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About Khakis

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  1. Whenever I log in to armas I get "unhaNDLED exceptiogn " any1 e;se?
  2. Bullshark is reskin of OBIR. So we should start there, first. UL3's definitely need a buff if anything. I rarely use or ecounter the Anubis, so I won't say much there.
  3. I just don't like all the hate LO gets. They really are trying hard to work for the players. They do ONE thing, and the community just says, "fuck you." One thing I remember disgusting me was when they decided to hold the "Firecracken'" event or something by that name. Go look for that post yourself. They decided to do something nice for the community as they work on what needs to be done and yet all the replies are just hate towards LO. They really are trying. They don't deserve all the bandwagon hate.
  4. Glad I'm not the only one who thinks that way. People usually counter this statement to say that weapon switching shouldn't be a thing but that is the exact reason that makes the consumable so good. If you decide to use something else, you're giving up the ability to switch weapons in favor of another pro found in another consumable. That goes for any of them, such as losing your +speed ability should you switch out your epi pen in favor of another. Limiting grenades is a change I'm okay with seeing balanced. I enjoyed nade fighting someone else with a box, but it's understood why this had to be changed.
  5. Hi, hopefully my outfits are worthy enough to be in this thread! From left/top to right/bottom: Tactical Pro Gamer, Aesthetic Girl, Korean Female Student, and Combat Medic.
  6. I agree with your idea and I hope I get support when I let the team at LO know that the community would prefer only using emojis from now on.
  7. Perfect music to be listening to as I go through reading all the replies.
  8. We all started this way. Get destroyed, learn from mistakes, repeat. The "tryhards" you're up against are good because they've been stomped on so many times. Also most of the time, the top players go back to beginning weapons anyway. Obeya FBW? N-TEC? JG? Carbine? STAR even? All get used and abused by the higher ups. You get tired of hearing "get gud" but believe it or not, it's very true in this case. There is no easy, miraculous way of getting good than by putting in lots of time dedicated to playing to learn from experiences.
  9. u good? Also, im more upset over the weapon changing being disabled on the ammo boxes. I should've been more clear on that. This allowed for various styles of gameplay to be implemented contingent to where the mission is taking place.
  10. LO killed off shields and ammo boxes. Seems like epi pen is the only thing worth using now, but I'm kinda wishing these changes never came to be. Although we knew about them for awhile, does not mean people really wanted this.
  11. Objective markers in the world (not the map) are sometimes not able to be seen /: This is annoying, but then becomes game breaking when the last mission is to kill the enemies, and you cant see their names through walls.
  12. This is beautiful. I WISH this was considered more.
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