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Everything posted by SyllyBear

  1. You may have read everything i say and there still no shame. They have no shame to ruin our fun and i have No shame to name them. Anyone, even you that barely touched the game, could tell he was doing it because of his insane speed and literally killing everyone of his oposite team. He made quit 40 players (or 35 w/e, even closeters) right that moment and the quickest way to get attention for help is on forums. Is not like im making a list of players who i think cheat and start naming them. About amandaments i know its silly, anyone could make a public place private and start nullifing them one by one as they please, and i honestly dont care. About mods they could simply [REDACTED] the pic and say they are contacting a gm or anything to get that shit out of the game... but deleting the whole thread and warn me was the best option and cheater enjoy himself. They are undoubtedly helped to the toxicity as your gms kicking players so other players can reach the first place. Ofc i will insult them, they helped the cheater and fueled my anger. I hope you are near as frustrated as some players that had to stand cheaters for the amount of time they been playing and know that they run free once again, with multiples accounts to have fun after we all know they had second chances (more than second chances because they can make new accounts any time). And i hope you start making some filters so no freshly characters can join fc to start blatantly cheating at least. ps: your text seems weak and not inspirational to me honestly, and im tired of hoping. Hate me, spit me, insult me, ban me w/e it cross anyone mind, it will not change mine.
  2. No because there is no need to nerf ntec. There is no need to nerf honestly, only buff little by little.
  3. And so you, also You've chosen to ignore content by CookiePuss. Options (another cheaters suporter, unbanned scammer)
  4. Oh i need to block you in this acc, wait me please. EDIT: You've chosen to ignore content by BXNNXD. Options BB cheat supporter.
  5. And this is exactly what i am talking about, trickery. I even would pay if they actively ban cheaters and send it to my mail which one are cheating and how they caught it. A daily list with known names, and methods to prevent them to create new accounts or just make them pay again to create one. I was so happy when they implemented ff that i made a buy (never wanted to spend on this game because of cheaters, with all the honestity). Well that didn't last long, but that month, that single month, was the happiest in this game. Do you even know how it felt the lag free, able to shot at something without getting instantly killed, or have a decent to excellent score after years playing legit? I doubt it. It was like my efforts to learn to play the game and all my items were worth for that month.
  6. There are corrupt enforcers? Why cant they steal when there is no pop that could ever stop them?
  7. Theres been plenty, plenty of ideas to help stop cheaters across these years. Those ideas can all be bypassed, ofc, but at least server like shit filters. Anything that can be applied would and could serve. But guess who is allways trickering those ideas with cheap excuses... They lifted all, all the bans that been worked on for years. Some players took years to be banned and everyone knew they were cheating. They are unbanned now. They are bringing back their friend to start the story all over. They had second chances before and they didnt care. LO just threw money and effort and the most important PLAYERS to the trash doing that move. I would keep a legit player banned but hundred of closets account locked forever. Rerolls: they need to be stoped. Charge u$s5, even 1. Whipe unused accounts, whipe low rank accounts (unless they have armas purchases). Start charging for new accounts created... they will feed the system that prevents them to cheat. Or hire some professional gm (i doubt htere is anything decent out there). Yeah i know no one would pay a dollar to play this game, release 3.5, great graphics, something interesting, something to hook up palyers (as im typing this shit i am having ideas that i later forget but i am not wasting to type them) and start charging even a dollar. Cheaters wont hesitate to pay a dolar to keep shitting the fun of others. That money will be used to shit them back with their own spent money. I am pretty suspicious that if they do start taking action, they will be attacked with ddos non stop. Ok, thats where government starts taking action against these trash. And they need to be put behind bars. They tax every shit you virtually buy? Ok, its time fucking protect it (theyll eventually have more tax, its benefitial both sides).
  8. That rule does not apply if there is no shame, and cheaters do not know shame They also leave because they are so pusillanimous that they are scared to face each other. They need legit players to shit on them. Like the night ive been calling for help and im been banned for it, everyone left and cheaters left. Mods covering it up like good cheater protectors.
  9. Funny how they bring some copyright bullshoot or feminist bullshoot and they indeed make it work on the internet. It seems that some interests people do care. Anyways, plenty of people mentioned that you cant post certain stuff because certain law restrictions, but when it comes to freedom of speech it seems like null. What hypocricy. No private anything should be above governments law. I do not bring a person to my house and i am able to murder him because i am in a private space out of the law reach. Thats simply ridiculous.
  10. A lot. Better pc= better player. Its been like that since forever on every shooter game.
  11. Fine, we really needed an event that grows in toxicity, gms being dickheads to players who wanted to enjoy the event and now a damage control users to blame on players for playing. Well designed, really well designed. Def this is what we need in a dying population game. Instead of making an event where everyone could enjoy or get prizes without a skill pyramid based event... who is in charge of making these stuff honestly? Completly disgusting and shameful.
  12. Agreed, is getting really annoying, my wheeled friend.
  13. Ive seen people lagging, with even 5k ms they said. The visual lag in apb is little warps or getting stuck, never moving fast as a vegas around the map killing in perfect ttk everything in your path. Come on... at this point you are trying really hard to cover up shit.
  14. I really doubt that lag makes you run that fast, and i played with 2kms... you cant never reach a vegas speed running, for more than 10 seconds you should be done (cars can push you, as i say, there is no other way to reach that speed).
  15. Dude, its suposed to scan your files... i guess it works like an antivirus? What tunning are you even talking about? How can't even catch a guy that is speeding with two supposed running anticheats (gms are not existants so i wont even name them). Like you pass certain amount of speed for 30'' and you should get instabanned (you can move quick when a car crash you in ghost mode and move you incredibly fast, so 30'' should be enough). That for Ff... and be should catch anything injected, god. I have no idea but cheaters may be sending faster packets or w/e, they should be catched on the act. Be had months to be tuned... what is taking so long to be tuned for you?? It souns like a scam to me.
  16. Okey lets stop talking about battlesiege or whatever that game is and how that guy is cheating in singleplayer? Just tell me what you experience in apb specially fight club, and last night a rage cheater -covered by mods- making 40 players quit in like 10'. Even some cheaters doing it for weeks it seems. What is your lovely battle eye doing?
  17. You are losing yourself. Your support is non existant statistics saying that a lot of players and LO -that both made mistakes over and over as you could see reverting a lot of stuff which makes your point even more invalid- think that ntec "needs changes", but i see quality players saying otherwise and that ntec can be outguned any time by any gun. You really need to give up.
  18. I never insulted, just named what they usually say and do. Facts, facts. I am not sure how do you think that game lost quality and fun, a lot of it.
  19. Well i could see plenty of gameplay of him cheating, also listening to him talking about it. What a lot of silvers think of ntec (ive seen a silver saying that secondaries are better than primary guns, the new mode) and LO that doesnt know the game and made changes that broke the game are meaningless to me.
  20. I am not even asking to remove the fix... the gun is "fairly" good, but needs better hip fire accuracy and probably remove the burst fire when marksman. Also trade the "burst fire when marksman" to "greatly increase accuracy in marksman mode". That would make it a fairer gun that costs a lot of millions... just check my other forum account signature, i sold two legendaries + some good amount of money i already had to try it when they didnt fix the fire rate, and it wasnt that good either. I felt money lost anyways.
  21. Why are you bothering with him? He says ntec is op and he is obviously trolling you. Battletrash is not doing anything and can't catch blatant cheaters. They are scammers that sells a lot of smoke.
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