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Everything posted by LooneyTooonz

  1. I play the game for fun, not rewards. If I'm not having fun why would I play ? And besides, what was more satisfying than hitting level 5 and going and shooting up Double B's or LeBoyce's. It was the funnest part of the game. Things can be left in the game that make it fun, you know the reason people play a game to begin with.
  2. I'm more concerned with bringing back P5/N5 killing sprees. Game was dead to me when they took this away. Me and my group haven't played since this was taken away.
  3. Can we get confirmation from someone that knows if the Christmas holiday pack will be on armas ? I'm like you, I have way to many characters to try to do this for. Don't have time to get all the stuff due to long work hours.
  4. Better than some guy with a shaw, euryl or medusa using kevlar 3. Why do you find this so problematic ?
  5. Are you actually playing right now? I am getting an error on my launcher and the game won't even attempt to load.
  6. Is Jericho still down ? Getting an error on my launcher. According to my Timetable Converter it is way past time for the server to be back up. Just want to make sure its not just me.
  7. I haven't been able to get into a district in almost 2 months now. I feel your pain.
  8. I haven't been able to connect to district for over a month now.....just times out after about 15 minutes.....I have been trying several times a week. Missed out on the free premium and everything. I'm a pretty good customer who has spent way to much money on this game for this to happen too. Just for the amount of money I have spent alone, you would think would warrant at least a human reply to my support ticket.
  9. I kinda feel bad for you, but I haven't been able to get into a district going on a month now. Totally missed my 2 weeks of free premium, and only received an automated reply to my support ticket. I just want to play APB.
  10. I've been trying to get in a server the last couple of hours to take advantage of my freemium. I can log in without any problems, but can't get past the loading screen when trying to get in a district (including social). I've tried repairing to no avail. Am I missing something here ? Anyone else having any issues ? I've had plenty of loading screens of death before, but reloading the game usually fixed the problem.
  11. The whole weapon balance patch needs to be reverted. I always thought I would play APB till the bitter end. I'm not so sure now. Marksman rifles are now garbage. Yukon is garbage. I'm sure other guns are now too, but couldn't bring myself to play any longer to find out. This is exactly what I was concerned about when they announced weapon changes. Game is no longer fun to me. I don't understand this patch at all and why they would take guns that were fun and make them terrible. 150 hours of ram raiding down the drain to buy my 3 yukons FML. At this point, the submachine gun sidearm from the contact is probably better than the Yukon. This makes no sense. A better idea would of just to have made the crappy guns better so there were more good guns to use instead of making them all worse.
  12. I've had an open ticket for going on about 8 months now. Logged on one day to find I was missing 10 spots in my garage. Still hasn't been adressed. I had to delete a bunch of my cars, just to have room to get cars put up on market.
  13. I can't believe it took you this long to chime in with your condescending answer. I still remember when you were a noob in this game, it wasn't that long ago. So yeah stay at the kiddy table please while the big people talk. Number one, this is something that has never been suggested so it goes on the NEW IDEA stack and not with the rest of the pile, Im not against changing the threat or matchmaking or whatever LO want to do, just want the game fixed. Just trying to get as many fresh ideas as possible out there. So even if LO decided to do something completely different that I'm suggesting, Maybe they might like 1 little thing I suggested and use it. Would that be so bad ? Maybe my solution isn't the best possible one, maybe it is. I do know its a million times better than what we have now, and better than just locking all the districts down. I wouldn't waste my time suggesting things that have already been tried and failed or something that has been suggested in the forums a 100 times already like others. Believe me the last thing I EVER want to do is to try to have a rational dialog with the APB community on the forums for no reason. Your response is a perfect example of that. I am not a glutton for punishment, I don't want attention, and I hate confrontation. Number 2, I'm close to 10 year vet of the game and have seen all the bad decisions that have been made in the past. You cannot say the same Number 3. I have about 10 years experience of running and administrating game servers. Doubt you can say the same. I knew people would argue with me, and I accepted that when I posted this. I really didn't expect such a rude, closed minded response from someone so active in the community though. lmao. Is this a serious response ? This is about growing the game and getting people that just installed the game to not uninstall it an hour later. Go away troll
  14. Then fine. The noobs still aren't getting stomped with explosives if they're turned off. If you suck you suck, I get that. Getting farmed with rockets and opgl's causes anger for new players, if you don't know that your not paying attention.
  15. Well theres you opinion and then theres the truth. I don't agree with any of them, but thats ok. If you want to keep doing what got the game in trouble to begin with then this game has no future. I agree the pool right now seems to small to implement this, but you have to start somewhere. But the reason the population pool is so small is because nothing like this has ever been implemented. The game dying didn't just happen for no reason and over restricting players like you want is not the answer. Its already been tried and failed miserably. But I still see new players everyday. I talk to most of them I see, but they don't end up staying long. I ask them if they are enjoying the game and if they think they will continue to play and they almost always say yes. I alway offer to help. I see them logon a time or 2 more then they're just gone. It wouldn't take that long for the playerpool to start gaining steam if they are in a locked bronze district and maybe even add an ingame moderator to the district to help them. The fact of the matter is, none of these common sense things I've proposed have ever been tried. And just because you have a different opinion doesn't mean your right. Its obvious something needs to be tried that hasn't been tried before. I have a hard time agreeing with someone that wants to do things that have already been tried and have failed. The definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over expecting different results. It didn't work last time, its not gonna work this time. And if L.O. still wants to tweak the matchmaking and the way threat works, I'm not against that. All I care about is the game growing and new people staying more than a day or 2. Build it and they will come. Have some faith that the game can be saved and thrive and do your part to help out new players.
