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Posts posted by Hexerin

  1. 12 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    Why would removing segregation  change anything about cheaters? (honest question)

    With segregation, the cheaters would have to reroll new accounts every day to gain access to the more active population they can easily sweep through. The mindset of a cheater is one who is lazy, looking for cheap thrills, so this extra effort would inevitably lead to them moving on to more easily accessible venues. This was proven as the bronze district saw a sharp decline early on, and then has been basically cheat-free for years since. The silver district was also basically cheat-free during the EAC days, but saw some minor activity since the return to BattlEye.


    With the removal of segregation, cheaters have no barrier to entry to access the active population. Thus, there's now a big fat flashing sign hanging above us calling them back... and they came back, in force. Used to see maybe one suspicious individual in a month back during segregation, there's now very obvious peeps every day.


    Plus, APB is attractive to cheating regardless of that. Action is never manually taken (LO doesn't care about cheating), which means you never are at real risk of losing your account. The one thing that could get you banned is when the anti-cheat updates, because cheat program's detection isn't always fool-proof. That's easily worked around by having a burner account to test the anti-cheat before you begin your session for the day, negating that issue entirely.


    This is all very obvious to anyone who gives even the slightest thought to the state of things, and who actively plays the game.


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  2. 8 hours ago, Nabiki said:

    All of you are acting like children sadly most of you are Adult children who need to grow up. Baseless accusations and assumptions well hate to tell you assumption is the mother of all screw ups so have a nice up of S.T.F.U. and get good and realize there is always someone better than you out there your community toxicity is what is killing this community. Then again perhaps you enjoy the drama most likely because you get no attention at home; or even have a life for that matter.

    That's some next level projection right there.

  3. On 11/15/2021 at 12:35 PM, Nagletz said:

    They can try now, since we still will have enough players to fill both districts. 

    Won't matter at this point, the damage has been done. Jericho daily peak activity is dropping by a few players every day, consistently, for the past week.


    Their mistake was removing the segregation, without also employing ingame moderation to deal with the inevitable return of blatant cheaters.

    • Like 1

  4. 17 hours ago, AlienTM said:

    The game had potential(and still have)but always shti companys runnin it..it is what it is

    Hit the nail on the head.

    • RTW decided it'd be a great idea to build their game on a broken foundation, which to nobody's surprise has led to the game still being broken to this day. As if that wasn't enough, they had the great idea of going with a buy + subscription based model, at a time when that model was literally being burned to the ground with hate by consumers (it's literally dead nowadays, the only currently successful title using it is Final Fantasy XIV). In a totally shocking twist, APB failed and RTW went bankrupt.
    • K2/G1 (later rebranded G1/RG) bought the deceased title, and overhauled the entire game's systems to bring it more in line with modern design philosophy (well, modern at the time anyways). However, it's K2, so naturally they just kept making shitty decision after shitty decision, until the game burned for a second time.
    • LO picks up the game, and then abandons it after their initial plan to make a quick buck on the BR-like mode fails miserably. Welcome to present day.
    • Like 1

  5. 47 minutes ago, Phrozen said:

    If you don't like the game then why are you here? It's not like G1 was doing any better so you've been playing a game you dislike for what like 8 years?

    Point to where I said I dislike the game.

    On 10/16/2021 at 6:51 PM, Hexerin said:

    I mean, the game's quite fun (when you get decent matches).



    Hating the company does not equate to hating the product.

  6. 2 hours ago, Bambola said:

    As I have always been approachable and receptive, I do not know how you came up with the conclusion I am an intolerant person who is going to categorically reject someone's opinion.

    2 hours ago, Bambola said:

    After reading the claim that there's a noticeable increase of blatant cheaters, I can just thank you for your time responding to my post, we clearly perceive things in different ways.

    Hmm, I wonder. What could ever give me that impression about you, and those like you.

  7. 7 hours ago, Bambola said:

    What would you say, why it isn't?

    I touched on it here:

    1 hour ago, Bambola said:

    Given the subject of the thread is Jericho's population, and taking into account it was a ghost town before the segregation change, I'd argue there was/is a significant difference between NA and EU servers. 

    Except it wasn't a ghost town. There was consistently at least one active bronze district, and commonly a partially active silver district. Now, there's barely one active district. The golds that refused to play (because they'd have to fight other golds), now play because they have easy opp to farm, which leads to the bronze/silver population leaving (and the golds thus becoming less active because they're again forced to actually fight other golds). Add into the mix the massive uptick in blatant cheating (no longer a barrier to entry - needing to reroll new accounts to access bronze district when silver dies off in the later hours), and population continues to decline.


    Of course, I don't know why I bother to directly respond. You're not open to hearing any of this, because "tHeRe'S nOtHiNg WrOnG, gAmE's BeTtEr NoW!1!!!11!"


