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Posts posted by Hexerin

  1. 9 minutes ago, SkittyM said:

    Shaw/alig need rebalancing anyways.  There are better options than either of them.  Maybe not so much the ALIG but you rarely see a SHAW.

    ALIG would literally become the king of all weapons, as the only thing keeping it remotely balanced is its weight. As for the SHAW, absolutely. It was completely obsoleted the moment the AMG Stheno was made available. Technically when the AMG Euryale became available, but the cashwall mitigated that one for newer players.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Noob_Guardian said:

    I will say though, I legit hate getting 2v2s

    I mean yea, the game is designed around 4v4 (it's beyond obvious by the design of both missions and the gameplay map). I've always held the position that unopposed missions should never happen, and that matchmaking should always favor setting up 4v4 missions. To resolve the whole "group of 2, thus matchmaking tends to give them 2 opp for a 2v2" issue, just make it so that if a team has less than 4 players, they can call backup even if the two teams are technically balanced.


    6 minutes ago, Noob_Guardian said:

    When i see crim symbol and red name

    You pay attention to the rating symbol? What an odd way to IFF.

  3. 2 hours ago, Reprimand said:

    Controversial, but all weapons should be shot from vehicles. The car surfer mechanic should be femoved. 

    Nah, heavy weapons absolutely should not be usable out windows. Weapon weights in general need a rebalance as well. There should only be two weight classes, standard and heavy.


    Anything that is currently in the G1/RG introduced middle categories (N-SSW, SWARM, Oblivion, etc) need to be shifted down into standard, as they are pretty much universally just standard weapons given heavier weight. Meanwhile, there's a few standard weapons that need to be switched to the heavy category (like the O-PGL, for one).


    There's also some weapons that are standard weight, but disabled from car windows for no reasonable reason. Most shotguns, for example. These arbitrary restrictions should also be removed.

  4. On 2/10/2023 at 8:07 PM, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    Is this really the best evidence you have?

    How about the match I had yesterday?


    My team: 5x silvers of various low ratings (R0-R150 kind of deal) and myself (R255, matchmaking at mid/high silver level). No groups.

    Their team: 6x golds of mostly R255, and a couple at high rating (R195+). Two of them were in a group, the rest were randoms.


    Matchmaking is completely fucked, and has been completely fucked for many years. This shouldn't be surprising to anyone who's been around as long as you.

  5. 20 hours ago, yourrandomnobody74 said:

    if the game had longer TTK

    Agreed, game should be shifted towards a slightly longer TTK. Something like 1.1 or 1.2 would probably be right on point. The current like 0.7 or 0.8 we're at nowadays is just...


    20 hours ago, yourrandomnobody74 said:

    100% ADS accuracy with minimum-no bloom



    20 hours ago, yourrandomnobody74 said:

    unnecessary movement penalties removed

    Elaborate? Is this in reference to things like Scoped N-TEC dropping accuracy substantially if you move while ADS?


    20 hours ago, yourrandomnobody74 said:

    curve mechanics adjusted

    Remove curves, go back to linear damage drop off. When your target is X meters away, you should be able to know the precise damage you'll deal if you land your shot.


    20 hours ago, yourrandomnobody74 said:

    removed mods that adjust TTK and range

    Might as well just say "remove red weapon mods" because that's all this does. Disagree with this.


    All mods in the game should be converted to only have one level (similar to how the R195 mods are). Additionally, all mods should be available for the player to purchase from contacts from the start of the game, and usable without rating restriction (in other words, R0 across the board). Weapons with slots should unlock as part of standard contact progression (T0 contacts grant baseline weapons, T1 contacts grant 1 slot weapons, T2 contacts grant 2 slot weapons, and T3 contacts grant 3 slot weapons).


    What does this leave weapon roles, you ask? Well, weapon roles should unlock cosmetic content (titles, weapon skins, clothing, etc).

  6. Re-enabling 50v50 districts is a great step towards improving matchmaking. I'm surprised this wasn't mentioned in the patch notes, as it's a very big deal.


    So when are tracers being re-enabled? That was one of the biggest things I was looking forward to...

    • Like 1

  7. Don't remove the ability to disable alliance matching. It's so nice being able to just roll with your group, without having to worry about randos screwing the match balance.


    Instead, add a feature where players can opt into cross faction matching. By opting in, you open yourself to be matchable into a match where both sides can have any mixture of Enforcers and Criminals. If you don't opt in, you will only experience the traditional Enforcer vs Criminal matches. This feature would not be a permanent thing, you could always opt out at any time.




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  8. On 2/5/2023 at 12:21 PM, BlatMan said:

    At least with APB the server has the last say.

    I wonder how you'd react if you knew just how much of APB is client side trust... and that it used to be even more than it is now.

    2 hours ago, Yapopal said:

    Figured it out. Grenades fly to the right or left of the target, depending on the camera position. This happens if the character is near a car with which he can interact. It is necessary to sit on the right or left side of the car. You need to throw grenades towards the car. Grenades fly past the target regardless of the character's posture. If you move away from the car, the bug will disappear. This bug is critical if you use billiard balls. Because you need to throw them at an impressive distance. Further research revealed that OSMAW and OPGL type explosive devices behave in a similar way. The character is located near the side rearview mirror. I squat, get up, shoot through the car. The rocket is flying sideways. The bug is present in version 1.30. Firework, and OPGL behave the same as in the live version. Other types of explosive weapons are not available to me.

