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Posts posted by Hexerin

  1. Change consumables to mods with a cooldown, like they should've been in the first place.




    On 8/31/2021 at 12:03 AM, jmiIos said:

    In order of events:

    • Two partial hit shots from outside CSG's effective range.
    • More than enough time for the target to fully heal with CA3 (which they are 99% using).
    • Completely missed the shot while jumping down from the highway.
    • Target is hit by a Low-Yield, which only does 550 damage when landing a direct hit.
    • Completely missed the first shot in CQC.
    • Target will have fully healed the Low-Yield damage by now.
    • Single barely partial hit on second shot in CQC.
    • Dies because can't aim, while opponent shoots a motionless target with JG at point blank.

    What was your point again?

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  2. 15 hours ago, largeAPBgamer said:

    The devs are either making stuff up as they go or relying on the noobs in their SPCT team, who also happen to be people that support cheaters or have a history of cheating themselves. SPCT also has players who are silver, and low golds who are really bad and get carried by cheaters on their team.

    Quoting truth for emphasis.

  3. 5 hours ago, glaciers said:

    it doesn't matter how you scale back the damage, either rayscaling guarantees a 2stk and is way too strong or it doesn't guarantee a 2stk and shotguns still rely on rng for min ttk

    Did you even think about what you typed out before posting it? Shotguns aren't an "all or nothing" gun like the rest, where you have only one damage value.

  4. 16 hours ago, glaciers said:

    rayscaling only "solved" shotgun rng by making even partial shots do so much damage that rng was effectively bypassed, it was nearly impossible to land shotgun pellets and not do 500+ health damage if damage is lowered so that 500+ guarantee goes away then shotguns go right back to "maybe you landed enough pellets for a 2stk, maybe you didn't" rng hell

    22 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    The only problem was that the stat values were scaled a bit too high, which could've been easily fixed by simply lowering the values slightly in a followup balance pass (or few, depending).

    You should try reading what you're quoting before posting. I already addressed your complaint in the very post you quoted.

  5. 20 hours ago, FakeBungo said:

    -snip for childish ranting-

    Shotguns place their hits randomly, loosely within a series of large squares arranged in a grid. That is the definition of RNG, and it completely negates player skill. The guns are literally rolling dice for potentially doing enough damage to retain the 2-shot potential, because if the RNG screws you to force a third shot, you're just fucked.


    Rayscaling ensured 2-shot for good aim. The only problem was that the stat values were scaled a bit too high, which could've been easily fixed by simply lowering the values slightly in a followup balance pass (or few, depending). There was no need to completely revert / remove the system like the NTEC kiddies screamed with frothing mouths for.

  6. On 8/26/2021 at 12:03 AM, Rivona said:

    Not sure this is weird or normal but i post this anyway =p



    They're just outside the OSMAW's max damage radius (0.235m). Considering the OSMAW deals 1,000 damage (equal to a player's max health), even a fraction of distance outside its max damage radius will cause it to deal 999 damage or less, allowing the person to survive.


    The other person might also be wearing Flak Jacket, which reduces explosive damage by 40%. Flak Jacket would reduce the OSMAW's 1,000 damage to only 600 damage. Players have 1,000 health, so the person would survive with 400 health remaining.


    Based on their speed when they ran up earlier, they aren't wearing Kevlar of any tier. However, even Kevlar 1 would save you from a direct OSMAW hit, as it brings your health up to 1,100 which would result in you surviving with 100 health remaining.

    • Thanks 1

  7. 17 hours ago, OCrazyGuyO said:

    They don’t care. I can’t wait to see there are no player when there engine update finally come🤣

    Let's assume for a second the engine upgrade is actually a thing that they're working on and will release sometime in the future (news flash: it isn't. open your eyes).


    There will certainly be at least a handful of people still around (I'll likely be one of them, it's not hard to keep tabs on a game after all). However, most of those people will bounce when they finally get it through their heads (by actually having the upgrade in their hands) that nothing is actually going to change from the perspective of the end user. The few that remain won't be enough to support active gameplay, which means the game will still be in the same state it is now. Even if new players join (say, LO runs an advertisement campaign), they'll leave immediately upon getting farmed by existing players because LO refuses to take action against people breaking ToS/CoC ("but their feefees might get hurt!").

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