  16. I love open conflict, but have you been in open conflict when the tryhards are in there ? That is not the place for a new player when they are trying to learn the game. That district was made for tryhards and casual players who want a change of pace to really throw down without messing up their threat. It even says in the description ( not recommended for new players ). I can't understand why you have a problem with what I'm suggesting ? It creates districts for everyone.
  17. Thanks for the reply. My system outlined above does everything you want and so much more just by adding 4 locked districts. This isnt just about fixing the system. Its about creating a solution to fix the system, while keeping everyone happy, keeping friends together, and most importantly, GROWING THE GAME. All 4 can be done all at once. Matchmaking wouldn't be broken if your in the right server. Thats where the locked districts come into play ( you want better matchmaking, join the locked district ). I've gotten 3 brand new players to install and play the game though over the past 2 weeks. But keeping ALL districts locked to higher threat players would punish new players and force them to play in the silver district / gold district day one if they wanted to play with the vet / friend that recruited them. This is not fair to those new players and not a recipe for success. Locking all districts to higher threat players has already been implemented in the past and a bunch of people quit playing the game. That is not a system in which everyone wins. Sorry I didn't explain it well enough in the original post. The fix for all of the these problems are so simple though that G1 never thought of it. It doesn't have to be one way or the other. Why cant we have it both ways ? You should be able to choose to be in a district with people of the same threat or choose not too so you can play with friends with a different threat. No one is going to play if they can't play with their friends. Why would we limit ourselves when we shouldn't have too. It makes no sense at all. Its the only way to keep everyone happy now and down the road. Its also the only way to grow the game and make it profitable again which I'm pretty sure is the goal of Little Orbit.
  18. I'm not arguing with your ideas, but let me make this point. There is an incentive to do missions without opp do pay as well as opposed missions, let me explain. Lets say an average opposed mission pays 900-1200 standing and lasts 16 minutes. Thats close to accurate mixing in wins and losses. Lets also say the average unopposed mission last about 3 and a half minutes and 30 seconds to get you back in your next match. So 1 opposed mission on average lands you 1000 standing in about 16 minutes. You can average 3 to 4 unopposed missions in that amount of time for up to 900-1200 standing. I run unopposed missions with a friend all the time to get rewards such as decals and consumables on alt characters that are low rank. It may be boring, but I've done the math and they pay just as good. Now, unopposeds mission actually pay way better than opposed missions if your not getting opp and you choose to sit and wait at each stage for 4 minutes to get opp and you don't get it. At the end of the day, opposed and unopposed pay the same. One is just a little more fun than the other. Every person that plays the game will argue with me on this, but I do it all the time and I've done the math and I'm right.
  19. I believe the BEST and ONLY real solution to the huge threat problems that have been plaguing APB forever now has 1 extremely simple solution. This problem is the main reason the game hasn't grown over the years. This solution would take very little time and effort to implement also. There is no place for Bronzes to call home, There is no place for Silvers to call home. EVERYONE WINS WITH THIS SOLUTION. No one should be kept from playing with their friends or new players they get to install and play the game But new players still need protected and time to learn the game. Locking Threat and/or all districts is not the answer. This would be fixed SIMPLY by keeping everything just as it is, but by adding 4 additional locked districts... THATS IT ( 2 bronze only district and 2 silver only district, 1 Waterfront and 1 Financial for each threat) The LOCKED bronze district would have all gold and explosive guns disabled to protect from dethreating predators and be permanently locked to players rank 195 and above. So if someone ( under rank 195 ) wants to dethreat to get to the Locked Bronze District, they will be using the same guns as the noobs. So if your Bronze and join by the default district select, it will put you in the Locked Bronze District. The silver joiner would connect to the Locked Silver District. No Silver or Gold in the Locked Bronze District. No Gold in the Locked Silver District. Semi-Open districts like we have now would be unchanged. So if you are Bronze and want to play with armas guns or higher threat players, you would have to join the Open Bronze District like we have now, or open Silver/Gold district if your friend is gold threat. Golds could still play in the unlocked Silver District to keep Gold Districts open for looting. Something I have found really nice over the past few years. This solution would not put any more restrictions on players that arent already in place. You CAN have your cake and eat it too. This solution fixes the problem without angering veterans. The additional locked districts would also loosen the seams of the game and actually give it a real chance and room to grow. Noobies coming into the game would get in the locked bronze district away from predators and bullies and might not uninstall after 1 day. These changes could be applied alongside some of the other ideas i have heard from Little Orbit, such as making threat progression take longer. I am a casual silver threat player. I hate playing in the Bronze District. I also don't want any part of the Silver District as it is now.....This solution would fix that. Everyone would have a home. I tried to explain this as easily and as briefly as possible. so if there are any legitimate questions please ask. I'm almost a 10 year vet of the game and I would like to still be playing APB 10 year from now......Protect the Noobs, its our only hope.
  20. The obeya isn't fine. It needs to be unnerfed. It should fire when you pull the trigger.
  21. Nothing needs nerfed. Are you going to personally refund all the money from joker boxes and armas that people spent to get a weapon ? Please stop trying to ruin the game and please stop with these nerf threads. Please buff the obeya to its previous glory. It should of never gotten a nerf.
  22. Events of anykind would be nice for sure. But just don't take away the halloween event is all I ask.
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