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Everything posted by Excalibur!

  1. Nono, no gms from community, NO. I cant even believe this crossed anyone mind...
  2. Ey i rekted you with my car because lag xD I couldnt brake lol.
  3. I am feeling a bit lazy to explain all over... -The main idea is that you being able to play with your friends ANY map without worrying about you being unable to upgrade your contacts because they are in other one. -Another solution for queueing (or whatever is called ). You would be able to join any map available without worrying that the ones you are about to play are full or semi-empty. -No more worries about your prem running out because the other two points. -"But but people will join the maps they most want". Did it ever happened because people needed to upgrade a specific contact in a specific map? Freedom to select the map solves not only the issues above but the queue one... if one map is full (or two or three), you can select another. EDIT: Fight Club may be not join in this suggestion because everyone would play there. But maybe a contact there after reaching max rank to unlock some nice items would be nice too.
  4. I'll admit that this is good idea, but has a huge mistake...
  5. Yeah ofc, "coincidences". How could i forget about them happening all the time.
  6. Then just replicate names. That code bar guy is back again.
  7. Well, started to see old cheaters nicks and they come within the ddos. Impossible to play, im teleporting everywhere and they still kill like nothing happens (you know, the perfect ttk with this infernal lag). This is completly absurd. I hope matt is happy with unbanning them.
  8. And thats a perfect example of why no cheater should be unbanned. You already rerolled, and probably multiaccounts to try cheats etcs. 5' and you are back on like if nothing ever happened... what a disgusting joke.
  9. I just wanted to quote since we are getting censored g1 style... @LilyV3 Remember when fairfight just arrived and the game suddenly become playable??? Maybe we could enjoy for awhile when battleeye is finally installed.
  10. Yeah, thanks to making invisible an issue with censorship. That way they will make it disappear. Really well 'managed'.
  11. Your reign of terror is over pgaw, stop acting it up. God man, your logic is broken. I can find infinite excuses to make like card frauds are okay, cheaters are not less okay than credit card frauds. Oh man i cant take all this bs...
  12. If that one jerk says so... Don't worry, you'll get your censorship for those who are disgusted with unbanning cheaters. And here we go again, this going to be interesting...
  13. Because you are not good enough for the system to think you been cheating. git gud
  14. Can anyone think of the cheaters and their feelings? They are victimis of today society!!! How could you dare to even remotely think to reset their gained stats... can you even imagine the amount of suffering they been through by losing their legit accounts every-single-day? How cruel... what most harms me inside is that anyone can be so goddamn cruel in this world.
  15. But of course yes. LO took note of everything you just said and is working as fast as possible to deliver such desired game modifications. If there is anything else you wish to be added or deleted, don't be shy to create a new forum post, and we will review it. Kind regards, the Forum Support Team ™.
  16. Que suerte que puedas ver esas diferencias. Lol if they should reward us for that... We got cheaters unbanning, thats the reward.
  17. Yes. Becasue appart of other rules, a cheater damaging other players by those thousands of hours wont directly affect their income. Players would keep playing regardless cheating, as you can already see. Their new rule sets are really bland towards it, and for me it means they are weak enough to not really fight back and finding excuses to get real. Thats why i am not boots licking LO and i have no much hopes about this issue getting fully solved. Yeah, fairfight may not be fully RIGHT, but it only takes a wallhack to make a veteran impossible to defeat. EDIT: wallhack? Just give me the godman radar fully exposing enemies around, thats all i would like to have if i would cheat in this game.
  18. I think you can already do that. Female hips can be reduced so badly that they are practically men with tidies. Lingerie is made with bodypaints. Yeah, why not.
  19. You guys may not understand that they probably need the likes loaded to profile for the reason i mentioned (this may be abused too, like tobii does with about 50 profile likes). I honestly think profile rating its stupid. What it needs to be rated are the posts. But if they like the profile rating so bad i just come with this idea: rate the post with emojis (infinite, only 1 per post); rate profile and post with likes or dislikes (dislikes not loaded to profile). And 10 per account may be huge for those who has more than 10 accs... i would say 1-3 to rate very important posts. I already been dissuaded to log into my accounts and dislike everything tobii says with only reducing them to 10.
  20. For ones are important, for others not so much. For one killer a life has not much value... as a gamer i take cheating absolutly serious. Is not only from gamers side, some people make a living out of games, did you know about it? Is not like we got a random cheater over a week and thats it, we get them all the time. And personaly since i started gaming online. They ruined most games i loved, and let them rot to a cancerous level. "We are also releasing prisoners that been caught over that year because of the same reasons". That feels really good.
  21. Judge: "He killed an innocent, tortured him for a week, and ended his life with 50 stabs. But like we were having troubles with our police department because they had not enough resources for over a year, there is not good evidence of any of that took place. Video is not enough to prove his brutal actions since everyone has access to special effects video editing nowdays, plus it was filmed with a potato camera. Eyewitnesses accuse people all the time, so they have no weight in their words. We are lacking of uhm... personal, and he is back to society to take care of your childrens. Everyone deserves second chances, don't be toxic and accept him back."
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