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Everything posted by gordoIsMyName

  1. the game has BattlEye, but it is not enforcing (banning)
  2. these weapons are included in the pass... PS-247 Oblivion H-9 Curse SG-21 Strife AR-97 Misery R-2 Harbinger i do not see if they have open slots. does anyone know how they are setup? thanks!
  3. anyone else running this? i'm testing it and on my gtx 1070 it looks great! wondering if anyone has any issues with it. thx...
  4. yes... PLEASE add this feature to disable them or mute.,, even if it's 'listen 1 time per match' i'd tolerate that. but as it is now... i would like everyone at Little Orbit to get the old AOL "You've Got Mail" sound file and have your PC and phone play that every time a message comes in. mix in a "YO" and "HEY" as well as a high pitch test tone with it. see how long you can tolerate that :0
  5. my enforcer is a large character. and yes, it is rare on NA servers. i have worked with upsize/downsize and it didn't appear to make any difference in getting killed. i do notice it when playing fight club and not being able to easily fit between things or easily jump through windows.
  6. communicating the 'what's and why's' to the community is a solid customer service experience. thanks to you and your team for the weekend service. it does not go unappreciated!
  7. I had a similar issue... blurry looking textures... and what solved it for me is deleting the Config folder, starting the APB launcher->options->repair. it will download some textures and rebuild that folder. my game now looks beautiful. always make a backup of the Config folder before you do this just in case...
  8. man...…. you guys are correct. thank you for the responses! SOLVED
  9. Just a few minutes ago I purchased... - Patriot V20 Wheels and Audio Kit but, in my in-game email I received... - Jericho Wheels and Audio kit
  10. After a 'small' update came down to my machine, the graphics started to look 'shabby'. stretching and low resolution. no matter what I did, I could not resolve the issue. I came across this thread on the forum and it resolved my issues! the game now looks fantastic! actually, better than ever. if you feel like there are any blurred images, you might want to give this a shot. If steam it will be similar to this C:\Steam\steamapps\common\APB Reloaded\APBGame\Config Delete the config folder or cut and paste somewhere so you dont lose all your settings. Once it is gone, run the launcher and choose the repair option. This will run the game with all default settings. 
  11. I was in 4-5 rounds where the mass of players on either side had 10 kills or so and 2 players constantly had 30+. people rubber banding all over the place. i'd be shooting down a hallway, then suddenly appear 2" from a wall blasting it to pieces. really made those few players that appeared to be 'lag-free' stand out. aimbot overcomes lag every time! equally depressing is having paid for premium and experiencing all these issues
  12. sadly it seems acceptable for nasty, toxic people to say and or do whatever they like as there is no recourse for their actions. hopefully that will change in time. as other suggest... you can always go into the game and turn off the VoIP stuff. also, you can try to locate a clan so you have some decent people to game.
  13. understood on the player kills and determining a ban. I should have said, there is a profile of collected data on performance/behavior that could be used in signature of a hack. I believe this is what BattlEye is doing right now in Test mode. It is being "trained" on the game to start creating these signatures.
  14. Just wanting to confirm it is not active and banning. And if it is not, is there a formal ETA on when it will get activated? In the meantime, it also appears /report is not doing anything. Is there a formal method for reporting? Thx...
  15. Good post... This community has some extremely toxic people in it. I come from H1Z1, which has torn itself apart from people being hateful and not welcoming players. What once was a 80k player game now pull 7k and continues to dwindle. I hope people who love this game continue to stick with it and welcome new players. I hope the Little Orbit can find this situation economically feasible to salvage, And, I hope people the hacking and dethreating goes far, far away... or no matter what people do it's just not going to matter.
  16. I agree. I found that I could login using my Steam u/p on the Armas store. But, my account is very new (past 2 weeks or so).
  17. when the hack is on your own team, I think it can be sometimes hard to determine while playing the game. there are times I will play and not get to see much of a certain players in-game performance. that said, when the rest of your team has 5 kills and one player sits atop the board with 15 or something, you do get suspicious. especially if you play a few games and they are always 3x the kill rate. banning is a tricky thing as it's hard to pin it down. multiple reports by opponents followed with a review of game stats can indeed show patterns. video if the hacker is always the best proof but often hard to obtain and deliver. and... even with that, there needs to be an appeal process if you do get banned. bottom line though, hackers ruin the experience for everyone even if they are your team. and it kills a game. new players will not play the game if its not fun and experienced players will eventually just give up and move along.
  18. I didn't get alerts there were responses to this thread... yes, the money was mailed to me in the in-game mail system. I didn't see any information when using the classifieds that the auction would email upon being outbid. a bit confusing for new users. sorry for the delay in posting the response and I appreciate the people who answered the question.
  19. i'd love to know what Little Orbit can say about this. These people ruin the entire game for everyone. taken from the thread on steam... https://steamcommunity.com/app/113400/discussions/0/1733207382032831332/ "the /report doesn't work anymore. It reports fo fairfight which doesn't exsist. It just gives you a little message in the corner to make you feel better. Other than that, its uselsss. The quality of the game is already back to where g1 had it with cheaters anyways. Most people are back now happily cheating away. You can just go watch youtube and view them all blatantly aimbotting being super joyful about cheating. This game community supports cheating, and until that changes, this game wont change. about 30% of the playerbase actually wants cheaters banned, the rest are either cheating or are playing with a cheater and supporting it. It doesn't matter what anticheat they put in, theres simply to many players at the moment supporting cheaters to do anything about it."
  20. I bid on a car for $80k, got outbid, auction closed and now I've somehow lost $80k! anyone have any ideas on why/how this happened or how I can possibly get my money back??? Thanks!
  21. killer resource. absolute MUST READ for all level players.
  22. dropped you an application... looks interesting... let me know if there's anything else I need to get you. like to learn more about this. thx!
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