    This isn't a bug, it's an intentional feature. It's to help mitigate the user sending projectiles into the massively oversized hitboxes of the game's vehicles. For obvious reasons, hitting the car you're taking cover behind with an OSMAW isn't conducive to continued existence.

  9. 10 hours ago, R3ACT3M said:

    I mean a feature for voting for a rematch could also 100% be a thing (might be abusable so maybe no more than 1 rematch per time).

    So long as initiating that vote caused it to ask for everyone on both sides of the mission to put in a yay/nay, that could be a great feature. Would need to run on the logic of "super majority" though. For those who don't have this in their gov't, "super majority" means that simple majority isn't enough to pass something. An example of simple majority would be only needing 51 out of 100 votes. A super majority, however, would need at least 67 of 100 votes. So in the context of APB, a rematch would need at least 6 yay votes to pass, in a mission of 4v4 (8 total votes).

    10 hours ago, R3ACT3M said:

    As for it backing off per mission should shave off less than given if you abandon a live mission.

    Oh, absolutely. My thoughts (in a much longer post I was writing up, but ultimately discarded in favor of the simpler one I posted) were something like needing to win at least 3 missions to gain a single /abandonmission usage. It would run on a total points system, which means that you also couldn't "save up" a bunch of uses and then abandon like 10+ missions in a row without penalty. You'd only ever be able to have 2-3 consecutive abandons before penalty kicks in.

  10. As I've brought up many times over the years, unopposed missions should not happen. They are the biggest contributor to the game's matchmaking issues, and also the easiest thing to fix. Missions should only start if there are at least 2 players on both sides (ideally, 4 players on both, as that's what the game is designed around). This also has the added benefit of making it so that players actually have to play the mission, instead of the unopposed team "preparing" the mission so that as many stages as possible are already completed before opposition is even assigned.


    I do agree as well that /abandonmission should work in opposed missions, with a penalty system to discourage abuse. Such a system should allow 2-3 uses without penalty, but then ramp the penalties up exponentially on every use beyond that. Additionally, the system should back off each time the player completes a mission normally (ideally a bit more if the mission is a win, to incentivize positive gameplay), so that the player can earn more uses of /abandonmission throughout their gameplay session. Lastly, have a general daily reset, so that players start fresh the next day.

    • Like 2

  11. 13 hours ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    It's not even just tactics. It is just far more fun to actually have 'duels' with people.

    Yup. The most fun experiences related to TTK that I've had in this game over the years are those times that me and an opponent are duking it out. Hopping in and out of cover, between different covers, moving around to try and circle to the other's flank or avoid letting the other do so. Meanwhile CA3 is slowly trickling in health from regen, increasing the total number of shots we each can take (especially if using high STK guns like OCA etc).


    I wasn't around in the RTW days, but I can imagine based on such experiences what it would've been like back then with a longer TTK. It's not a hard thing to imagine, and it creates a longing for it that still lives in a part of me to this day. There was such potential for this game...

  12. On 12/20/2022 at 7:37 AM, yourrandomnobody74 said:

    Exactly. To add to this, the game wasn't designed for this low/short TTK and huge bloom gameplay, resulting in this mess of so-called 'weapons' we have in the game.

    When will we get high/long TTK and low bloom/no bloom, so we can finally have a proper TPS skill-based game? 😞

    This one gets it. Go back to the days when one could sprint across the street in line of sight of the enemy, yet have a reasonable chance of actually surviving. Make tactics matter more than twitch reflexes.

  13. Remember back when people laughed others out of the room when they suggested a PvE mode in Overwatch? Then the event Uprising was added, and it was one of the most well received events the game had ever had. Ended up starting a line of PvE content in the game that were all wildly successful.


    Despite what toxic PvPers try to gaslight people into believing, PvE has a significantly larger consumer base. Additionally, PvE consumers (whether they realize it or not), would love the basic concepts of many PvP type games if there was a PvE version available. Case in point, Uprising.


    Adding well designed AI opponents as an option, in their own districts so as to prevent any problems with the traditional PvP districts, would see a sizeable resurgence of interest in this game. No, it absolutely would not completely revive it, you'd be an idiot to think it would. However, the game doesn't need revival, it just needs a solid consumer base to keep the lights on.


    That being said, the keywords there are "well designed AI", which is something Little Orbit couldn't manage by any stretch of imagination. So this is a pipe dream held by people who don't know when to just let go of this title, that has no future anymore (and hasn't for several years).

  14. 15 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    Mitne, maybe it's not an easy fix.

    Each role is a numerical entry, with a set of true/false flags for the reward unlocks. It would take at most a few minutes to fix this issue Mitne is having, if they bothered to care.



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  15. 15 hours ago, Clumsyhunt3R said:

    Hvrs, for some reason, only do ~25% health damage when fired from the hip most of the time (seems to require that you have flicked to the target, possibly to prevent aimbot hvrs in cqc?)

    The damage of HVR-762 and HVR-236 scales based on the accuracy at the time of the shot. This was one of the many extremely clunky mechanics added to the HVRs to counter QS'ing, instead of actually fixing the root of the problem. Since the HVRs have an extremely high movement modifier, they thus lose all damage when fired from the hip.

    6 hours ago, R3ACT3M said:

    Pop shooting? Crouching then popping back up and clicking so you only expose yourself for the shot your taking. They should really fix this, it's a really cheap tactic especially when its abused.

    Will never be fixed so long as LO is terrified of adding action animations back into the game. Despite the fact that this would fix several core gameplay issues the game has, such as your mentioned pop shot tech and also the item sprint jump tech mentioned by another poster.

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