  8. 7 hours ago, glaciers said:

    its cool and all that the original intent may have been a hipfire gun, but in practice both times the rfp has had more than tolerable hipfire abilities its also been far too strong

    if the only time the gun has been properly balanced was as a marksmanship pistol, and its been a marskmanship pistol for longer than not, i think its better to restore that balance than to go chasing after a design concept that has never worked in practice

    i also doubt that another hipfire semi auto secondary will ever be correctly balanced in the fbw/.45 meta, and i don't think we need another hipfire secondary at all with how saturated that niche is

    If you want it to be an ADS-centric gun, then you need to give it 70m dropoff range like the ACT 44 / RSA... at which point it's a "pocket OBIR" again. Your concept for the gun doesn't work, while the hipfire design has always worked. If it was too strong, simply reel in its damage somewhat (like I did in my suggested changes, almost like I'm literally aware of what made the gun become a problem in the first place).

  9. 13 hours ago, xHenryman90x said:

    We still have secondaries with HS3 and HMS mod: ACT44 GM and RSA "Hunter"


    Then we have secondaries with 3PS3 mods slapped on them.

    In the case of the ACT 44 GM PR1, Hunting Sight 3 doesn't really do anything. The ACT 44 is already quite accurate when ADS'd (it's intended for long range, after all), the mod just exaggerates that. However, I still stand by my statement of fixing it. Since there's already an ACT 44 with Hunting Sight 1 ("Executioner 4Four", the role reward), I'd say swapping it for High-Magnification Scope would be the best option. Keeps in line with the gun's design intent and gimmick.


    The RSA "Hunter" uses High-Magnification Scope, a mod without tier. While its effect is identical to Hunting Sight 3, it also suffers a downside which keeps it balanced. There's no need to change it.


    Not sure what you're getting at with your statement about 3-Point Sling 3, I've already stated that no secondary should have a tier 2/3 mod.


    18 hours ago, glaciers said:

    the rfp is a marksmanship gun that has tolerable hipfire if forced

    It's only like that because of "balance" changes made by the chimpanzees that run this game's development. The gun has been bastardized over the past decade, only being actually good for the times it was allowed to actually do its job (before and after G1/RG had that idiotic sprint penalty on it, and before LO effectively deleting the gun).


    It was always intended to be a hipfire gun. It's entire design (minus the changes made by the G1/RG chimps, and LO's deletion) supports that intent. There's nothing about the gun that ever pointed towards it being an ADS weapon, outside of those instances mentioned above.


  10. 20 hours ago, Nagletz said:

    Agreed with everything except Fang and Swift Silver, replace Ir3 to HS3 and leave EM3 as it was.

    Secondaries shouldn't have tier 3 (or 2) mods. It's a big part of what causes balance problems with them. Need look no further than the very gun we're all talking about here, to see that fact.


    Additionally, Hunting Sight would do nothing but keep the Fang in an unusable state, so that is a terrible idea. The RFP is a hipfire gun, not an ADS gun. Extended Magazine (regardless of tier) creates a situation where the gun cannot fire a full burst at the end of its magazine, which both is and feels terrible. Meanwhile Bandolier gives it an entire extra magazine.

  11. 16 hours ago, LilyRain said:

    #FixRFP (Remove IR3 from RFP-Fang)

    How to fix RFP:

    • Sprint Modifier: 3 -> 1.5
    • Run Modifier: 1.75 -> 1.1
    • Walk Modifier: 1.2 -> 1
    • Jump Modifier: 7 -> 5
    • Health Damage: 110 -> 125
    • Dropoff Range: 40m -> 30m
    • Min Damage Range: 55m -> 60m
    • Minimum Damage: 30% -> 50%

    "Fang" variant:

    • Modification: Improved Rifling 3 -> Improved Rifling 1

    "Swift Silver" variant:

    • Modification: Heavy Barrel 1 -> Mobility Sling

    "Comanche" variant:

    • Modification: Extended Magazine 3 -> Bandolier 1


    These changes accomplish the following:

    • Can now be fired from the hip with normal accuracy like it's supposed to be (and used to be capable of).
    • Returns to 3 STK, which makes it viable again. Of the 9 bullets shot, allows for 1 to miss. 8 bullets = 1,000 health damage.
    • Shorter range, but a more gradual falloff with a higher minimum damage keeps it feeling good. Requires all 9 bullets at 31m.
    • Prevents the return of the "pocket OBIR" issue, that led to it being effectively deleted from the game in the first place.


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  12. On 10/19/2021 at 7:55 PM, JasonFireson said:

    nah the whole point of scroll wheel is that you can bind the fire key to it, or change the layout with mouse software. they think its macroing although it really isnt macroing at all, its just changing a keybind and THAT is not bannable

    Scrollwheel has a reputation because once upon a time, it allowed a certain gun to empty its entire mag in a fraction of a second. However, this stopped being a thing once that gun was given a proper refire rate. It's honestly kinda surprising that this has persisted for so long, since this was only a thing back in beta (can't remember if both CBT and OBT, or just CBT, though).

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