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Everything posted by Excalibur!

  1. I barely care if you believe me or not, its happening, and been abused for years. Semiautomatics gun been feared not because they are op, if not because of this desync. It creates unbalance.
  2. Exactly! Thats why oca without rs3 and cj3, tommy, atac, shotgun and the kind that require many bullets to kill but they fire fast and have a lot of spread works so fine to kill. I know, thats why you will miss bunch of bullets against a speeder. Is not only an animation, please take a read of the thread ive started and been linked to a word a few post ago.
  3. If it would that easy then i wouldnt be here complaining about that. They absorb all the bullets... and if they are speedhacking its even worst. EDIT: sometimes it happened that i killed a guy doing this aiming* to an invisible box, and he was a body apart of that box. I know how it works and i can mostly deal around with it. They know how it works and try to do it, but they get killed because i also know how it works.
  4. I tested it with a friend... and indeed works. Anyone can try that trick and abuse it. See how people will start missing bullets because your character and the hit box wont sync because of ping. The faster the movements the more desync there is. I have told this multiple times and ive been allways mocked, even by people who are trying to "help" with the game.
  5. It creates desync, just like in every other game. If you do not suffer of high ping you will barely notice it. Edit: i mean high ping 100ms+.
  6. These custom crosshairs allows you to have it at all times, when its removed when spriting and from marksman with high magnification for a reason. Oscar users on ice are a pain because of this, everyone knows that and all requested in this thread if pointing to THAT. If they are going to allow it, then weapons like these will seriously need a fix (and i think they already need it). The times i abuse it its funny to see legit players missing most their bullets. EDIT: stop acting like its an innocent change only because they are new and do not know whats going on with this stuff... its pathetic.
  7. Hold the shift like everyone else. Ive been doing it for years and nothing happens. These kids want to play without doing anything, in some cases not even aiming... lets stop that. Get some calcium if you have issues with pressing a single keyboard buttong, my god.
  8. I agree with the sounds but not the camera tilt, its silly.
  9. Its actually not if you l2p. It do not interfere the gameplay and do not prevent you to kill enemies or complete objectives. And i mostly play without premium. From my point of view, i wouldnt adquire it at all without the 50% less cd.
  10. It is true that cooldowns are an advantage, but when you are f2p you get used to use your items with cd carefully.
  11. I edited that post, mind to read it again? I am not trolling... you want advantages on your game.
  12. Yes, for a reason you want that and is not fair. Not everyone uses your third party software to add stuff to apb... If any of that is not that good, why would you create a thread to ask for it in first place?
  13. Pls dont allow this, we gona get sprintshoters everywhere...
  14. Custom crosshairs gg... do you need assistance on your aim too?
  15. I forgot to mention... sometimes my hands switch alone. Anyone else having these issues? Or its just me? I may be infected with something???
  16. And when im leaning i lose leaning and not marksman... if it was an issue with shift, that is not, i would notice. My mouse is clean, i just opened it. I tried lifting my finger from shift completly and kept happening. Yeah cant use the toggle thing, i marksman constantly to switch targets.
  17. Don't worry i wont do that that easily. There a few that you can already use. If you need advice you can allways ask.
  18. Or learn to play, thats the most easy solution honestly. And you can enjoy whatever weapon you use.
  19. If you care so much about it then create an enforcer and use ltl?
  20. About equality? i doubt it. You cry for crim only weapons, enfos should have what is good for crims. Its really that simple.
  21. I remember when i started my crim and needed a mod, i just ram and got it in no time. With my enf had to play like half day. How is that balanced for you? Why are you trying to hide this fact?
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