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Posts posted by Hexerin

  1. 58 minutes ago, glaciers said:

    i disagree with some of your dmr av opinions but im just here to point out that you said the pr1 was objectively better and then pointed out two situations where its not objectively better, one of which is the entire reason behind the guns existence 

    That statement was within the context of sniping a player, the other statement was within the context of dealing with vehicles. The last section is separate from the rest, and is a general "buyer research" sort of thing. Nothing of what I said is incorrect, be it grammatical or gameplay.

    2 hours ago, FakeBungo said:

    DMR is 3 shot kill at close range... have you ever used the gun before? and wtf is non-sense about enforcer and crim players lmao. confused if people on forum even playing the same game as me sometimes.

    Why am I not surprised that the troll isn't capable of basic reading comprehension?

  2. 10 hours ago, MrM0dZ said:

    wait what? the bloom doesn't even make that much difference

    When attempting to land shots at 88m+ (which is where you snipe with the DMR), single pixel differences in accuracy make a critical difference. The PR2 is objectively inferior to the PR1 due to this.

    10 hours ago, MrM0dZ said:

    i think it makes it easier to blow up cars faster

    That is exactly why you'd choose the PR2 over the PR1.


    In general:


    The PR1 will be a better purchase for Enforcer players. This is due to the DMR technically being the LTL sniper rifle, which only Enforcers can make use of. It requires a couple conditionals to be capable of stunning a target on its own, but that doesn't really matter much as you are primarily going to be softening targets for your LTL-using teammates.


    The PR2 will be a better purchase for Criminal players. It maximizes the anti-vehicle capability of the weapon, which is pretty much the only reason a Criminal player would bring it out. If they're sniping players, they'll just use the HVR. It can't instagib someone at 88m+ like the DMR can, but it can still 2-shot even at point blank range unlike the DMR which takes 3 shots out to 87m.

  3. 1 hour ago, Amayii said:

    But given that it can be perceived as one we won't be allowing the use of it in this manner.

    Reminder that by doing this, you are part of the problem that continues to demonize cultures around the world that still use the swastika (and similar symbology) to this day.


    I wonder if someday, the US will grow up to the point that they're mature enough to join the modern civilized world...

    • Like 11

  4. 5 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    That could get you in trouble for griefing so I'd be careful.

    Except for the part where MattScott himself has explicitly stated that we can, in fact, choose not to play against people we don't want to play against.


    Stated in one of the dev Q&As from the early days after LO's takeover that have been subsequently hidden/deleted so that we can't call them on the empty promises from back then. Why do I know this? Because I was the one who asked him about it, and he answered me about it.

    • Like 1

  5. 12 hours ago, glaciers said:

    right out of the box with at least half the gaming mice available for purchase atm

    Not to mention that with most of those, the macro can be configured to be stored on the hardware (rather than being run from the software), which makes it next to impossible for anti-cheat to detect. Which is ultimately the selling point of FairFight, as it allows for server-side data collection that can expose such macros. Course, that requires manual effort from a person to comb over the flagged data, which is why FairFight never actually did anything of value in APB.


  6. 9 hours ago, MonkaS said:

    consistently no.

    That's the key point right there. Get min-TTK'd once? Sure, take the L and roll with it. When it happens in every encounter? Yea no, that's blatant as hell.

    9 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    Just so you know, the vast majority of players can max rate of fire those guns just fine with their fingers. 

    It doesn't matter how skilled you are, pure consistency isn't something that can be humanly achieved. Even the top pros in actual competitive shooters show non-perfect play frequently due to the imperfections and limitations of the human physiology.

    • Like 3

  7. 130ms is in the neighborhood of what I get to Jericho's East servers. It has no effect on gameplay while I'm on foot (the overwhelming majority of gameplay), but there is a noticeable sluggishness (small tho it may be) when driving a vehicle. Overall, your gameplay should not suffer to any actual significant degree from the slightly higher than usual latency.


    If you're noticing bigger problems, it's probably one of the various other factors that can impact your connection, with the most obvious thing being "are you suffering any packet loss?" A good tool to use for getting actual results on that would be this one, attempt tests with at least 3-4 of the presets to get a more complete picture of things. The ingame /fps display no longer gives accurate stats, and hasn't for many, many years. Tools found elsewhere like that are your best bet.

  8. 3 hours ago, LilyRain said:

    - A handful of weapons that are in massive need for a buff to compete against the meta (if you haven't noticed, these weapons are garbage because THEY TAKE TOO LONG TO KILL).

    They aren't garbage because they take too long to kill, they're garbage because the game's TTK is so short compared to them. By lengthening the TTK (through reducing the damage of the current strongest weapons), these garbage weapons will naturally become strong because the TTK is now at their level (while the current strongest weapons also remain strong). The fact that you can't see this most simple and basic of facts brings many questions about your competency in these types of discussions.

    2 hours ago, LilyRain said:

    - Better dedicated servers cost money. Recall that LO dropped EAC for BattleEye because it was expensive. Perhaps if you'd be so kind and sponsor/fund the servers for LO then that could be feasible.

    LO dropped EAC because Epic was attempting to hike the price up while also cutting half the product away from the contract. It had nothing to do with being "too expensive".

    2 hours ago, LilyRain said:

    - There will be nothing to track when it is so easy to find a wall/car to hide behind. This isn't APEX, this is APB. The spatial-design doesn't accommodate for longer ttk.

    Yes, and having enough time to get behind cover is literally one of the points. As the game currently stands, attempting to approach the enemy (or even simply cross the street) is a death sentence that the victim can do literally nothing about. This is part of why car gameplay is so prevalent, it's the only way to actually do anything in most situations in the game. The low TTK is also why corner camping with the third-person perspective is so strong, a longer TTK allows the pushers to actually push in and fight without having to resort to explosive spam.


    Seriously Lily, you need to start thinking. The game was literally designed for a significantly longer TTK in the first place, and most of the game's ongoing balance problems can be traced back to G1/RG's decision to massively reduce it when they acquired the game a decade ago.

    • Like 2

  9. 4 hours ago, SquirrelFace said:

    Clarification. It was 2 veteran golds who have been around as long as I have. None of us have Kind of a big deal unlocked due to being gold for so long. Maybe their threat dropped low enough to not trigger it, but I'm leaning on it being broken, at least for that mission.

    It isn't broken, you just simply don't understand how the threat system and matchmaking actually works.

    • Like 1

  10. 2 hours ago, EvaPooh said:

    Whatever, increase the ttk. Game is sh!t.

    I don't disagree. Having a higher TTK makes consistency more important, which rewards skillful gameplay more than RNG reliance. With a higher TTK, maybe we could also see the return of various features that G1/RG stripped out and are the source of many of the game's currently gameplay/balance problems (like item pickup animations, which prevented things like the medium/heavy item mobility exploits).

  11. Randomly decided to rewatch the clip because was second-guessing my call on the Low-Yield, that is definitely a Low-Yield nade. That almost flat arc is a dead giveaway. I also decided that since I was there, I'd watch the rant at the end to see what he was saying. The fact that he brought up the blood splats as some kind of proof of his shot hitting, goes to show he doesn't understand how this game works.

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