played with my JG w/no slots last night n it seems to be the same as before the the buff) This is no longer some ancient forgotten game
  2. Yea What he said.. how is it on run speed and trigger speed, ya lucky patootie bogarts
  3. I think the easy answer here is that otw is another down load and or without that download you don't see otw. you see the district's on the drop down menu but there are no instances to join.
  4. No Dice, 20 down, but I got a vegas for 6 mo n some other 3day stuff
  5. is that where the newer long barreled one is, or gonna be. inna joker box. I cant find it anywhere
  6. I like it allot. I'm highly considering buying one of those, than to grind for a hitchhiker, or play the joker box's for a nano / H.hiker My problem now is the other showstopper on the boot window. the long barreled one. I haven't found it anywhere.
  7. Lets just hope they find the bug or fix up the servers. not just for me. There are others experiencing the exact same problem, and dude said he runs a gtx gaming rig. So I don't think this is a client side lag machine issue. I got in this morning so well see how it goes.
  8. Were you ever able to get in contact with support about your issue, Mack? well I left the ticket two weeks ago, n I got a reply that they had received it, immediately, but no fix. they are still screwing me and a few others. its like they have bugged my house, soon as I decide to go ahead with the hasel of joining paypal, they squeeze me out. soo no reason for paypal, no game now the forum is duplicating my posts,,exellent didn't know there was a BE support, ive heard people are turning it off, n why don't I do that, well cause I'm not a hack so I don't know how to turn it off Ah it is what it is. They are trying to make a Maserati out of a Yugo
  9. Were you ever able to get in contact with support about your issue, Mack? well I left the ticket two weeks ago, n I got a reply that they had received it, immediately, but no fix. they are still screwing me and a few others. its like they have bugged my house, soon as I decide to go ahead with the hasel of joining paypal, they squeeze me out. soo no reason for paypal, no game
  10. they don't want a population. they keep us out purposely so they don't have to pay higher server rent
  11. ok wise patootie, where is the post saying we are working on fixing the BE bug that boots legit player upon loading the district, do you see that in any of matts stuff,,,no. No it says we gonna work on more weapon changes, don't say nothing about fixing what they broke. you need new servers, a new provider, before you start changing things. n if the game worked I wouldn't be here to whine.
  12. exactly, nothing there to fix the infinite loading kicks by BE, just more plans to alter specs on guns. {I do like what they are doing} but the bogging servers since the patch, n the plan is to do more testing for more spec changes, not fix the servers so they accept players in mission districts.
  13. So we have no plans to fix the servers so any of these guns can be used, we just have plans to add more stuff but not new servers or a decent provider. Oh but it will be like 10 years before they see the tickets that tell them the servers are broken, n we'll just ignore that. Push out the old players n Put On an Eminence Front.
  14. Tired of your insults your pushing people out, you can take your fake anti cheat n shove it up your lazy crooked rear port After 5 hours of repeat kicks by your fake-patootie BE Client Not Responding I'm done with your asinine treatment of legit players, of paying players. You don't have a solution, the ticket is useless, you don't respond, you hide. I'm not the only one having this issue yet you sit on your patootie. This is not a client side issue, or a equipment issue, BE boots peps with new gaming machines Why is it fake, cause when ya can get in ya got hacks goin everywhere, yet you boot the legit based on client not responding Don't appreciate spending n then being kicked, nor the 3 year grind you seem to not care about either I think you're rotten people for taking my game, barring legitimate players from playing with a program that does not shit for hackers. I hate you.
  15. I wish to retract my previous post indicating I thought BE was a good thing n no hax were around. Ya its All hax all the time, n BE is a scam put in by lo to keep legits out of the game. Still no solution to my ticket n I'm not the only one that gets booted by BE. They don't even fkn care. Ya nice new revolver but no use if ya cant get in the game. BE boots me repeatedly yet if I make it into a district I see mass hackers. Why are you booting legits and harboring the hackers. I have nothing good to say about u lo people. I think your crooks for what u did. get rid of BE n buy a real hack system that don't boot legit players or sell it back to g1 n gtfo
  16. I think BE is helping with the hax. Reducing it to a few closet hackers. Lag spikes do cause some hacksawing.
  17. This is Excellent. Lil Orbit Ya done good At first I was a bit upset, then I looked harder. This gives players who may not be able to spend on armas, a chance to get some of cool guns. With market prices in the millions, I think the joker is a good thing. I like the new pistols and the new shotgun w/stock Although I'm still having trouble with BE loading the district, I think they are doing Good.
  18. I have the f keys n some of them have symbols for controlling my music player. its a win7 w/win 10 update, n I aint going out n buying a new one just for this game. this is all I play. my last option at this point is to find my Ethernet wire n wire back up. The wifi does cause a lil heat. The game was booting me before but just once, then Id sign back in n they'd let me in. Now it boots everytime. I too suspected it may be a speed issue with all of what they have added. And now with the patch adding more, they are kicking me more due to slow loading. The reason says 'Client not responding'
  19. I don't have anything like that. I mention it is a laptop because of the wifi and the keyboard configuration, and there is a aircraft button. pathetic yes. I'm not a hacker. this thing has been booting me since they put it on, but only once then the next time it lets me in. And during that time ive seen plenty of fishy things happen, so I don't think BE works. Regardless if it works on the cheap hax or not, I don't, so getting this lil insult every time I boot is annoying at best. I didn't come in treating anyone in any fashion, all I know is I'm legit n ive played for about 3 years n have now lost my game. I would call my attitude melancholy and I am the one that has been treated badly. But you Go on with your bad self n judge the world. Very simple. the game worked fine before BE, n now I don't. that's not my fkn doing that's thiers
  20. well I left one, but what now. get up everyday n check my email. be months. Guess ill get to finish the box of books I have. I have about 100 Mack Bolans to read, maybe ill get some skills.
  21. Yea ill leave a ticket, as if that's gonna help. they squeezed out the lil guys. Russians did the same with WOT. I had to go buy a new pc. I wouldn't be as slow if BE wasn't there. 3 years down the drain They said before it might be a hot key issue. its a laptop. In my eyes its their problem, I didn't have this issue before BE came along. And ofcourse in my eyes BE does nothing to cheaters so its useless. Just here to get Ol Mack off the game
  22. I cant even get in anymore. your pathetic B. E. keeps kicking me. I don't hack, and consider it an insult to be kicked by an anticheat. I complained about this before. they said it was possibly because of Hot keys. Normally I get kicked once n then they let me in, now it keep doing it. says 'Client Not Responding' which is also my newest symbol. Good thing they screwed the pay cards n I didn't waste money. Now I'm screwed
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