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Posts posted by Hexerin

  1. 2 hours ago, SquirrelFace said:

    They should unlock the weapon via contacts so you can repurchase it. That way you can remove weapons when you're no longer using them and not worry about it.

    They promised this to us years ago when they removed JMBs and put legendaries in the JT shop... but like the engine upgrade, it never happened and probably never will.

  2. 13 minutes ago, PotatoeGirl said:

    With the game being almost dead, can they even afford to ban anyone unless someone is hacking? 

    If they actually took action to enforce their own ToS/CoC, the game would lose at least 50% of the people who play on Jericho.

  3. On 7/8/2021 at 3:21 PM, EvaPooh said:

    Fell out of my pants while I heading to class in a hurry. Jeez mom, cut me some slack and just buy me a new phone, gawd.

    This is why you shouldn't use the pockets in female pants, just sayin'. They aren't designed to actually hold stuff, they're just there for appearance.

    • Thanks 1

  4. 9 hours ago, Frosi said:

    Conflicting names are the issue, its been stated multiple times now

    That has always been such an incredibly weak excuse. They have the database of names, simply run a check for dupes and then contact those players via email and/or ingame. Ask them if they'd be willing to change their name, and if they are, compensate them for their trouble (pretty sure most would be down with being handed a legendary or account-bound ARMAS weapon of their choice as compensation).


    Hell, they'd probably find that most people they try to contact wouldn't even end up responding due to just not caring about the game anymore. Give them like a month to respond, and if they don't, can easily just change their names to a random string of letters/numbers.

  5. 12 hours ago, SquirrelFace said:

    You shouldn't get trade locked just because your external IP address changed. Most ISPs assign dynamic IP addresses to home users. This means their IP address will most likely change whenever their modem restarts. This also means you can't access all features in game when traveling for work. It's a big middle finger to people in the service.

    I regularly update my IP (byproduct of some networking stuff I do), and have never had a trade lock imposed on my account.

    12 hours ago, SquirrelFace said:

    They should be tracking your hardware ID. The only time it will change is if you change hardware or reinstall your operating system.


  6. On 7/3/2021 at 9:18 AM, MonkaS said:

    equip a shaw and look at its bloom it has almost none. what it does have is recoil. If I had no recoil right now with aimbot I could do exactly what your talking about. recoil ≠ spread/bloom.  

    Here, I'll spoonfeed you some education.

    • Spread is the pseudo-random placement of bullets within the confines of your weapon's total accuracy stats.
    • Bloom is your crosshair's growth (which is controlled by a few substats) as you fire, which causes your spread to increase as you fire.
    • Recoil is a completely different set of stats that have nothing to do with accuracy. Recoil stats dictate how your gun "kicks" with each shot fired.

    There, now that you're educated, I will respond to your attempted point. SHAW was massively buffed years ago, long after that bloom/spread cheat was making the rounds. It used to be significantly less accurate. This will be the last time I respond to this topic, because it's ultimately irrelevant to the topic at hand and I'm done wasting my time on what was originally intended to just be a simple fun fact.

  7. 9 hours ago, cowhorseman said:

    the last 2 days i logged in at about noon and at night normally when players are on and only bronze was up and the disc was about half full on NA. i think we need some sort of event to draw people back 

    Unless said event hands out large amounts of JT and moderate amounts of G1C for basic tasks like simply playing missions or getting kills, it won't draw people back. People are sick of the endless grinds that this game's events have, it sucks all the fun out of gameplay when you have to force yourself to do specific and arbitrary things that you don't enjoy doing to get the rewards.

  8. 2 hours ago, MonkaS said:

    no this was actually fixed before g1 got apb the last patch of rtw fixed the bloom and made it server-sided or at least broke the method cheats used to achieve it

    If that's the case, then something G1/RG did ended up breaking/reverting that fix, because there was a solid bit of time there where it was definitely happening. I was there myself, experiencing these people's antics as they sat on top of cars spinning around at lightspeed while bountied, and every other player within render distance just dropping (fun fact, the SHAW still has 70m range to this day).


    I've also seen the multitude of videos the cheat developers circulated on YouTube (and various other sites) showing their development progress from the rough early versions to the completely refined final versions. Hell, they even responded to people on this very forum (well, the old one that LO wiped out) when people accused them of faking. The development vids switched from just showing the shooter's PoV, to also showing a second character's PoV (which if you understand how this game works, you'll know confirmed the legitimacy of the cheat's effect).

    2 hours ago, MonkaS said:

    no-spread would be used more effectively for guns like the hvr or oca or ntec etc

    You... seem to be lacking some very basic knowledge of how this game works.

  9. 6 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    Just so you know, cheats can't change a weapon's damage, or its range. 

    Once upon a time, bloom/spread were client-side though. The cheats back then are where the SHAWcopter meme originated, because it was the go-to being the lowest TTK weapon in the game (and was a literal laser beam due to zero bullet spread). Those were wild times, for the relatively short time that lasted before G1/RG fixed it.

  10. 8 hours ago, Frosi said:

    Somewhat, I am not 100% sure on this but I believe its a Beta version of Unreal 3.0 which is also heavily modified. There a ton of custom code here that barely holds the game together, this is also why in Matt's Engine upgrade posts he keeps mentioning needing to be familiar with APB itself, not with Unreal Engine.

    Correct. The game is currently running on a beta version of UE3, with most of the game's functionality being brute forced with custom code RTW had to slap together.

    37 minutes ago, qb said:

    Hopefully, LO will listen to the remaining, passionate group of players who want nothing but this game to succeed regarding balancing decisions and gameplay fundamentals.

    Who left of the veterans even wants to see the game succeed, though? Almost every positive post on this forum is made by newer players.

  11. 19 hours ago, Pekausis_ said:

    What about bricks? I play only with bricks and running around with only one brick would not do me any good. Just for the sake of conversation.

    12 hours ago, Bambola said:

    As a fellow mason, I share the same concerns. 

    Honestly, I never think about those because they're barely grenades. Now that you've reminded me, let's say: Bricks and 8-Balls get to continue holding three, that refresh one per cooldown cycle.

    • Like 2

  12. On 6/29/2021 at 2:36 PM, Sakebee said:

    Grenade spam

    There's a real simple solution to that (in terms of how to change it gameplay wise, would obviously require some dev work to implement). Change grenades so that the player only has one grenade, but it is on a cooldown rather than having an ammo stock. When you change your grenade in your loadout, you are changing which grenade you throw rather than actually equipping a grenade. This completely eliminates grenade spam (player can only throw one grenade, and it can't be resupplied because it's not ammo-based), and also would have the side benefit of making it significantly easier to make grenade balance changes since they'd all have the same baseline.

  13. On 6/27/2021 at 11:34 PM, Eviltara said:

    You can Report ingame. Wirte /Report Player Name. it is so nice. 

    You do realize that doesn't do anything, right? Like, not in the "LO ignores those reports" kind of way. The "/report" command literally doesn't do anything, other than echo that automated system response. It's a placebo, it exists solely to minimize the number of reports submitted to the support staff. Most players don't know that it doesn't do anything, and thus use it (and it alone) thinking that their reports are being received for review.


    Like, people have literally run controlled tests on it. We know that it doesn't send any packets to the game servers (or any other servers). Plus, there's the simple tests of literally just submitting fake reports filled with the most egregiously offensive things imaginable directed at the theoretical recipients on LO's support staff, yet no punishments returned to the testers.

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