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Posts posted by Hexerin

  1. 8 hours ago, MonkaS said:

    they aren't unbalanced 

    CA pretty much completely invalidates the other green mods (flak can be better in cases where there's excessive explosives usage). So by definition, it is imbalanced. As others have said many, many times in the past... CA should be removed as a mod, and everyone should simply have CA3 as a baseline. They'd also need to do a balance pass on kevlar and flak though.


    If I were to redesign kevlar and flak... I'd make them inverse to each other. Kevlar would make you take 40% less bullet damage, but on the flip side take 20% more explosive damage. Meanwhile, flak would confer to you 60% reduced explosive damage, but you instead take 20% more bullet damage. I've run the math on most of the common equipment most people use, and these percentages would be fairly reasonable. Frags still wouldn't kill you if you were wearing kevlar, and the HVR 762 wouldn't start 1-shotting you if you wore flak, just to give a couple of the more egregious examples. The big question mark on this though, are concs. They'd start being a 1-shot again, to people wearing kevlar. Personally, I believe concs shouldn't do so much health damage in the first place though...

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  2. 13 hours ago, Y2Venom said:

    i posted before that i believe the game is being purposly left to die. Then gets a relaunch, everybody has to start from the begining.

    It's being left to die, that much is obvious. Maintenance mode doesn't cost much to maintain, and people still spend money on the game. A relaunch isn't happening though, the IP has been sold and the new owner is a mobile game dev.

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  3. On 1/18/2022 at 2:50 PM, BlatMan said:

    I kinda agree. Medspray bypasses the downside of not running clotting agent, so that one needs to go. Ammo box should probably be an orange mod, since currently you can stack it with the other deployable, Satchel wouldn't be used much if mobile spawner didn't exist. You can occasionally kill players driving, but that's like a once a month thing. Most players spot them and turn out of the way, even if you placed it when out of line of sight. Maybe if it didn't beep it would actually be useful.

    Meanwhile, I'm over here with best consumable Epinephrine... Which could easily be directly converted to a permanent modification, with no further balance tweaks being necessary. Although it'd be nice if they pulled back that nerf a bit, and lowered it to a 60 second cooldown (was originally 45 seconds, IIRC).

  4. On 1/16/2022 at 6:08 AM, Arvie said:

    So I just came back after 7years, why is everyone saying LO is bankrupt.

    For one thing, they've lost all their IPs (including APB). They've also been clapped in a lawsuit that has exposed their dire financial status. Additionally, the lawsuit brings to light information that lends more evidence to the all-but-proven theory that LO isn't working on the engine upgrade.


  5. 17 hours ago, Noob_Guardian said:

    It's almost like every plan to update the game is hinged soley on the engine.

    Which they aren't working on, so what's your point? The person you quoted is correct, nothing is being done with this game. It's in maintenance mode, which costs next to nothing to maintain. Considering the amount of money people still spend on this game to this day, Matt will be able to keep the game in maintenance mode probably indefinitely.

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