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Posts posted by Hexerin

  1. 2 hours ago, EVInezca said:

    What you think why everyone use coolingjacket 3 mod on snipers?

    1. They are a meta slave. Use CJ3 because they see the "best players" use it, but don't understand why those players use it.
    2. Are utilizing a tool (be it trigger, aim, and/or macro), which allows them to take advantage of that 123ms difference in fire rate.

    Fun fact, the fastest recorded human reaction time is 101ms, just 22ms faster than the difference CJ3 makes. The average reaction time of a human being is around 260ms.

  2. 8 hours ago, Cuve said:

    You're literally just trying to justify your bad purchase choice lmao.
    Anyone who plays or has played APB for a fair amount of time and is in any way decent at the game knows that the PR2 is the better choice.
    Stop being delusional and just accept you've made a bad purchase and buy the proper DMR ^^

    Apparently, you're one of those people who refuse to learn. Keep being bad, I guess.

  3. 2 hours ago, Deadliest said:

    keep in mind when your crosshair is red on an enemy it’s 100% a hit with a DMR AV

    That's literally not how the game works. Red just means the entity in your center pixel is an enemy target. Any gun can miss with a red reticule, depending on how the gun's current accuracy and bloom state is. DMR-AV PR2 can very easily miss a target at 88m+ on its second shot, if you fire at cyclic. The PR2 is a sidegrade specifically intended to specialize into the gun's anti-vehicle design. However, that sidegrade comes at a cost of being a downgrade for anti-personnel compared to the PR1.


  4. 12 hours ago, Cuve said:

    Do you have any idea how boring it is to play against bronzes and silvers? It's not like we're having fun all the time lmao.

    Then why weren't any of you playing in the gold district during segregation? There's more than enough of us to fully populate the district during most hours of the day.


    Actions speak louder than words.

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  5. 17 hours ago, AlienTM said:

    Most people dont want to play 1v1 cause they dont wana show(to themselves mostly)how bad they actually are..

    Imagine being so disconnected from reality that you believe that...

    8 hours ago, Azukii said:

    Hello,This topic has been moved to the Game Suggestions section of our forums.- Azukii

    Ah yes, consigned to the trash bin that the devs don't read... not that they read General either, but at least there there might've been some activity on the topic.

  6. 3 hours ago, Y2Venom said:

    Games like this ......

    The fact that matchmaking can spawn matches like that is absolutely unacceptable. Tightening up the matchmaking would take almost no effort to do for the devs, and would fix that problem with only one downside. That being, the people who sit at the extreme ends of the threat spectrum (low bronze and high gold) would have slightly longer queue times (talking <5 minutes here). But of course, Matt Scott doesn't listen to reason and rationality, instead he's too busy pandering to the inner clique of toxic vets who sucked up to him at the beginning and are now in control of what happens to the game.

    • Thanks 1

  7. 2 hours ago, MonkaS said:

    Can't be done with current population unless you want to wait over a hour for opp now at least gold players can actually play the game more than 1 or 2 days a week.

    That's such a bullshît argument, made only by the very people who caused this problem in the first place; Those who want easy opp they can just farm.



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  8. 1 hour ago, CookiePuss said:

    Fun fact: after the engine upgrade, there will be no segregation

    Logically, the matchmaking would also be tightened down so that it doesn't match golds vs bronzes like it currently does... which is what people are currently discussing. Removing the segregation wasn't the wrong choice, doing so without also tightening the matchmaking is the problem.

    • Like 3

  9. 15 hours ago, BlatMan said:

    All this maintenance and yet you still haven't fixed the bad routing on your side since the first server move.

    Tell us you have no fucking clue how the internet works, without telling us you have no fucking clue how the internet works.


    LO has no control over data routing. You have a problem, take it up with your ISP.

  10. 3 hours ago, MonkaS said:

    games not dead until you actually can't get opp

    Which wasn't a thing that was going to happen on NA, as the people who were still here are the people who would never leave unless something drastic happened. The removal of threat segregation did nothing about the current population issue, but in fact actually caused further loss of population. Many of the bronze/silver players who you'd consistently see playing at a given time of the day, are now no longer anywhere to be seen, due to being driven away by no longer having a place where they stand a reasonable chance of getting even remotely reasonable matches. Instead, we have an influx of the old gold players, but many of them are inconsistent in activity, and some have already left after being reminded that nothing has changed for the better.

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  11. 6 hours ago, Ketog said:

    that law ceased to be in effect in 2019 as far as i know

    4 hours ago, EvaPooh said:

    Case in point, @Amayii is wrong and @MrM0dZ's creativity shouldn't be censored.

    Interesting, thanks for spreading information that people in other regions would not normally hear about. Good to hear that Germany has updated their laws.


    Considering the rule here was literally made because of those German laws, it should be abolished. There is no reason to stifle expression, be it creative or religious, in the modern era.

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