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Posts posted by Hexerin

  1. On 4/27/2021 at 3:21 AM, Nagletz said:

    I often think that making it 5 stk would be good. However it would be too much. Maybe decreasing ttk would help?

    Making it 5 STK would make it beyond overtuned (just look at beta SR115 for context). Giving it a refire rate buff would be interesting, but I doubt that'd ultimately end up making it good.


    What it actually needs, is a buff to its accuracy. It loses too much accuracy per shot, and takes far too long to recover accuracy.

  2. 22 hours ago, swft said:

    The fact that you can "speedhack" in APB using a program to delay packets says a lot. I have literally never seen this happen in other games.

    That's how they're handling the speedhack in APB? Figured they'd just boost the character speed, since it's not like this game checks for irregular movement at all.

    22 hours ago, MonkaS said:

    They just need to kick anyone with ping to high or an unstable connection.  

    I've been saying the same for years. If a person's ping goes higher than, say, 250ms for longer than, say, 3 seconds, automatically kick them to the district selection lobby and block them from re-entering that region's districts for, say, 1 hour. If it continues after, escalate the duration of the block through a few stages (ie 24 hours, 72 hours, 1 month, permablock).


    If a player can't maintain a reasonable connection, they don't have the right to play in that region. Their lag causes actual gameplay problems for both their teammates and their opponents, and that's completely unacceptable, period. It's effectively griefing, especially since it's an intentional choice.

  3. 15 hours ago, cowhorseman said:

    how much of any of that is true i do not know nor do i care i just know you play silver it's laggy and bronze isnt 

    12 hours ago, Ketog said:

    you know, as stupid as this sounds, i've seen it happen in other games, so this is weirdly belivable

    Considering the game's history, it's probably true. This game historically has had so many things client-sided that... really shouldn't be. It's one of the very few things G1/RG did right back in the day, was shifting those kinds of things over. Who's to say they didn't miss a thing or two that can be exploited nowadays though? Game isn't exactly a great example of being coded well, after all.

  4. On 3/24/2021 at 7:57 PM, Eviltara said:

    The fact that a certain Russian on Jericho is still actively playing (among a basically endless list of other blatant examples), shows that that entire post is nothing but empty words. Little Orbit has consistently proven over the years that they have no intention of actually doing anything at all about the negative behaviors in this game's population.


  5. On 3/30/2021 at 1:24 PM, Queen of Love said:

    This ,everyday.

    On 3/31/2021 at 3:49 AM, Confess said:

    First, Larossa. Not everyone who is Max is a good player. Get off your high horse again. Just because he's green doesn't mean he's dethreading, and that's why insulting him as a cancer player isn't the best way to go. If it annoys you, go to the silver server and not the bronze.

    On 3/31/2021 at 3:54 AM, Dibe said:

    Yes i'm max Rank an Green/bronze  only because playing aginst Tryhards, i have bad concentration, Brain/Psychic problems and bad aim. But you where the first one who dont called backup you are not are like all the others. And People who think that all Max ranks need to be gold or silver can't accept that bad players can playing too. My friend playing on potatoes with 10 - 20 fps

    My first thought on seeing that scoreboard was Queen referencing how matchmaking still to this day ignores threat levels, putting threats more than one tier apart in the same match. Interesting to see people instantly jump on the dethreat hatewagon right out the gate though, really shows how faux mad people are about it for the clout points.


    On 4/2/2021 at 5:55 AM, Uhtdred said:

    open conflicts districts weren't opened enough time to lvl up from r9 to 255

    Open Conflict districts were around for years, more than enough time to get multiple characters capped from creation. Especially if you had friends to join you on the other faction to speed up the process.

  6. Personally, I want the reverse to how sprinting currently works. Sprint by default, but can hold the key to slow to running. Walking still locked behind the toggle as it already is. As far as crouching is concerned, toggle crouch is fine. In this type of game, hold crouch would just cause the same kind of issue as current sprint does. I'd like the option to be there for others who prefer it though, never hurts to have options.

  7. 11 hours ago, Shui said:

    Imagine buying Nvidia and Intel lol Deserved lol LOL

    Imagine supporting AMD, a company that refuses to support their own hardware with even the absolute basics like a control panel and driver updates.

    • Like 2

  8. 5 hours ago, Flight said:

    Armas should be updated as of a few hours ago. Let us know if you are not seeing the Easter items.

    They are at the bottom of the front page, but are not showing up in the main banner nor on the relevant sub-pages.


    ARMAS seriously needs to be redesigned from the ground up. It's like trying to navigate the horribly jank websites of the 90s.

    • Like 2

  9. On 3/19/2021 at 4:24 PM, Speedz said:

    I added the ability to collapse the sidebar. When collapsed the content in it is hidden+smaller and the item list is also slightly smaller. Tell me what you think. I'll add an options menu later for saving this and several other features.

    Very nice! It's much easier on the eyes looking at the main info panel. If I had one critique I'd put towards this, it'd be the following tweak:




    Don't change the blue line's horizontal location, but shift (expand?) the red line over as indicated. Without seeing the end result, I feel like halfway would be enough (hence the second red line's position). The expand button doesn't need to be so big, and this would allow a bit more space for the item list's item names (as some item names can be quite long).

  10. On 3/16/2021 at 12:56 PM, Speedz said:

    I wouldn't want to change up the concept I have right now, but could instead add different display modes for the item browser.

    As others have brought up, a button to collapse the filter and item list sections would be a reasonable alternative. Ideally with an option/toggle to have the collapse be default behavior.

    4 hours ago, Noob_Guardian said:

    God i hate how i can't copy imgur images into the chat anymore because all the imgur options disappeared wtf .-.

    Right click -> View Image

    This is of course assuming you're using a proper browser like Firefox, and not subjecting yourself to self-harm with Chrome. Then again, if you're using Imgur, you're kinda doing it to yourself anyways.

  11. On 3/14/2021 at 3:40 PM, SquirrelFace said:

    Holy crap the dev site shows proper damage curves.

    Yup, it's pretty much the one thing from it I can't wait to see come to the main/live site.

    On 3/14/2021 at 4:05 PM, Speedz said:

    Which things exactly make it cluttered for you? Most of the designs I just came up with by looking at other sites and combining layouts I personally liked. I'm not the best at coming up with good UI/UX, so any feedback is appreciated.

    Going to borrow @xiphos's image for a minute:

    On 3/14/2021 at 4:29 PM, xiphos said:


    Basically, when looking at a page, it's how it keeps all that search UI nonsense on the left half up. It takes up half the screen space with stuff that isn't relevant. When you click on an item after searching, it should bring up that item's page and remove the search UI. Compare that screenshot to this one:



    The difference is night and day. The main/live site doesn't have the clutter. The actual layout of information is better on the dev site though:


    • Like 2

  12. 15 hours ago, SquirrelFace said:

    Sometimes it takes multiple hits to stop the healing effect.

    Literally not how it works. If you're seeing this, you're getting false positives on your hits which can mean some mixture of different things (packet loss, abnormal network latency, your PC is a toaster, etc). If you actually land a successful shot, the medspray effect will immediately end. It's how the consumable works, and has always worked.

    • Thanks 1

  13. 1 hour ago, Fortune Runner said:

    shoot better ?

    Pretty much this. Any damage taken (regardless of source, can be bullets or even fall damage) instantly stops the consumable's effect. This was actually such a limiting downside that they had to buff the consumable with the doubled regen speed, so that you could get at least something for your consumable use against faster firing weapons (especially in CQC).

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